
Things that aren’t static

  • Philips Launch Ho-Hum Streamium MP3 Players

    Philips Launch Ho-Hum Streamium MP3 PlayersAlthough most folks had assumed that Philips had long given up the ghost of scoring a hit in the portable MP3 player market, the Dutch electronics giants are back with two new contenders.

    Hoping to divert some of the tidal wave of Nano-bound cash into their own coffers, the ‘Streamium’ players come in 4GB and 2GB versions, christened the SA9345 and SA9325 respectively (way to go in the naming department, Philips!).

  • Sony PRS-505 eBook Reader Announced

    Sony PRS-505 eBook Reader AnnouncedWe were always a bit skeptical about the whole idea of eBooks – we’ve always felt more comfortable with a battered old coffee- stained paperback – but a couple of long train journeys and hideous airport delays made us appreciate the value of having a couple of electronic books loaded on our phone (courtesy of the free Plucker reader and the superb free Project Gutenberg library).

  • HTC Launches UMPC Shift

    HTC Launches UMPC ShiftGetting ready to dash into the shops by the end of the month is HTC’s new Ultra-Mobile PC (UMPC), the HTC Shift.

    Packing a 7-inch 800 x 480 pixel touchscreen and QWERTY keyboard into its 207x/129×25 mm body, the Shift lives up to is name with the screen tilting upwards to provide a laptop-like experience.

  • T-Mobile MDA Vario III Hits The UK

    T-Mobile MDA Vario III Hits The UKExpected to be shimmying onto T-Mobile’s shelves as your peepers traverse this line of text is the new MDA Vario III smartphone (also known as the HTC Kaiser).

    Veritably bulging with functionality, the Windows Mobile 6 powered PocketPC packs a built-in GPS receiver, Wi-Fi and three megapixel camera.

  • EU Slashes Mobile Charges

    EU Slashes Mobile ChargesThanks to the European Commission, mobile phone calls within the EU have just got a whole load cheaper.

    The Commission has wielded its mighty powers to establish limits on how much mobile phone operators can charge their customers, with calls now costing no more than 34 pence a minute, while incoming calls are now pegged at a 17p/minute rate.

  • BBC Vision Goes Multi-Platform. For Real This time?

    BBC Vision Goes Multi-Platform. For Real This time?The BBC is to bolster multi-platform commissioning. “Again?” I hear you cry.

    Do you remember back as far as 2002 when Ashley Highfield, then Head on New Media at the BBC, was telling everyone who would listen … or write about him … that the BBC wouldn’t commission any new programmes unless they had an interactive media element built into them?

  • Cloud Unlimited Music Service For iPod Touch Coming

    Cloud Unlimited Music Service For iPod Touch ComingThe Cloud, Wi-Fi providers in the UK, are launching a new service for iPod Touch users across the country.

    Never slow to innovate, The Cloud is offering the service for £3.99 a month from 1 October, with no minimum contract.

  • SlingPlayer Mobile For S60 Symbian Phones

    SlingPlayer Mobile For S60 Symbian PhonesThose who have Nokia Nseries and Eseries phones will be able to buy software, SlingPlayer, to play the video content from their homes to the handsets, wherever they are, from their Sling Boxes.

    Quick resume on Sling Box: plug one into your TV at home and any programmes that you can watch can be viewed remotely, either on a computer, or portable device. Not only can you change channels remotely, but control the DVR functions.

  • Samsung Armani Phone Packs Haptic Feedback Interface

    Samsung Armani Phone Packs Haptic Feedback InterfaceHot off the high end product presses and ready to burn a hole in the pockets of the fashion conscious is the glitzy Armani phone.

    The result of a collaboration with Samsung, this Prada-esque slice of ostentatious consumption packs an interesting innovation in the shape of a haptic feedback user interface.

  • Blyk: Free Mobile Calls For Students

    Blyk: Free Mobile Calls For StudentsFree mobile phones have been spoken about for quite a while now, well now it’s actually launched.

    Blyk is launching with invites slipped into the Fresher Packs at 30 UK universities. Those who sign up will get 217 free texts and 43 minutes of talk time monthly and in exchange have to receive advertising on their phone. Once they’ve used up the monthly freebies, they’ll be charged at Orange pay-as-you-go rates.