
  • OMG. Brit Punters Baffled By Techie Terms

    OMG. Brit Punters Baffled By Techie TermsThe great British public may be hanging on to their mobiles for dear life and spending half their waking lines bashing away at computers, but when it comes to describing the technology they use, bafflement rules.


  • Twice As Many People Access The Mobile Internet In 2009

    Twice As Many People Access The Mobile Internet In 2009The amount of people using phones and mobile devices every day to access the Internet has more than doubled over the last year, according to the latest figures from comScore.

    Their hot-off-the-PC data revealed that a global audience of 63.2 million people were now accessing the Internet through mobile devices, with over a third of those (35 per cent) going online every day.


  • PC Sales Expected To Crash This Year

    PC Sales Expected To Crash This YearSales of personal computers are set to tumble by double digits this year for the first time in history of computing.

    The claim comes from analyst firm Gartner, who predict shipments of PCs to crash by 12 per cent this year, with sales for 2009 pegged to 257 million units.

    The last major dip in PC sales was way back in 2001 following the ‘dot-bomb’ Internet crash, but shipments only fell a relatively modest 3.2 per cent.


  • Two Thirds Of Mobile Phone Subscriptions In Developing Nations

    Two Thirds Of Mobile Phone Subscriptions In Developing NationsIt doesn’t seem that long ago that mobile phones were the sole province of braying city slickers bellowing, “Buy! Sell!” into their handsets, but new research shows that two thirds of the world’s cell phone subscriptions are now in developing nations.

    A study by the United Nations agency, International Telecommunication Union (ITU), found that the highest growth rate of mobile subscriptions was in Africa where over a quarter (28 per cent) of the population own mobile phones – a huge leap up from 2000 where just 2 per cent Africans were connected.


  • Online Retail UK Sales To Hit £56bn by 2014

    Online Retail UK Sales To Hit £56bn by 2014When it comes to facts, stats and figures, you can always rely on research house Forrester Research to serve ’em up by the plateful, and their bods have just unleashed their white-coated bods on the matter of online UK retail and travel sales.


  • Microsoft Gain Browser Market Share, Apple Dip

    Microsoft Gain Browser Market Share, Apple DipNew figures for the operating systems used to access the web show Microsoft registering a rise while Apple’s share takes a bit of a downward shimmy.


  • Text And MMS Messaging Continues To Grow

    Text And MMS Messaging Continues To GrowThe Mobile Data Association (MDA) has been running wild over towering mountains of raw data, skipping gaily through meadows of mobile traffic reports and splashing in streams of SMS statistics to being you their latest quarterly report on mobile phone usage in the UK.

    Covering mobile activity from October 2008 – January 2009, the study looked at text messaging (SMS) and picture and video messaging (MMS) traffic and discovered that UK phone owners sent 78.9 billion text messages in 2008, up an RSI-inducing 20 billion texts on 2007.


  • Smartphone Sales to Soar With ‘300 Million Sales By 2013’

    Smartphone Sales to Soar With '300 Million Sales By 2013'Analysts at Juniper reckon we’re all going to go smartphone crazy in the coming years, with sales hitting 300 million plus by 2013.

    This may well run against the Private Fraser doom and gloom predictions of falling mobile sales during the credit crunch, but Juniper believes that sales of smarter and more expensive handsets will prove to be a major factor in the recovery.


  • UK Websites Must Be Saved For History

    UK Websites Must Be Saved For HistoryThe British Library has expressed concerns that future historians may face a “black hole” of lost material unless urgent action is taken to archive contemporary websites and other digital records.

    Lynne Brindley, the library’s chief executive, is concerned that Britain’s cultural heritage may be at risk as new technologies make current standards obsolete. Some have noted that this is already happening, with photos stored on computers lost forever when hard drives fail and mobile phone snaps easily being lost or never transferred off the handset.


  • 210 Billion Emails Sent Every Day; 70% Is Spam

    210 Billion Emails Sent Every Day; 70% Is SpamOver 210 billion emails were sent every single day in 2008, according to recent research by the Web site performance business firm Pingdom.

    The company with the funny name estimated that steenkin’ spam accounted for 70 per cent of all email sent, with the total spam count for the year being an almost unfathomable 53.8 trillion emails.
