

  • January A Bumper Month For Spam, Mobile Spam Increases

    January A Bumper Month For Spam, Mobile Spam IncreasesSo, it’s Monday morning, you’ve sat down at your desk, powered up your PC and then slunk lower and lower in your chair as a fresh tide of spam rolls into your inbox.

    And if you’re thinking that January was a pretty bad month for spam, you’d be right.

    Commtouch’s virus and spam statistics for January 2006 show that the year started out with a bang, with four massive virus attacks unleashed during the month including an evil sounding “multi-wave attack of 7 variants.”

    The company noted that the most aggressive attacks struck before the average anti-virus vendor could even release a signature

    “The number of massive attacks grew in January,” points out Amir Lev, President and CTO. “In large part due to the speed of distribution, they succeeded in reaching many of their targets despite the presence of traditional anti-virus programs.”

    Looking through the depressing stats for January reveals 19 new email-born significant virus attacks, of which eight (42%) were categorised as “low intensity”, seven (37%) “Medium Intensity” and four (21%) rated as massive attacks – a rare phenomenon for a single month.

    The report also tracks the domains used by spammers, with leading the list with 4.7 million spams, followed by (4.2 million), (2.1 million), (1.9 million) and (1.5 million).

    As usual, most of the spam revolved around dodgy pharmaceuticals (52%), gifts (14%), ‘enhancers and diets’ (13%), refinancing (7.5%), software (6%), porn and local dating (5%) and fraud (just under 1%).

    January A Bumper Month For Spam, Mobile Spam IncreasesIf musing over updated spam graphs are your thing, check out the Commtouch stats page

    SMS Onslaught in Korea
    In Korea, unwanted text messages and spam phone calls have got so bad that the Korea Communication Commission (KCC) is to take the unusual step of punishing the country’s telecom companies, along with unlawful marketers.

    “Up until now, we have checked just spam senders. But we are required to take punitive actions against fixed-line telecom entities, which are partially responsible,” commented KCC secretary general Kim In-soo.

    Initially, mobile spam looked to be in decline after the introduction of an opt-in system in March, 2005 which prohibited marketers from placing promotional calls or sending advertising messages to handset users who hadn’t given explicit permission in advance.

    Sneaky marketers tried to get around this with a clever bit of human engineering: they fired off hundreds of computer-generated calls to mobile phones that hung up after just one ring.

    Any curious recipients calling back to find out whose call they missed found themselves connected to a porn hotline charged at premium rates. Ouch!

  • What Software On Which PDAs? Survey

    Handango Releases 2005 Mobile Software StatsHandango has released their annual “Handango Yardstick”, a global snapshot of the state of the mobile content industry in 2005.

    Containing specific reports for each of the five major mobile operating systems – BlackBerry, Palm OS, Symbian OS and Windows Mobile Pocket PC and Smartphone – the Yardstick offers stats on the top devices downloading software and digital content, best-selling applications and ringtones and software sales by category etc.

    Their 2005 report reveals that multimedia was the hot new category for 2005 with fast-rising sales on all platforms.

    Across the board, MP3 and music players; DVD/video converters and viewer and ringtone managers topped the best sellers list, with multimedia content ranking seventh in the top ten sales by categories

    The big hitters included Ring Tone Megaplex for BlackBerry, Ringo Pro for Palm OS, Pocket-DVD Studio for Windows Mobile Pocket PC and SmartMovie for Symbian OS.

    The Yardstick reported an overall increase in the average selling price (ASP) of mobile applications, surging upwards from $16.96 in 2004 to $20.03 in 2005.

    The dynamic nature of the smartphone/PDA industry was reflected by the fact that only four of the top ten devices adding content in 2004 – the Palm Treo 600/650, O2 XDA, Sony Ericsson P900/P910 and Palm Tungsten T Series – stayed in the list.

    Handango Releases 2005 Mobile Software StatsNew additions included the Motorola RAZR V3, the BlackBerry 7100 Series and the BlackBerry 7250/7290 (the first BlackBerry smartphone to ever make the top ten).

    The Palm Treo 650 shunted the Treo 600 into second place as it grabbed the title of the number one device adding content, with the Palm Tungsten E, Palm Tungsten T3 and Palm Tungsten T5 trailing behind.

    Although more than 2,125 new applications were created for the Palm OS in 2005, this represented a hefty 89 percent decrease from last year.

