Digital-Lifestyles pre-empted and reported thousands of articles on the then-coming impact that technology was to have on all forms of Media. Launched in 2001 as a research blog to aid its founder, Simon Perry, present at IBC 2002, it grew into a wide ranging, multi-author publication that was quoted in many publications globally including the BBC, was described by the Guardian as 'Informative' and also cited in a myriad of tech publications before closing in 2009

  • Iomega eGo Portable Hard Drives Announced

    Iomega eGo Portable Hard Drives AnnouncedLooking sleeker than an oily torpedo sliding through an ocean of hot butter is the new Iomega Announces eGo portable hard drives, announced Sunday.

    Served up in range of funky colours and offering up to 500GB in capacity, Iomega are feeling pretty charged up about their handiwork, describing the drives as being nothing less than the “ultimate embodiment of style and function in portable drives today.”


  • BPI: UK Music Download Sales Double

    BPI: UK Music Download Sales DoubleThe media may be stuffed full of hand-wringing tales of evil pirate downloaders busily hammering the last nails into the music industry, but new figures show that legal downloads are soaring.

    UK industry bods the BPI have announced that 9.5% of the population bought music downloads in 2008, a mighty leap upwards from the 5.1% who bought music online in 2007.


  • Wolfram Alpha – Revolutionary Search Engine Goes Live

    Wolfram Alpha - Revolutionary Search Engine Goes LiveA new search engine said to be a “significant rival” to web giant Google is now online and offering a new way to access information.

    Described as a “computation knowledge engine” rather than an ‘umble search engine, Wolfram Alpha is the work of British-born physicist Stephen Wolfram, who hopes his revolutionary products will change the way people use online data.


  • Sony Alpha 230, 330 and 380 Budget dSLRs On The Loose

    Sony Alpha 230, 330 and 380 Budget dSLRs On The LooseSony has released details of its new range of budget Alpha digital SLR cameras, with the company targeting folks looking to upgrade from compact cameras into the big wide world of dSLR shooting.


  • Ricoh CX1 Camera Review: First Look

    Ricoh CX1 Camera: First LookSurrounded by the hastily expelled contents of the cardboard box it came in is Ricoh’s brand spanking new CX1 digital compact camera, which has just arrived at Digi-Towers for review.


  • T-Mobile Offer Snappy SIM-Only Deals, Kill Us With Duffy

    Some time ago we whined long and hard about T-Mobile’s Inexplicably Stupid Upgrading Policy and kept on moaning straight through to write Part Two, a few days later.

    Our tree was rattled when we tried to bag a new T-Mobile G1 on contract, confident that our ten years – count ’em! – as a loyal paying customer with T-Mobile would surely be rewarded with handsome discounts all round. Sadly, we swiftly learned that in T Mobile’s world, a punter coming off the street is worth a whole load more than a loyal customer – to the tune of a hefty £305 penalty coming our way.


  • Sony X Series Walkman Takes On Apple’s iPod Touch

    Sony X Series Walkman Takes On Apple's iPod TouchSony has hoisted a vast box of its new X Series Walkmans into the air and given them a hefty kick towards the general direction of consumers at a UK launch today.

    Looking to take on the mighty iPod Touch, the new Walkmans look pretty good to our eyes, sporting a 3in touch-screen and coming in 16GB or 32GB flavours, capable of ferreting away up to 7,000 songs or 40 hours of video.


  • Wedding Lists Go Hi Tech

    Wedding Lists Go Hi TechProof indeed that Britain’s gone tech-crazy comes in the form of a department store’s breakdown of what’s on new couples’ wedding list.

    UK store John Lewis has released a list of top 20 items to appear on couples’ wedding lists, with the Nintendo Wii figuring prominently, as well as high def TVs and speaker docks also being requested.


  • Championship Manager Football For iPhone

    Championship Manager Football For iPhoneChampionship Manager, one of the most hideously addictive games ever created by humans has been released for the iPhone.

    Simultaneously wonderfully playable and hideously anti-social, we had to force ourselves to give up playing the game way back when it was an Amiga title.


  • Star Droid Night Sky Mapping App From Google

    Star Droid Night Sky Mapping App From GoogleGrowing up in an age where hoverboots, weekend breaks to Mars and swooshing automatic doors seemed an absolute certainty, we’ve found ourselves a little disappointed by the subsequent lack of the promised lunar thrills.

    However, while we may be in the gutter, we can still look at the stars, and that’s a job that’s going to be a lot more interactive and fun thanks to Google’s fantastic new mobile phone application called ‘Star Droid’.
