Wii Fit Review: After A Month: Boost Your Sex Life? & Scores (77%)

Yesterday we detailed the Wii Fit Balance activities. Today Ian asks if it will boost your sex life(!) and summarise his view and scores it.

Wii Fit Review: After A Month: Boost Your Sex Life? & ScoresWill Wii Fit help your sex life?
Let’s not over-state the case here: this is not an aphrodisiac. But still, there is undoubtedly a certain class of couple for whom Wii Fit may bring a new sexual awakening.

Picture the scene: you have been married for a dozen years or more, and your evenings have become… samey. It probably involves getting home, tired from work, putting kids to bed, watching a bit of telly and then wondering why life has become a bit lifeless as you brush your teeth.

Enter the Wii Fit. Suddenly you’re starting to see each other, literally, from new angles. And with fewer clothes on – on hot nights, with no clothes on at all, jiggling, in the living room! And you have challenges: you’re trying to get the better of one another, and you’re laughing together, and goodness me there is a new dawn, and lust has re-entered your lives! It’s a miracle, Made In Japan.

A word of warning if this sounds like you: do not break the Wii Fit by attempting to discover the centre of gravity of a shagging couple; it’s rated for a maximum weight of 300 pounds.

Wii Fit Review: After A Month: Boost Your Sex Life? & ScoresDoes it work?
Judging Wii Fit’s effectiveness really depends on your expectations. I guess the best guidance is to state categorically that it will not make a radical change to your fitness. It’s just too gentle for that – or at least, if you want it to have that marked an effect then you need to spend hours on it, and that’s what a proper gym membership is for.

It also suffers from being used in the living room, which is just a few steps away from your friend the fridge, full of nourishing post-workout cheese parcels. Mmm!

Wii Fit Review: After A Month: Boost Your Sex Life? & ScoresThe Wii Fit operates in a gentler world of “fitness awareness”. It will definitely give you a better idea of how generally fit you are, just by comparing you directly with others; and it’s likely to either depress or elate you with its ridiculous Wii Fit Age measurements. It will also help you to improve your balance, especially as the most frequently-used activities involve balance awareness. This in turn leads to better posture, which is no bad thing.

So ignore any promises from Nintendo that you will get fit, or keep fit, with Wii Fit, as you can clearly use it regularly and yet stay a chiefly lard-based life-form. The best I can say of it is not so marketing-friendly: it will help you stay aware of your balance and fitness, and prompt you towards occasional mobility to do something about it, and it will be enormous fun on the way. And for most people, that will be progress.

Fun: 82%
Gameplay: 60%
Graphics: 43%
Sound: 41%
Ease of use: 81%

Total: 77%

The Wii Fit is fun and easy with usual Nintendo graphics, that aren’t to everyone’s liking, including this reviewer.

    Complete review

  1. Wii Fit Review: A Month After Living With Wii Fit
  2. Wii Fit Review: Getting started with the Wii Fit and the Aerobic exercises
  3. Wii Fit Review: After A Month: The Balance Activities
  4. Wii Fit Review: After A Month: Does It Boost Your Sex Life? & Scores (77%)

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