Digital-Lifestyles pre-empted and reported thousands of articles on the then-coming impact that technology was to have on all forms of Media. Launched in 2001 as a research blog to aid its founder, Simon Perry, present at IBC 2002, it grew into a wide ranging, multi-author publication that was quoted in many publications globally including the BBC, was described by the Guardian as 'Informative' and also cited in a myriad of tech publications before closing in 2009

  • Searching For The Supremo Smartphone (Part Three)

    Searching For The Supremo Smartphone (Part Three)In Part One and Part Two we worked our way through some of the best smartphones on the market.

    LG KF750 Secret
    Looking way slick with its carbon fibre battery cover and tempered glass display, the Secret is a neat sliderphone packed with a ton of multimedia gizmos wedged into its slimline frame.

    There’s a 5MP autofocus camera with AF-assist light onboard, backed by VGA video recording at 30 fps, plus SloMo and Fast video recording options.


  • Pomegranate Phone Launches With Unbelievable Features

    Pomegranate Phone Launches With Unbelievable FeaturesHave you seen the Pomegranate Phone yet?

    If you thought that the iPhone/ Storm/ Diamond were the very latest, you’re not up to speed.

    The Pomegranate Phone has feature that current-generation phones can only dream about.


  • Searching For The Supremo Smartphone (Part Two)

    Searching For The Supremo Smartphone (Part Two)In part one of our review of the best smartphones on the market we looked at the Apple 3G iPhone, the Palm Centro, the Blackberry Bold and the Sony Ericsson C905.

    Read on for our next selection.


  • Apple User Copy Protection Fury

    Apple User Copy Protection FuryIt’s looking like Apple has built copy protection into their new laptops, without bothering to tell prospective purchasers about it.

    The currently Apple-faithful who have bought the new laptops, including the MacBook Pro and MacBook Air, are finding that if they try to play films – that they have legitimately rented through Apple iTunes Store – through a non-HDCP external screen or projector are begin met with a message “This movie cannot be played because a display that is not authorised to play protected movies is connected.”

    Not surprisingly this has angered them a great deal – and quite rightly in our view.

    Given how Apple go to a great of effort in launching their products to the world, we think it’s pretty disingenuous not to mention that the laptops that are being bought have High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection (HDCP) built into them.


  • Future Of Mobile 2008 Event Review

    Future Of Mobile 2008 Event ReviewFOM (Future of Mobile) is an event run by Carsonified who also run FOWA (the Future of Web Applications) previously reported by Digital Lifestyles. It took place on Monday and Tues this week (17/18th Nov) in Kensington.


  • Searching For The Supremo Smartphone (Part One)

    Searching For The Supremo SmartphoneLook, we’ll come right out with it. We’re gadget freaks.

    We like to strut around with the latest gizmos throbbing in our pockets, and tote the latest technology. When it comes to smartphones, we want the best, but what is the supreme smartphone right now?

    We take a comprehensive look at what’s on offer in the top end of the market and chew over bagfuls of specs in our quest to find the perfect smartphone.


  • BBC Website To Become “Corporations Second Biggest Channel By 2012”

    BBC Website To Become BBC’s hugely popular website is on course to become the Corporation’s second biggest property in just four years, according to their new director of future media and technology, Erik Huggers.

    Spurred on by the success of their BBC iPlayer service, the BBC’s website has seen huge traffic rises and now looks set to be second only to their flagship channel BBC1 by 2012.


  • T-Mobile G1 Handset Sales Fails To Match Hype

     T-Mobile G1 Handset Sales Fails To Match HypeT-Mobile may be busy bigging up a rosy picture of the soaraway success of their Android-powered G1 phone and gushing that sales are “exceeding expectations”, but UK trade newspaper Mobile News is telling a different story.

    According to the paper, the G1 (‘Google phone’) hasn’t exactly been hurtling out of British shops, with sales failing to reflect the 30,000 pre-order sales T-Mobile claimed before the launch.


  • Scots Are Big PC Spenders, Lancs Folks Skinflints

    Scots Are Big PC Spenders, Lancs Folks SkinflintsThe media stereotype might have the Scots as haggis-scoffing skinflints, but a new study shows that when it comes to laptops, they’re one of the big spenders around town.


  • The Queen Visits Vodafone HQ (Videos)

    The Queen Visits Vodafone HQ (Videos)The Queen visited the head offices of Vodafone in Newbury last week on 14 November – perhaps to make sure that she got hold of her Blackberry Storm :)

    There is that joke that the Queen thinks that everywhere outside of Buckingham palace smells of paint, because everyone redecorates before she arrives.