    Here’s the top ten best-selling applications for Palm OS according to Handago:

    • 1. Agendus Professional Edition
    • 2. Treo Voice Dialing
    • 3. AOL for Treo 650
    • 4. Agendus Standard Edition
    • 5. PocketMirror Standard Edition
    • 6. Diet & Exercise Assistant
    • 7. SplashID
    • 8. KeySuite
    • 10. Ringo Pro

    Palm Yardstick [PDF]

    Windows Mobile Pocket PC
    A total of 3,024 new applications were launched on Windows Mobile Pocket PC platforms in 2005 – down on the previous year’s total by 17 percent.

    Handango Releases 2005 Mobile Software StatsThe top ten Windows Mobile Pocket PC applications were:

    • 1. Spb Pocket Plus
    • 2. Battery Pack Pro
    • 3. Agenda Fusion
    • 4. Pocket-DVD Studio
    • 5. SBSH PocketBreeze
    • 6. Microsoft Voice Command – US Edition
    • 7. Pocket Informant
    • 8. eWallet
    • 9. Pocket Controller-Professional
    • 10. Spb Weather

    Pocket PC Yardstick [PDF]
    Smartphone Yardstick [PDF]

    The Handango Yardstick reported a busy year for BlackBerry with 462 new applications contributing to a 67 percent increase over last year.

    The top three BlackBerry devices adding content in 2005 — the BlackBerry 7250, BlackBerry 7290 and BlackBerry 7100t — were also three of the top smartphones adding content across all platforms.

    The top ten best-selling applications for BlackBerry were:

    • 1. Ring Tone Megaplex
    • 2. WebViewer
    • 3. Aces Texas Hold’em – No Limit
    • 4. IM+
    • 5. Acrobat PDF Graphical Attachment Booster
    • 6. CryptMagic + PC Desktop
    • 7. Sol Mania
    • 8. Ascendo Photos
    • 9. Requwireless Value Bundle
    • 10. PocketDay Professional Edition

    Blackberry Yardstick [PDF]
    Symbian Yardstick


  • Mac Virus: Uses Spotlight (Argh!), But Intel Mac Safe (Update 2)

    Mac Virus: Uses Spotlight (Argh!), But Intel Mac SafeThe days of smugness of Apple Macintosh users are coming to an end. Symantec is reporting that they’ve recently identified a virus for Macs. It’s a pretty rare occurrence, given there’s only been about 10 Apple viruses in the last 10 years.

    Given the rareness of this, we felt it’d be worth delving further into this one.

    The OSX/Leap-A virus uses the Apple Instant Messaging (IM) software, iChat, to spread itself. Once installed, it spreads itself by forwarding the virus payload (translated – reads the program that infects your machine) as photos from your IM pal, under the name ‘latestpics.tgz’. It’s not selective, it just runs through your IM list attempting to infecting each of them in turn.

    Macs still safer
    The next stage illustrates PC & Mac virus are notably different. To become infected, the recipient has to get involved, and not just once, but follow a few clicks.

    In the case of the OSX/Leap virus – the .gz file has to be accepted; clicked on to unbundle; then executed. The more steps there are to follow, leads to a significant reduction in the chances of it being executed without suspicion. PC viruses often install themselves without the user knowing anything about it.

    Symantec tell us that to date, no Apple Mac virus has been able to install itself without the user getting involved in some way.

    Spotlight – used by OSX/Leap
    Illustrating the double-edged side of all technology, this virus uses Spotlight, the Apple supplied quick searching service that ships with OSX.

    Mac Virus: Uses Spotlight (Argh!), But Intel Mac SafeBy identifying the four most recently executed apps using Spotlight, it uses this information to attempt to infect these files.

    Many Mac users will find this the most disturbing aspect of this virus. Something as integrated and wide-ranging as Spotlight being able to be taken over by a malicious program is very worrying.

    Safe with Intel-based Mac?

    (Update: Thanks to Lee Dickey for getting in touch pointing out that what we’ve written, about OSX.Leap not running on Intel-Macs conflicts with the advice on the Symantec page. To be clear, when we were researching the original article we spoke to Eric Chien, Chief Researcher at Symantec. He told us it did _not_ run on the Intel-Macs.)

    (Update 2: We’ve re-contacted Mr Chien today, and he now informs us that it _does_ run on Intel-Macs, but won’t spread from them. His words …

    There is no malicious payload (e.g., deleting of files, sending out personal information, etc.) in the threat itself and thus, on both Intel AND PPC.

