Yesterday we covered the first 7 killer mobile apps. Read on for our final five.
8 Plucker/ Sunrise XP
This is a fantastic freeware combo that lets you download websites (or individual pages) from your desktop to your Treo via a hotsync conduit. Web pages are automatically formatted for reading on the Treo, and you can automate the download process with timed downloads. The Plucker Palm Reader also handles eBooks (tons free from the Project Gutenberg) and offers auto-scroll, bookmarks, gesture support, custom fonts and more. (more…)
Twelve Killer Mobile Applications Part 2
Twelve Killer Mobile Applications
1 Agendus
Turbo charged PIM app with optional standalone desktop companion and integrated Outlook plug in.Packing all the PIM tools you’ll need – Contacts, Calendar, Memos, and To Dos – in one convenient, vastly configurable package, it’s the best contact/address/memo app we’ve ever used.
(more…)UK iPhone: Detailed Review: Videos, Connectivity & Will We Keep It
This is the concluding section of this comprehensive UK iPhone review. We’ve previously covered the build of the iPhone & its interface; how it is to use it as a phone, texting on it and emailing; Its Web Browser, iPod-ness & Google Maps.
Firstly You Tube. Well, I was sceptical. I’m not particularly interested in roller skating dogs, or Chinese students miming to East 17, and besides expected it to be a tediously slow affair over EDGE. But, surprisingly, it works – with very little delay at all. Some people will love this I think, but probably not me. (more…)
Brits Aren’t Feeling The iPhone iLove
Despite the explosion of hype that surrounded the UK launch of Apple’s iPhones, the Great British Public have failed to match the gusset-moistening levels of excitement that followed the US launch, with moderate sales and punters distinctly cool about the price.
A recent report in the Register based on ‘reliable sources’ found that the UK’s sole carrier O2 had activated just 26,500 iPhones since its launch two weeks ago, a figure way short of the 100,000 units anticipated by some pundits.
(more…)Sort Out Your Bookmarks With AM-DeadLink
If your browser bookmarks have descended into chaos, with ancient URLs, duplicate entries and long-gone domains still littering your lists, you may want to check out AM-DeadLink.
(more…)Eco-Drive BL5250-53L Men’s Watch From Citizen: Review (Part 2/2 88%)
We started looking yesterday at look at the Citizen Eco-Drive BL5250-53L watch. In this final part of the review, we look at how to use the thing.
Using the watch
First off, we have to say the watch looks fantastic. It’s really attractive and well made.
(more…)Eco-Drive BL5250-53L Men’s Watch From Citizen: Review
Like many blokes, we can’t help ourselves being drawn to complicated looking watches, stuffed full of rotating bezels, dials and obscure markings, and if the thing comes in a chunky metal case and lights up like a Christmas tree at night, all the better.
(more…)Showcenter 250HD: Pinnacle Launches HD Media Player
Pinnacle have announced the launch of their Showcenter 250HD. It’s a device that’s been designed to let you enjoy your digital media, but away from your computer.
You’ll probably have guessed from the HD suffix that the Showcenter 250HD supports HiDef video, as it does with HD resolution photos.
(more…)Santa USB Webcam: Let The Festive Tack Begin!
With just about every High Street store already bedecked with festive pleas for your Christmas cash and the shopping aisles ringing to ghastly canned Yuletide themes, we’ve finally caved in with our first piece of seasonal tack for your delectation.
(more…)Oculon’s Hikari Pro920/Pro1440 – World’s Smallest Projectors?
There’s no denying that your pockets will have to be a tad larger than most, but Oculon really have managed a marvellous feat of miniaturisation with their new Hikari Pro1440 and Pro920 projectors.