
  • UK Websites Must Be Saved For History

    UK Websites Must Be Saved For HistoryThe British Library has expressed concerns that future historians may face a “black hole” of lost material unless urgent action is taken to archive contemporary websites and other digital records.

    Lynne Brindley, the library’s chief executive, is concerned that Britain’s cultural heritage may be at risk as new technologies make current standards obsolete. Some have noted that this is already happening, with photos stored on computers lost forever when hard drives fail and mobile phone snaps easily being lost or never transferred off the handset.


  • Stephen Fry Appearance At London Apple Store: Potential Riot? UPDATED

    Stephen Fry Appearance At London Apple Store: Potential Riot?Police riot vehicles might be needed on 2 Feb at the London Apple Store, as Stephen Fry – TV broadcaster and Twitter’s sometimes head of publicity (he and sometimes-TV presenter Jonathan Ross were gassing on the box about it on Friday night) – is speaking at the shop Not now, we understand that it’s been cancelled.


  • Metcheck Goes Bonkers And Predicts Total Disaster For London

    Metcheck Goes Bonkers - Predicts Super-Hurricanes In LondonWe don’t mean to alarm you here, but according to leading weather forecasting site Metcheck, there’s some rather extreme weather ahead for UK citizens.

    Visiting their site and typing in ‘London’ and then clicking on the weather for Friday brings up a weather forecast so fearsome, nay Biblical, that we expect to see wild panic in the streets swiftly followed by a screaming stampede out of the metropolis.


  • Philip Schofield Gives Twitter ‘This Morning’ Boost

    Philip Schofield Gives Twitter 'This Morning' BoostYou can’t get much more mainstream than the mid-morning ITV programme This Morning.

    Today the show was opened by long-time TV presenter, Philip Schofield, declaring that he’s on Twitter as @Schofe.


  • Vodafone To Bag Palm Pre Handset For UK?

    Vodafone To Bag Palm Pre Handset For UK?Rumours are beginning to circulate that Vodafone may be looking to nab the eagerly awaited Palm Pre handset on an exclusive deal when it’s released in the UK.


  • Blu-ray Content Market Soars In US And UK

    Blu-ray Content Market Soars In US And UKThe popularity of Blu-ray went ballistic during 2008, with sales and rentals of Blu-ray content discs almost tripling in the US and quadrupling in the UK.

    US sales notch up $750 million
    Laughing in the face of an overall downturn in the U.S. home entertainment market, the entire Blu-ray Disc market in the U.S. totted up to a hefty $750 million last year, up from $270 million in 2007.


  • Plasma TV Screens Set To Get The Push In Europe

    Plasma TV Screens Set To Get The Push In EuropeThe pen-pushing Eurocrats in Brussels are ready to ban large screen plasma TVs if a new EU standard goes through this spring.

    The EU is displeased with the vast energy needs of plasma screens, which are thought to hog four times as much power than regular screens, and produce four times as many carbon emissions.


  • Best of CES 2009: Our Choice

    Best of CES 2009: Our ChoiceWith the dust settling on last week’s annual CES tech fest, we take a look at some of the gadgets and gizmos that caught our eye.

    Top of the pile – and incidentally a recipient of CNet’s ‘Best In Show’ and ‘Peoples’ Voice’ awards – is the hugely innovative and exciting Palm Pre smartphone. Just when we thought Palm were ready to slide into oblivion, they pulled out a stunning new phone with an interface that makes even the iPhone look out of date.


  • Brits Spend Over £100m Online On Christmas Day

    Brits Spend Over £100m Online On Christmas DayTaking time off from stuffing their faces with turkey and mince pies, nearly 4m Britons waddled away from the dinner table to go online and spend more than £100m on Christmas Day.

    According to figures issued by the IMRG, around 3.8m consumers turned their backs on Wallace & Gromit and the Dr Who special to log on and splash out a record breaking £102m online – an average of £26.80 per shopper.


  • Whopper Sacrifice: Confusing Facebook App

    Whopper SacrificeBurger King has releases a rather strange Facebook App – Whopper Sacrifice.

    In exchange for you un-friending (burning) your Facebook ‘friends,’ it gives you credit towards a Whopper. Burn ten and they’ll give you a burger in the US.
