
Things that aren’t static

  • Access FaceBook On Your Mobile

    Access FaceBook On Your MobileHigh octane socialites unable to wrench themselves away from their computers for fear of missing a ‘poke’ from an admirer or a last minute party invite should be delighted to learn that there’s now a ‘lite’ version of the social networking website.

    Designed for accessing the site via mobile phones on slow connections, FaceBook users simply have to point their phone browser at and log in as usual.

  • Ofcom Report: Internet & Mobile Usage Up. TV, Radio & Phone Down

    Ofcom Report: Internet & Mobile Up. TV, Radio, Phone DownToday Ofcom have released their yearly Communications Market report, covering fixed and mobile telecoms, TV, radio and Internet use.

    It’s a massive collection of information and statistics running to 332 pages, covering the habits and preferences of the UK population during 2006.

  • BBC Worldwide/ O2 Mobile Content Deal

    BBC Worldwide/ O2 Mobile Content DealBBC Worldwide has knocked out another content deal, this time to UK mobile company, O2.

    The deal, initially covering 300 individual pieces of content, includes video clips, wallpapers and ringtones from popular BBC TV programmes such as The Office, Little Britain, Doctor Who, I’m Alan Partridge, and League of Gentlemen. The various digital bits will be available, for purchase, from O2.

    Peter Mercier who recently joined as Head of Mobile at BBC Worldwide shook with excitement, “O2 is the largest UK operator by subscriber numbers so this is clearly a great deal for us in terms of getting our content in front of consumers,” he continued that it showed to “in-house and indie production partners how BBC Worldwide continues to innovate in the digital media sector.”

  • Skype IM+ For Palm, WM, Mobiles And iPhone

    Skype IM+ For Palm, WM, Mobiles And iPhone With the folks at Skype continuing to ignore the loud pleas from Palm OS users, German firm Shape Services have created a Palm Skype compatible client, IM+ for Skype, which is also available for BlackBerry, Symbian S60 v3, Java powered phones and Windows Mobile Pocket PC platforms, with an iPhone version in beta (see below).

  • LG-SC330: LG Lines Up The Ladies

    LG has lined up a bevy of beaming babes to loll about on the ground and look improbably over-enthusiastic about a range of new colours for their LG-SC330 phone.

    The compact slider (also known as the KC3500/LC3500 depending on where you buy it) has now shaken off the dull black and white colour scheme forced on it by The Man and gone colour crazy – and look at the hot chicks it’s attracting already!

  • Nokia Prism Mobiles Go Toblerone Crazy

    Nokia Prism Mobiles Go Toblerone CrazyStraight out of the we’re just soooo ker-ay-zee school of phone design comes Nokia’s new “Prism” fashion handset collection which is now ready to launch in Europe.

    Already to be seen amongst the fashionistas of China, the tres quirky Prism range comprises of two handsets, the top-of-the-range 7900 and its (ahem) “quirky sibling,” the cheaper 7500.

  • O2 i-Mode Scrapped, Bursting Their Bubble

    O2 i-Mode Scrapped, Bursting Their BubbleThe UK’s number one mobile company O2 has dumped its flagship i-mode mobile Internet service after failing to attract enough customers – just two years after launching the service.

    The ‘umbling turnaround came about after the company revealed that it had only managed to woo 546,000 customers to sign up to their i-mode service in the UK and Ireland. That may sound quite a respectable figure, but it only adds up to just 3 per cent of their 18 million customer base.


  • Nokia Sign Up for Microsoft PlayReady DRM

    Nokia To Support PlayReady DRMNokia has signed a deal with Microsoft to put PlayReady on some of their handsets.

    Nokia say that they “plan to support PlayReady across a range of S60 and Series 40 devices starting in 2008.”

  • BT Launch Winter Range In Style

    BT Launch Winter Range In Style
    Kudos to BT for putting on an impressive launch for their new range of techie goodies coming out for the winter season.

    The launch was 34 floors up near the top of London’s landmark building, the BT Telecom Tower (still known to old folks as the GPO Tower or the Post Office Tower), with the press launch taking place inside the revolving restaurant.

  • 24-7 Football: Sky Offer To Mobile UK

    24-7 Football: Sky Offer To Mobile UKAs we’re not fans of football, we’re constantly amazed at how keen people are to watch the game that involves people kicking a pig’s bladder around an oblong section of grass. Ho, Hmm.

    Never one to not take the opportunity of cramming more football into people lives, Sky TV has teamed up with a load of other ‘newspapers’ owned by media mogul, Rupert Murdoch, to create 24-7 Football.

    It’s a new on-demand service that will offer video highlights and goal clips from the Barclays Premier League and UEFA Champions League on mobile phones.