
The many legal issues raised as media digitises

  • Redlasso Gets Copyright Legal Action From Fox and NBC

    Redlasso Gets Copyright Legal Action From Fox and NBCNBC Universal, Fox News Network and Fox Television Stations have filed copyright infringement legal action against Redlasoo, a site that makes video content from TV available to bloggers and provides tools to embed the clips onto Web sites.


  • Judge Gives Online Ban To YouTub-er

    Judge Gives Online Ban To YouTub-erA UK Judge has banned a 23 year old man from boasting of his crimes on the Internet.

    Andrew Kellett has received an Asbo (anti-social behaviour order), normally used for ban people from specific geographic areas.


  • Flickr/Getty Deal: Analysis

    Flickr/Getty Deal: AnalysisThe deal between Getty and Flickr, which exclusively gives Getty the right to pick the best images from Flickr and sell them via to their customers in the creative, commercial and editorial industries — they call it the ‘first commercial licensing opportunity for photo-enthusiasts in the Flickr community’ — is, in many ways, inevitable.

    Getty have caused a considerable amount of heart ache to professional photographers by re-adjusting their rates and contracts for images in their commercial library.


  • Viacom Sue YouTube for $1bn

    Viacom Sue YouTube for $1bnUS lawyers are busying rubbing their hands together with glee as Viacom’s one billion dollar lawsuit against YouTube is submitted to a Manhattan court.

    Viacom are suing the owners of the popular video sharing service because of their failure to keep copyrighted material off the site, claiming that they have spotted no less that 150,000 unauthorised clips on YouTube. And that’s a lorra clips.

  • eBay Wife Auction Gets Police Caution: Internet Freedoms Eroding?

    eBay Wife Auction Gets Police Caution: Internet Freedoms Eroding?It looks like there could be something seriously wrong happening in the world of the Internet. Police are taking action against individuals for seemingly the most ridiculous reasons.


  • TorrentSpy: $110m Court Fine: MPAA Happy

    TorrentSpy: $110m Court Fine: MPAA HappyThe Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) has won $110 million damages against TorrentSpy, a site that pointed to where TV programmes and films could be downloaded without them being paid for.


  • EMI Legal Threats Over eBay Kylie Single

    EMI Legal Threats Over eBay Kylie SingleThe EMI Group has sent a legal letter to a UK user selling a promotional copy of the soon to be released Kylie single,’ In My Arms’ on eBay

    Although most people are aware of the litigious actions of the music business, particularly in the US where they took legal action against their customers, accusing them of copying music, EMI UK seem to be going into overdrive on this one.


  • Your Laptop Is Open Season When Flying To SF, USA

    Your Laptop Is Open Season When Flying To The USWe’re still reeling after reading this story last week that a federal appeals court in the US ruled that it was fine for US customs agents to go through the content of an airline passengers laptop with no evidence of wrong doing – just because they felt like it.


  • Photographers Rights In The UK: A Guide (Part 2)

    Yesterday we kicked off our guide by starting to underline your rights as a photographer. Today we continue to look at where you can or can’t take pics.


  • Photographers Rights In The UK: A Guide (Part 1)

    Photographers Rights In The UK: A GuideDespite the law being clear on a citizen’s rights to freely take pictures in public places (with a few restrictions) there is growing evidence of the police, police community support officers (PCSOs), security guards and general jobsworths failing to respect the rights of photographers going about their lawful business.