
Things that aren’t static

  • Mobile Broadband Contract Gives Free Laptop

    Mobile Broadband Contract Gives Free LaptopWe’re all aware of how many inducements there are around these days to get you to take up broadband, but here’s a new one to us.

    Giant UK computer retailer, PC World, is offering a free laptop (or £350 towards one of their approved ten) to anyone who signs up through them for an 18-month 3G data contract with 3.

    An example of a free laptop available under the scheme is an Advent 9912 (pictured), a Intel Celeron C530, 1GB RAM, 80GB drive laptop.

    With the Mobile Broadband package you’ll get a USB-dongle modem with the ability to download at up to 2.8Mbps (YMMV).

    The £35 mobile data service from 3 includes up to 3GB of downloads per month.

  • 8m Brits Listen To Online Radio Every Week

    8m Brits Listen To Online Radio Every WeekThe thought of having adverts pumping in our ears mid-podcast gives us the trouser shakes, but apparently more than half of our fellow Brits (58%) would be quite happy downloading advertising-funded podcasts.

    The figures come from Rajar (Radio Joint Audience Research), the official body in charge of measuring radio audiences in the UK, jointly owned by the BBC and the RadioCentre on behalf of the commercial sector.

  • Palm 500 Gets UK Release; Centro Spotted, Apple Exec Hired

    Palm 500v Announced; Centro Spotted, Apple Exec HiredWe managed to get past our normal near-pathological dislike for Windows Mobile handsets when were reviewed the Palm 500 a while ago.

    Considerably assisted by Vodafone’s slick custom interface and the impressive location based services, our stone cold hearts warmed to the Palm, despite the lack of a touch screen and, well, a Palm OS inside. After a week with the phone, we concluded that it was one of the best low/mid end Windows smartphones available.

  • Proporta Mobile Survival Kit Emergency Charger Review (85%)

    Proporta Mobile Survival Kit Emergency Charger Review (85%)If you’ve ever been miles away from a plug socket and felt the horror as your phone, PDA or iPod battery plunges deep into the red, the Proporta Mobile Survival Kit might be the perfect accessory for you.

  • Liscio Mobile: Sneaky Shots Lust: UPDATED

    Liscio: New Mobile Sneaky Shots LustWe’ve just received some interesting and tantalising shots of a new phone that we’re told is coming out of to the UK.

    Details are very sketchy beyond it’s called the Liscio and is being aimed at those who want to ‘stand out from the crowd.’

  • Sagem Launches Pre-Pay My511x Mobile

    Sagem Launches Pre-Pay My511x MobileFrench handset makers Sagem Mobile have launched their new My511x handset, soon to be available in the UK on Orange pre-pay contracts.

    We have to say there’s not a lot to get us excited here, but the slim candybar serves up a shiny black facade with flat, back-lit buttons on the keypad and itty-bitty round buttons for other main functions.

  • Late Night Calls Can Cause Insomnia

    Late Night Calls Can Cause InsomniaFolks partial to a bit of late night nookie chat over their mobile phone may want to take a closer look at new research from scientists at Sweden’s Uppsala University and Karolinska Institute and Wayne State University in Michigan, US.

    The boffins studied the effects of using a mobile phone before going up the wooden hill to sleep, and found that people exposed to phone radiation took longer to reach the deeper stages of sleep, and spent less time in that state.

  • Sonim XP1 / JCB Toughphone: It’s A Tough Phone: Video

    Sonim XP1 / JCB Toughphone: It's A Tough PhoneEveryone’s had that heart stopping moment when their mobile phone falls from they hands and tumbles towards the ground – there’s a frantic reaction as you attempt to grab for it with flailing arms, often resorting to placing your foot in the way to try and brake the fall.

    With a newly-announced phone, the Sonim XP1, this will no longer be a problem, in fact, it looks like you can be pretty rough with it and it’ll still work.

  • Mobile Internet: Ad Revenues And Mobile Web Growth

    Ad Revenues And Mobile Web GrowthThere’s still plenty of gold in them thar’ Mobile Advertising hills, with new research from Jupiter predicting revenues to hit 1.3 billion Euros in Europe by 2012.

    Research bods Jupiter say that the growth of free mobile Internet access deals and the ‘limited consumer willingness’ to pay for mobile content coupled will lead to the development of ad-funded business models.

  • Apple And China Mobile Fail To Agree iPhone Deal

    Apple may be famous for squeezing tough deals out of network operators, but their attempts to introduce the iPhone to the Chinese market have resulted in another breakdown of negotiations.

    According to vnunet, Apple and China Mobile, the country’s largest mobile operator, couldn’t stop the squabbling over how the revenue should be distributed.