With most of the world stampeding to wireless solutions for just about everything, SanDisk reckon they’ve hit on a winner with their unashamedly cable-toting device.
Portable Photo Storage Choices For Travellers (pt 2)
Yesterday we started to look at the many ways of tackling the issue of data storage when on the move.
Mid priced viewers
Deep pocketed photographers looking for more professional features may be impressed by the EPSON P-3000 Multimedia Storage Viewer, offering movie and photo playback on a large 4″, 640×480 pixels, Photo Fine Ultra LCD, backed by 40GB internal memory, built-in CF and SD memory card slots, long battery life and a built-in audio player.
(more…)Portable Photo Storage Choices For Travellers
Although digital cameras and cheap memory cards are conspiring to make us take more and more photos, backing up those precious snaps when you’re away from home can be a bit of a fiddly task, especially if you’re shooting in the memory hungry RAW format.
For short trips, a couple of spare memory cards should be more than enough, but for longer jaunts, more versatile back up solutions are often needed.
(more…)Hyundai W-100 Wrist Phone Stuffs In The Functionality
Although we’ve never really been convinced by their practicality, we’ve always warmed to the idea of strutting around with a cool hi-tech gadget stuck on our wrist (even if the aforementioned article would most likely be full of fail after a big night in the pub).
(more…)Nokia Ships Updated N95 Phone Packing 8GB
Looking the soon-come iPhone straight in the iEye and saying, “Eat my feature list, Jobsie!” is the updated Nokia N95 8GB handset packing – as the name suggests – 8GB of built-in storage.
Starting global shipments from today, the Nokia N95 8GB boasts a slightly bigger 2.8″ QVGA display (although still stuck at the lowish 320×240 pixels resolution) and the same 2-way slide out screen.
(more…)PocketSurfer 2 Now Available In The UK
Now tempting your wallet via the Clove website is the Datawind PocketSurfer2, a small, simple web-connected device with
low cost connection fees providing “pocket broadband access.”Priced at a reasonable £180, the PocketSurfer 2 comes with a built SIM that lets you connect to the Internet for up to 20 hours per month for one year for free. After that, users get hit with a £39.95 yearly connection fee.
(more…)Deleu GPSMouse Packs GPS Functionality
Seasoned travellers fed up with lugging about more and more components and chargers may warm to Deluo’s ingenious GPSMouse, which – as the name suggests – cunningly combines a GPS receiver and a travel mouse into one product.
The silver and grey unit packs all the usual features of a USB-powered travel-sized laptop mouse, with a lightweight form factor, optical sensor and handy built-in retractable cable to avoid getting the wire snagged in your seat/headphone cable/travelling companion’s beard.
(more…)Toshiba Libretto 50 Ultra Mobile PC- Ten Years On (Part 2/2)
Yesterday we stepped back in time to review our old Toshiba Libretto 50, today we continue on that journey, looking at battery life and programs and give you our conclusion.
(more…)Sputnik 1 Anniversary: 50 Years Today
Today marks the 50th anniversary of the launch of Sputnik by what was then the Soviet Union.
It’s the date that the first man-made object was placed in to geocentric orbit, going around the world in a elliptical path.
(more…)Toshiba Libretto 50 Ultra Mobile PC- Ten Years On
With the industry’s focus once again looking towards Ultra Mobile PCs, we were prompted to dig out our old Toshiba Libretto 50 and see how it shapes up in comparison.
Released over ten years ago in January 1997, the Tosh was seen as something of a mini-marvel in its day, being the first mini-notebook computer to both pack an Intel Pentium (hurtling along at 75MHz) and run Microsoft Windows 95.