    The threat merely tries to replicate. On Intel, it does not executeproperly and does not replicate successfully, but can be saved andcopied onto the system. The threat itself was clearly written for PPC.

    Ammendmants to our text have been made.)

    When delving into this, we found it interesting that the virus code doesn’t execute, at all, spread on Intel-based Macs, even when using the compatibility emulator, Rosetta. Summary – Intel-based Macs are safe from damage this heartless-beasty.

    Start the queue here marked ‘Conspiracy: Getting you to buy an Intel-based Mac.’

    Discussion on IM worm viruses
    We chatted over the currently state of Apple Mac viruses with Eric Chien, Chief Researcher with Symantec. It’s clear that it’s early days for Mac viruses, just take a look at the total lack of social engineering involved with the virus payload. All that’s delivered is the gz file, no supporting message to entice you into looking at them like, ‘hey have a look at these’, ‘here’s some shots of you last time you danced naked through town’, nothing.

    On the general subject of IM worms (viruses that use IM to transport themselves), we wondered if IM is less successful as IM users are generally more tech-aware, therefore less likely to be tricked into getting infected. As Chien pointed out, there’s also an instant response route to the potential-infector – ‘what’s this you’re sending me’ – which is likely to de-rail a lot of infection.

    One of the benefits in using IM to distribute viruses is that it plays on the intimate relationship with everyone on your IM list. They wouldn’t be there without that level of trust and this is easily abused – currently.

    Full details of how OSX/Leap installs itself and how to get rid of it are available from Symantec

  • Guitar Hero: PS2 Release In Europe

    Air Guitar Hero: PS2 Release In EuropeIt’s rare that there are inconsistencies in the Digital-Lifestyles clan, but there’s one subject that brings a split consensus. Some of us, me included, think that different forms of controllers for video game is a trend that is just starting – a more natural way of working with the games console is inevitable, like the Reebok CyberRider we reviewed at the start of 2003. Others think they’re just a plain daft idea, to be forgotten in the twitch of a joystick.

    Guitar Hero on the PS2 has re-ignited the subject as it features a guitar controller modeled on the classic Gibson SG.

    Air Guitar Hero: PS2 Release In EuropeRock-power-fiends will set their fingers a flyin’ around the five frets, strum-bar and whammy bar. Beyond the buttons, there’s an alignment sensor used to gain extra style points when it’s played vertically. Expect the inducement of dizziness as heads are thrown around in a frenzy.

    Gameplay for single players includes a ‘career’ mode, taking you from playing small indie club on your path to the rock-mega-god status of playing stadiums.

    Air Guitar Hero: PS2 Release In EuropeWith the Multiplayer mode seeing two players facing-off in what are described as ‘an electrifying series of guitar duels’, it’s quite unclear what will happen over artistic differences, or even usages of the power axe (otherwise known as guitar) as there’s only one shipped with the software.

    The game format will be familiar to anyone who’s ever played or even seen a game like Dance Dance Revolution. Different coloured objects move down the screen towards you and actions have to be performed to match these object.

    Air Guitar Hero: PS2 Release In EuropeInitial previews have been strong and it’s gained from PR boosts with the like The Darkness talking about on MTV Overdrive. It looks like there’s high hopes from this one.

    Guitar Hero will be released in the UK in April 2006, priced £49.99 (including SG controller). Rollout throughout Europe will follow shortly.

    We’re looking forward to getting our hands on it.

    Guitar Hero Games
    (There’s a video of The Darkness talking about Guitar Hero on MTV Overdrive, which due to Geo-locations filters, we are unable to see in the UK as ” MTV Overdrive is currently unavailable in” our “territory”>

  • NTL And BitTorrent Announce P2P File-Sharing Trial

    NTL And BitTorrent Announce P2P File-Sharing TrialMajor UK consumer broadband providers NTL are teaming up with BitTorrent, the developers of the world’s most popular peer-to-peer (P2P) application.

    The download service will offer a large variety of licensed video content for purchase in the UK, including popular films, music videos and TV programmes.

    BitTorrent’s enormous bandwidth-hogging qualities has proved expensive for some Internet providers, but NTL are looking to speed delivery and reduce network costs by using CacheLogic’s caching technology which stores frequently downloaded files within the NTL network.

    NTL believes that this combination will provide ultra-fast download speeds of broadcast quality content – or, as Kevin Baughan, their director of network strategy liked to call it, a “transformational video downloading experience.”

