
Things that aren’t static

  • Nokia Adds N78, 6210 Navigator And 6220 Classic Phones

    Nokia Adds N78, 6210 Navigator And 6220 Classic PhonesNokia, the undisputed heavyweight mobile phone-shifters of the world have announced three more multimedia phone models at the mobile industry’s annual knees-up in Barcelona, the Mobile World Congress 2008. (more…)

  • Palm Centro Gets European Release

    Palm Centro Gets European ReleasePalm have announced the European release of their Palm OS-based Centro smartphone, their smallest and lightest Palm smartphone to date.

  • Sony Ericsson Xperia X1 Phone Packs ‘Panel Interface’

    Sony Ericsson Xperia X1 Phone Packs 'Panel Interface'Wooargh! This one looks good! Sony Ericsson have just released details of their new XPERIA X1 ‘arc slider’ 3G HSDPA phone that comes with an intriguing new ‘panel interface’ running on top of Windows Mobile. (more…)

  • NFC/ aGPS on a Mobile SIM!

    NFC/ aGPS on a Mobile SIM!BlueSky have a SIM not-only with AGPS on board, but now they squeezed NFC on to it too.

    When the SIM, sitting in your mobile phone, arrived first in handsets they were lucky to hold more than about 50 contact numbers. Those days have clearly changed – drastically.

  • Fring Adds Mobile File Transfer To VoIP/IM

    Fring, a provider of VoIP on mobiles, has added new functionality in their latest release.

    Beyond the VoIP and IM functions already included, they’ve expanded to allow the interchange of files between subscribers – mobile to mobile, PC to mobile, as well as between mobiles and PCs, if it runs an MSN IM or Skype client.

    There’s no restriction on the type of files that can be sent, or indeed file size, as long as you’ve got storage to receive it. Suggestions are photos – an obvious use, and a considerable saving of use MMS; as well music files – which we suspect will raise the hackles of the music biz; videos and documents complete the list.

  • Mobiles Do/Don’t/Do/Don’t Cause Cancer Risk

    Mobiles Do/Don't/Do/Don't Cause Cancer RiskIf anything’s likely to cause long term health issues, it would be worrying over the endless contradictory mobile phone health reports.

    In the latest of a long line of reports, a Japanese study concludes that mobile phone use does not raise the risk of brain tumours, so we can relax for a bit (until the next damning report comes out, natch).

  • Brits Send SMS Traffic Soaring

    Brits Send SMS Traffic SoaringUs Brits are still staying glued to the keypads of our mobiles, with new research showing that an astonishing total of 57 billion messages were sent last year.

    Despite more phones being capable of receiving and sending email, the figures from the Mobile Data Association show SMS volumes continuing to soar, with volumes up 40% year on year.

  • 32Gb iPod touch & 16Gb iPhone Added

    32Gb iPod touch & 16Gb iPhone Added Apple have today added two new models with increased storage to both the iPhone and iPod touch ranges.

    For those of you who didn’t think the iPhone was quite expensive enough, the 16GB model will cost an extra £60 than the existing 8GB, pushing it up to £329 (inc VAT). The 8Gb will remain at £269 inc.


  • LG KF510 Touch Slim Slider Handset Announced

    LG KF510 Touch Slim Slider Handset AnnouncedLG have announced the imminent launch of their stylish, slimline slider phone, the LG-KF510.

    Kitted out in a “Stardust Dark Gray” or “Sunset Red” finish, the LG-KF510 has the waistline of a supermodel at just 10.9mm thick. Those fearing a few beers/back pocket/sit down/doh! phone borked scenario should find some comfort in LG’s claims that it’s a tough little bleeder, with the handset strengthened by a metal frame and the display being made from tempered glass.


  • Virgin Mobile Daily Bonus PAYG Scheme

    Virgin Mobile Daily Bonus PAYG SchemeVirgin are always rather good at separate you from your money – usually more money than you thought you wanted to spend – like the ‘opportunity’ of buying a place on the seats by the emergency exists on a plane, you know the ones that use to be free.

    Well now they’ve come up with a way of getting Virgin Mobile PAYG customers to use their mobile phones on a daily basis, thus slowly using up their credit. They call it Daily Bonus