Gary McKinnon: All Legal Routes Exhausted: Extradition To US Likely

Gary McKinnon: All Legal Routes Exhausted: Extradition To US LikelyWe heard news from Gary McKinnon’s law firm, Kaim Todner, that the European Court of Human Rights (‘ECtHR’) has ruled against their recent application to have Gary’s extradition to the US halted.

The temporary prohibition of McKinnon’s extradition, as granted by the ECtHR on 12 August, is now effectively lifted and the authorities of the United Kingdom are now free to extradite our client to the United States.

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Adobe Launches Cloud Services, Updates to Elements And Premiere Elements

Adobe Launches Cloud Services, Updates to Elements And Premiere ElementsGraphics software giants Adobe are set to get into ‘the cloud’ with their new service, due to launch in October.

The online service will offer two levels of membership: a free, basic membership which offers 5GB of storage and automatic backup of images to Adobe’s servers, with the Plus membership upping the storage to 20GB of storage, with options to get regular design advice, new tutorials, tips and seasonal artwork.

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All 84,000 UK Prisoner’s Details Lost On Data Stick

All 84,000 UK Prisoner's Details Lost On Data StickYet another UK Government data loss story today.

Today’s is the loss of the names, dates of birth and, in some cases, the expected prison release dates of all 84,000 prisoners in the UK.

As well as this shocking amount of data, there was more held on the memory stick that it’s reported that PA Consulting lost.

PA Consulting have also worked on the proposed ID Card project.

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Digital Design Day Details: 17 September, London

Digital Design Day Details: 17 September, LondonWe know that lots of you, dear reader, are into Digital Design. Well, NMK have brought an event to our attention that we think you could well enjoy.

Digital Design Day is part of the London Design Festival and will be running the full day of 17th September 2008 at the Southbank Centre in London.

Scheduled to run between 9am and 11:30pm. The breakdown of the free and pay-for events is below.

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Directory Opus v9.1 File manager For Windows: Review (91%)

Directory Opus v9.1 File manager For Windows: Review (91%)If you’re getting frustrated by the limitations of the Windows Explorer interface and fancy something a bit more geared towards the power user, it may be worth taking a look at the feature-stuffed Directory Opus, a commercial file manager that offers more bells and whistles than Santa’s float at Carnival.

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