    BitTorrent is already firmly established as the de facto tool of choice for connoisseurs of pirated TV and movie files, with BitTorrent traffic estimated to hog around a third of all internet bandwidth, and an even higher ratio on NTL’s network.

    NTL And BitTorrent Announce P2P File-Sharing TrialNaturally, rights holders and movie heavyweights weren’t too chuffed to see their content whizzing around the Internet for gratis, and quickly hired in squadrons of lawyers to apply pressure on BitTorrent.

    Late last year, a deal was struck with the Motion Picture Association of America to remove copyrighted material from the search engine, and the company has since been in talks with movie moguls and Internet service providers to find ways to use the software for the distribution of legal, paid-for downloads.

    “NTL has seen a huge percentage of their traffic in the BitTorrent protocol,” said BitTorrent President Ashwin Navin. “But in the past, neither rights holders, ISPs nor BitTorrent derived any economic benefit from it.”

    NTL’s trial is expected to start next month and run through the summer, with a small initial sample group of around 100 homes.


  • DS Lite: New official Nintendo photos

    This just in … New official photos of the Nintendo DS Lite. Since the end of January, there’s been mockups and photoshop’d images appearing on gadgets sites all over the Web.

    DS Lite: New official photos

    Well, you know that good things come to those that wait and we’re here to deliver to you – witness the very latest, hot off the wires images of the DS Lite.

    Nintendo top man Satoru Iwata announced it on 26 Jan, telling the world the Nintendo DS Lite would be less than two-thirds the size of the original DS and more than 20 percent lighter. He also revealed, to the relief of many, that it would also have a brighter screen too.

    It’s expected to hit Japan in March – the start is rurmoured. Europe and elsewhere sometime after.

    DS Lite: New official photos

    DS Lite: New official photos

    Nintendo Japan DS Lite site

  • Anyone Got A Job For Free Culture IP Lawyer?

    Anyone Got A Job For Free Culture IP Lawyer?Inga Chernyak, until recently, had a legal clerk job at an IP law firm in New York City. On the 26 January she was called in to the firms HR department and fired.

    Why does that make news in Digital-Lifestyles?

    Her claim is that she was told it was because she’d appeared in an article in the New York’s Village Voice, discussing the Lawrence Lessig-inspired Free Culture movement. The article came out in the Village Voice on 10 January. She was fired on the 26th.

    She also assets that they told her that her “views about what the firm does were incompatible with…what the firm does.” Her views on the expansion of Copyright laws are that they place overt restrictions on the population as a whole.

    Anyone Got A Job For Free Culture IP Lawyer?There may be those who think that it’s pretty obvious that is you work in an IP firm; wanting to train as an IP lawyer; you hold views that IP law is over restrictive; then have your name and photo featured in an article that starts by describing how to circumvent CD DRM protection and are a founder of NYU chapter of the Free Culture movement – you’re going to end up in trouble said IP law firm. Others cry foul.

    Given how the blogging world works, I’d imagine that this incident will far from harm her career, and as she says in her own words, “as a member of the Free Culture movement, and a young woman of 19 without children to support, I can afford to take this blow in the name of progress.”

    Take a stand against DRM? Get fired from your day job

  • Google Release Version 4 of Toolbar to Boost User Loyalty

    Google Release Version 4 of Toolbar to Boost User LoyaltyGoogle have released version 4 of their popular toolbar for Web browsers, with groovy new features to lure more visitors to their sites.

    The new toolbar comes with an enhanced search box offering a dynamic list of suggestions based on popular Google searches, spelling corrections and the user’s Toolbar search history/bookmarks.

    A new Custom Buttons feature lets users create their own buttons to search chosen Web sites or display RSS feeds from selected sites.

    Clicking the ‘G’ icon in the search box also lets users search different Google sites, the current site, or their Custom Button sites.

    Google Release Version 4 of Toolbar to Boost User LoyaltyThe Bookmarks functionality has also been enhanced to allow users to create and label bookmarks that can be accessed from any computer – something noticeable missing from arch-rival Internet Explorer.

    Users will need a Google account for this to work, but once signed in they’ll be able to access their Bookmarks menu on any computer with the new Google Toolbar installed.

    Google’s new ‘Send To’ feature lets users share Web pages via email, text message (SMS), or blog.

