
Things that aren’t static

  • LG Arena Review

    LG Arena Review The LG Arena is undeniably an attempt for LG to tackle those who would be tempted by the Apple’s iPhone.

    It’s smaller than either of the 2G or 3G iPhones, slipping easily into the back pocket, with a feel of quality about it. It feels solid and reliable. The hard polished metal front edging is complemented by the light, aluminum back.

    Touch Screen
    The whole interface of the phone is touch screen, beyond the power, photo and volume buttons.


  • Palm Pre Gets June 6th US Launch Date

    Palm Pre Gets June 6th US Launch DateIt’s been a long time coming, but Palm have finally announced the launch date for its eagerly awaited Palm Pre mobile phone in the States.

    Available through the Sprint network on June 6th, the Pre will cost $199.99 (after $100 mail-rebate) on a horribly long 2-year contract.


  • T-Mobile Offer Snappy SIM-Only Deals, Kill Us With Duffy

    Some time ago we whined long and hard about T-Mobile’s Inexplicably Stupid Upgrading Policy and kept on moaning straight through to write Part Two, a few days later.

    Our tree was rattled when we tried to bag a new T-Mobile G1 on contract, confident that our ten years – count ’em! – as a loyal paying customer with T-Mobile would surely be rewarded with handsome discounts all round. Sadly, we swiftly learned that in T Mobile’s world, a punter coming off the street is worth a whole load more than a loyal customer – to the tune of a hefty £305 penalty coming our way.


  • Championship Manager Football For iPhone

    Championship Manager Football For iPhoneChampionship Manager, one of the most hideously addictive games ever created by humans has been released for the iPhone.

    Simultaneously wonderfully playable and hideously anti-social, we had to force ourselves to give up playing the game way back when it was an Amiga title.


  • Star Droid Night Sky Mapping App From Google

    Star Droid Night Sky Mapping App From GoogleGrowing up in an age where hoverboots, weekend breaks to Mars and swooshing automatic doors seemed an absolute certainty, we’ve found ourselves a little disappointed by the subsequent lack of the promised lunar thrills.

    However, while we may be in the gutter, we can still look at the stars, and that’s a job that’s going to be a lot more interactive and fun thanks to Google’s fantastic new mobile phone application called ‘Star Droid’.


  • Samsung i7500 Android Phone: Video

    Samsung i7500 Android Phone: VideoCurrently oozing through the pores of the Internet is a new video of Samsung’s first Android device in action, the i7500.

    The quad-band GSM, tri-band 7.2Mbps HSDPA handset serves up a full suite of current smartphone specs, offering a 3.2-inch, 320 x 480 pixel AMOLED touchscreen with WiFi and GPS.


  • Blackberry Curve Takes #1 US Smartphone Sales Slot

    Their Blackberry Storm may have failed to impress us and we’ve never really felt much love for the OS, but Blackberry are scooping up punters galore in the states, scoring three out of the top five best selling smartphones for the last quarter.

    Sitting pretty in the number one slot is the venerable RIM BlackBerry Curve (all 83XX models), which overtook Apple’s iPhone to become America’s best selling smartphone in Q1 of 2009.


  • Android Cupcake Update Set To Hit G1 Phones

    It’s been a long time coming, but it looks like the Android 1.5 update – better known as ‘Cupcake’ – will be squeezing itself onto T Mobile G1 handsets sometime next month.

    G1 owners looking for new toys to play with should overflow with pleasure as the Cupcake OS update comes with the alluring promise of an onscreen keyboard, video recording and Latitude for Google Maps for stalking friends.


  • iPhone Dork Plays Wembley, T-Mobile Flashmob Rip-Off Part Two

    iPhone Dork Plays Wembley, T-Mobile Flashmob Rip-Off Part TwoIn what looks like a truly desperate piece of attention-seeking, some bloke called Gary Go (we suspect that’s not his real name) has said he’ll be going onstage with his iPhone during a series of support slots at Wembley.

    The solo singer is due to support the well-ripened boy man band Take That in the summer, and claims to have written some songs using the virtual four-track studio iPhone application.


  • BT Announce Mobile Broadband Packages

    BT Announce Mobile Broadband PackagesThey’ve certainly taken their time getting around to it, but BT has finally entered the consumer mobile broadband market with the launch of a new pre-pay service for new and existing customers.
