
Cellular related stories

  • Hyundai W-100 Wrist Phone Stuffs In The Functionality

    Hyundai W-100 Wrist Phone Stuffs In The FunctionalityAlthough we’ve never really been convinced by their practicality, we’ve always warmed to the idea of strutting around with a cool hi-tech gadget stuck on our wrist (even if the aforementioned article would most likely be full of fail after a big night in the pub).

  • Nokia Ships Updated N95 Phone Packing 8GB

    Nokia Ships Updated N95 Phone Packing 8GBLooking the soon-come iPhone straight in the iEye and saying, “Eat my feature list, Jobsie!” is the updated Nokia N95 8GB handset packing – as the name suggests – 8GB of built-in storage.

    Starting global shipments from today, the Nokia N95 8GB boasts a slightly bigger 2.8″ QVGA display (although still stuck at the lowish 320×240 pixels resolution) and the same 2-way slide out screen.

  • Mobile Internet Access Hits 15m In UK

    If the growth of mobile access use continues at the current rate in the UK, future Brits may develop hands with massive thumbs, teensy little fingers and Quasimodo-like hunches developed from squinting at tiny little screens, according to a new study by the Mobile Data Association.

    Well, alright, we made up the bit about the possible Darwinian side-effects, but the figures show that an awful lot of us are now getting on line with our phones, with the total now hovering around the 15 million mark.

  • Google GPhone Rumours Continue – OS Only?

    Google GPhone Rumours Continue - OS Only?There’s been endless rumours, denials and loud speculation on the web about the existence of Goggle’s GPhone project, but a report today in the New York Times seems to confirm that the search engine giants are indeed about to release their own mobile operating system and possibly a handset.

  • HTC Launches UMPC Shift

    HTC Launches UMPC ShiftGetting ready to dash into the shops by the end of the month is HTC’s new Ultra-Mobile PC (UMPC), the HTC Shift.

    Packing a 7-inch 800 x 480 pixel touchscreen and QWERTY keyboard into its 207x/129×25 mm body, the Shift lives up to is name with the screen tilting upwards to provide a laptop-like experience.

  • T-Mobile MDA Vario III Hits The UK

    T-Mobile MDA Vario III Hits The UKExpected to be shimmying onto T-Mobile’s shelves as your peepers traverse this line of text is the new MDA Vario III smartphone (also known as the HTC Kaiser).

    Veritably bulging with functionality, the Windows Mobile 6 powered PocketPC packs a built-in GPS receiver, Wi-Fi and three megapixel camera.

  • EU Slashes Mobile Charges

    EU Slashes Mobile ChargesThanks to the European Commission, mobile phone calls within the EU have just got a whole load cheaper.

    The Commission has wielded its mighty powers to establish limits on how much mobile phone operators can charge their customers, with calls now costing no more than 34 pence a minute, while incoming calls are now pegged at a 17p/minute rate.

  • SlingPlayer Mobile For S60 Symbian Phones

    SlingPlayer Mobile For S60 Symbian PhonesThose who have Nokia Nseries and Eseries phones will be able to buy software, SlingPlayer, to play the video content from their homes to the handsets, wherever they are, from their Sling Boxes.

    Quick resume on Sling Box: plug one into your TV at home and any programmes that you can watch can be viewed remotely, either on a computer, or portable device. Not only can you change channels remotely, but control the DVR functions.

  • Samsung Armani Phone Packs Haptic Feedback Interface

    Samsung Armani Phone Packs Haptic Feedback InterfaceHot off the high end product presses and ready to burn a hole in the pockets of the fashion conscious is the glitzy Armani phone.

    The result of a collaboration with Samsung, this Prada-esque slice of ostentatious consumption packs an interesting innovation in the shape of a haptic feedback user interface.

  • Palm Treo 500v Review: Smartphone (Part 3/3: 87%)

    Palm Treo 500v Smartphone Review (Part 3: 87%)This is the last section of the review – check back on parts 1 and 2.

    Camera and video
    The onboard 2MP camera produced reasonable enough results although the accompanying thunderous shutter sound effect is likely to startle sleeping babies and send nearby cattle stampeding. We sure it’s in there somewhere, but we couldn’t find a way to turn the ruddy thing off.