London still rules the roost when it comes to Wi Fi connectivity, with usage soaring 156 per cent and hotspot Harrys spending an average of 72 minutes online per session, according to iPass’s ‘Wi-Fi Hotspot Index’ which reports on Wi-Fi use for the second half of 2007.
Mike Slocombe
London Number One For Wi-Fi
Dell Launches XPS One Desktop In UK
Computer giants Dell have announced that they will be offering their stylish XPS One all-in-one desktop PC in the UK.
Occupying a similar chunk of the market as the Apple iMac, the XPS has been doing well in the States, where it was released as far back as November 2007.
(more…)YouTube Offers High Quality Video Sharing
Video sharing kings YouTube are in the process of whipping up the quality of their video stream, with users increasingly being given the option to view some YouTube videos as high quality streams.
Announced in the company blog, YouTube are keen to make more video content available in high res formats, with users being able to offer their video masterpieces in higher quality streams.
Palm Centro Smartphone Review (Part 4/4 – 88%)
In this final part of our review we check out the software, test the battery and give you our conclusion.
Palm packs a generous package of software with the Centro including the excellent Documents To Go 10 (for reading, editing, creating and syncing full Office 2007 Word, Excel, PowerPoint and text files), Pocket Tunes for MP3 playback, and all of the usual Palm PIM applications and utilities.
(more…)Palm Centro Smartphone Review (Part 3/4)
Yesterday we started getting to grips with the Centro, today we take some calls and check out the camera.
Taking calls
As a straightforward phone, the Centro performs very well indeed.
(more…)Palm Centro Smartphone Review (Part 2/4)
Yesterday, we took our first shufti at Palm’s new smartphone. Here we get a feel for the diminutive handset.
Around the phone
Looking around the rest of the phone, there’s the trademark convenient silent mode switch at the top, while the left side contains volume up/down buttons and a customisable function key.
(more…)Palm Centro Smartphone Review
Coming in a rounded, symmetrical design that is considerably smaller than its Treo predecessors, the new Palm Centro represents the dying gasp of Palm’s venerable operating system – but is it modern enough to provide a credible challenge to rivals in the marketplace?
(more…)Sony Giga Juke Players Get UK Release
Details of these two systems have been knocking about t’web for what seems like ages, but Sony have finally given a loud parp on their PR trumpet and officially announced their new range of Giga Juke home audio players.
(more…)Silver Surfers Smarter On Safer Online Shopping
They may struggle to tell the difference between LastNinja and LOLcats and bang on and on about how they used to leave their front doors open at night, but when it comes to online security, it’s the old folks who are the most sussed.
(more…)Paramount Movie Clips On Facebook
There was a flurry of backslapping in the boardroom as Paramount Pictures pressed fleshed and sealed a deal with Facebook to become the first major studio to let clips from its huge back catalogue be made available on the Internet.
The partnership will see Los Angeles-based developer FanRocket launching, nay unleashing, the VooZoo application on Facebook, giving users access to footage from thousands of movies, including blockbusters like “The Ten Commandments” and “Forrest Gump.”