There’s something that strikes us as being a little bit more than dodgy about these kind of products, but if you’ve ever fancied creeping about surreptitiously taking photos of folks, then these 1.3 Megapixel Spy Sunglasses with Remote Control could be the gadget of your dreams.
Mike Slocombe
Spooky Snapping Sunglasses With Remote Control
LG Black Label Phone: World’s Thinnest
Currently being buffed and brought up to a nice sheen deep in the bowels of LG’s mobile phone factory is the Black Label handset.
Thankfully, it looks like LG have elected not to name their new phone after a load of numbers, but have continued their trend for snappy monikers, with the new phone’s code name of ‘Black Label’ expected to be given a user-friendly name following on from their earlier Chocolate and Shine handsets.
Proporta USB Micro Mobile Device Charger – Review (86%)
We were mightily impressed with Proporta’s Mobile Survival Kit USB Emergency Charger when we reviewed it earlier this year, so we were keen to check out their new, shrunk down Micro version.
(more…)Pay To View Funeral Web Service Launched In UK
We thought it was an April Fools’ joke when we first saw it, but it seems that pay-per-view funerals really are about to go live in the UK.
The service lets mourners unable to attend attend services log in from their PCs, watch the ‘action’ and pay their last respects via the Internet – for a price, natch.
(more…)Brits Live In Fear Of Losing Mobile Phone Connectivity
If this week’s research is true, Brits are in a bit of dilemma.
A new study claiming that UK citizens live in mortal fear of losing their mobile signal has been announced just 24 hours after a leading boffin declared that mobile phones are as big a risk to your health as smoking.
(more…)LG Ice Cream Phone; Daft Name, Daft Pictures
We can always rely on LG to knock out “what’s wrong with being sexy” images to promote their latest phones, and they certainly seem to have pushed out the boat with this one.
(more…)Virgin Media Targets Illegal Downloaders
Virgin Media are on track to become the first UK Internet company to start slapping down customers downloading music illegally, with the company announcing a pilot scheme with music industry body, the BPI.
(more…)Yahoo Shine Site Targets Female Demographic
We’re not sure if women should be patronised or pleased, but Yahoo is launching a new site aimed at the “key demographic” of laydees aged between 25 and 54.
Called ‘Shine’ and launched this very day, the site’s main function appears to be to offer new opportunities to flog targeted advertising for consumer-packaged goods, retail and pharmaceuticals.
(more…)Mobiles “Could Kill More People Than Smoking”: New Study
We’re beginning to lose count of the amount of contradictory stories and studies claiming that mobile phones are evil human killers/totally harmless/death with an aerial, but worrying new research claims that mobiles could kill far more people than smoking or asbestos.
(more…)Mac OSX And XP Trump Vista For Corporate Satisfaction
Swivel action corporate types are five times more likely to declare that they are “very satisfied” with their OS if they’re tip-tip-typing away on a Mac OSX machine rather than one running Microsoft’s Windows Vista, according to a report by ChangeWave Research.