    An entire page can be sent by selecting the Toolbar’s “Send To” menu, whereas snippets can be conveniently sent by simply selecting the content you want before clicking “Send To.”

    Although sending text messages via the Google Toolbar is free, charges may be slapped on by mobile networks, and we’re not sure if this feature will work in the UK as yet.

    The new gizmos add more power to the Google toolbar which already offers useful functions like word translation, spell checking, auto-fill, pop-up blocking (IE only) and page rank display.

    Google Release Version 4 of Toolbar to Boost User LoyaltyBy ramping up the feature set Google is hoping to grab a larger share of Web users (and thus more advertisers) and steal a march on Yahoo and Microsoft who both offer their own toolbars.

    [The toolbar] “promotes loyalty and repeat usage,” said Greg Sterling, an analyst at market researcher Kelsey Group Inc. in San Francisco.

    “Over time everyone expects the number of searches initiated in the toolbar to grow,” he added.

    The new Google toolbar is available from its website and as part of the recently announced Google Pack.

    Google Toolbar 4

  • ZipTV: UK iTV Pioneer Falters

    ZipTV: UK iTV Pioneer FaltersA great shame to hear that ZipTV has had to enter receivership.

    ZipTV launched in July 2004 with high ideals. Their original aim was to take on the mighty power of Sky and create an interactive advertising channel running in parallel to Sky TV’s programming.

    ZipTV: UK iTV Pioneer FaltersThey way it worked was, as the punters were watching ‘normal’ TV and an advert from one of ZipTV’s clients was shown, a press of the Red button on the remote control (the UK standard for interaction), would take the punter away from the ‘normal’ TV show, to a dedicated TV channel. This gave the advertiser the opportunity to show an 8 minute video advert, but just pay for a 30-second spot-ad to get them there.

    A very neat idea, I’m sure you’ll agree.

    Taking on Sky, especially their income-generating advertising is … well, brave to say the least. If you were contemplating it, it’s the sort of thing you check with your lawyer, bank manager and then frankly, your psychiatrist before doing. We’re not sure if ZipTV did any of these.

    ZipTV: UK iTV Pioneer FaltersYou see Sky, and it’s very competent employees and owner, Rupert Murdoch don’t muck around. If they see some bright young things coming along with a super wheeze they will drain their income – it will get their attention – and not in a good, cuddly way.

    In advance of launching, ZipTV gathered some of the biggest advertisers around, including Honda, BT and Unilever, but some were lots prior to their launch.

    Not surprisingly Andrew Howells, founder and joint managing partner at Zip TV, said, “Having a genuine alternative to Sky is a necessity. There is only room for one alternative and it needs to be an independent one.”

  • Opera Mini: Mobile Java Web Browser For Free

    Opera Releases Free 'Opera Mini' Mobile Web BrowserOpera Software have announced the worldwide release of Opera Mini, a Java-powered Web browser that runs on almost every mobile phone, including low-and mid-end handsets.

    After successful trials in the Nordics and Germany in late 2005 attracted a user base of over one million people, Opera Mini has been made available free of charge via WAP download, or for a small fee via SMS.

    Opera Mini speeds up mobile surfing by compressing Web pages by up to 80% and reformatting the content using Small-Screen Rendering – a system that involves using a proxy server to make Web pages accessible on low power, small-screen devices.

    Opera Releases Free 'Opera Mini' Mobile Web BrowserAs a result of the compression technology, users can surf the Web faster – and those paying for their data traffic can dramatically reduce their bandwidth costs.

    To support the public roll-out, Christen Krogh, vice-president of engineering for Opera, said that the company have installed more than 100 new, Linux-based servers.

    Opening up the program takes you to a start screen featuring the ubiquitous Google search box, with the option to set up a customised bookmark list.

    Opera Releases Free 'Opera Mini' Mobile Web Browser“With Opera Mini most people can start surfing the Web with the mobile phone they have today,” purred Jon S. von Tetzchner, CEO, Opera Software.

    “We are proud to be the first to offer full, mobile Web browsing to the majority of the world’s mobile phone users,” he added.

    Keen to cash in on their nifty browser, Opera also offer customised, branded versions of Opera Mini to mobile phone operators, handset manufacturers and other interested parties.

    Opera Releases Free 'Opera Mini' Mobile Web BrowserOpera Mini can be freely downloaded by pointing your phone’s WAP browser in the direction of

    Official Opera Mini Web site:

    List of SMS download numbers and fees: