
  • Opera Take A Double EU Pop At Internet Explorer

    Opera Take An Double EU Pop At Internet ExplorerMulti-platform Web browser company Opera have filed a complaint with the European Commission citing Microsoft’s Internet Explorer.

    The approach is two pronged – abuse of Microsoft’s dominant position in tying its browser to the Windows operating system and, second, hindering interoperability by not following accepted Web standards.

  • Government Data Loss Signalled In 2004

    Government Data Loss Signalled In 2004The loss of private records of 25 million residents by a UK government department continues to make headlines.

    The News of the World newspaper have obtained a March 2004 letter from Treasury risk manager Richard Fennelly following his analysis of the security of the child benefit records system.

  • DVLA Reveal Confidential Driver Info

    Those in the UK will be all too aware of how government departments have been leaking UK residents data more furiously than a fire-hose blasting through a colander.

    Following the loss of the bank details of 25 million UK families a few weeks ago, another loss has come to light.

  • Ofcom: 2 Hour Mobile Number Porting By Sept 2009

    Ofcom: 2 Hour Mobile Number Porting By Sept 2009Ofcom has been consistently moving to reduce the amount of time that it takes to change mobile numbers from one to another – or port them as it’s know in the telecoms trade.

    Their latest direction to the industry is that as of 1 September 2009, they’ll need to drop the amount of times to a mere two hours.

  • Lost Child Benefit Records: Scamsters And Wags Step In

    Scamsters And Wags Step InWith the story that the UK’s bumbling HM Revenue and Customs managed to lose two computer discs containing all the nation’s child benefit records along with the personal details of 25 million people, it’s not surprising that cheeky wags and scamsters on the Internet have been quick to respond.

  • Stewart Purvis Joins Ofcom

    Stewart Purvis, news super-hero and friend of DL, has been appointment as the new Partner for Content and Standards at Ofcom.

    The Content and Standards Group oversees regulation of television and radio quality and standards and compliance with the Broadcasting Code.

    He’s a hard-bitten newsman who has a strong understanding of technology and the changes that it is bring to the world of media.

  • New US Law Could End Social P0rn Sites

    New US Law Could End Social P0rn SitesRegina Lynn has an informative and impassioned piece on Wired about a proposed US law that will extend requirements currently placed on porn studios to include online social networks, such as YouPorn.

  • Peter White: Digital Switchover Help Scheme, CEO (Podcast)

    Peter White: Digital Switchover Help Scheme, CEO (Podcast)Most people in the UK have to bear their own costs for converting their TVs to be digital-capable, but after pressure, was decided that the least wealthy and most vulnerable should receive assistance.

    This takes the form of equipment, assistance and support and is handled by the Digital Switchover Help Scheme.

  • In-Flight Mobile Use Proposed By Ofcom

    In-Flight Mobile Use Proposed By OfcomThe plan is to allow planes to carry their own mobile micro-cell from about 2010 – as long as they don’t switch it on before they reach a height of 3,000 metres.

    At least, that’s what Ofcom expects we’ll want as users; you have till 30 November to register your opinion.

  • CampaignTV Launched By Labour Friends

    CampaignTV LaunchesWith rumours of a possible election in the UK, we wonder if there’s a co-incidence that one of the Labour parties media strategist has launched a Web site called, whose major focus is on politics.

    Don’t expect too much balance in the politics on offer, but they’re not hiding that away either. In their words, “CampaignTV is the first free to view, independently-owned Labour-supporting internet TV channel.” That’s fair enough, as there’s plenty of pro-Conservative Web site around.