
  • Future of Web Apps In London This Week

    Future of Web Apps This WeekExcitement is rising in the Digital-Lifestyles offices for the upcoming Future of Web Apps event in London later this week.

    The conference is running this Thursday to Friday, 9-10 October, with workshops running through out the Wednesday.


  • First Loyalty Points For Music Service Launched In UK

    First Loyalty Points For Music Service Launched In UKA new way of getting music has launched in the UK.

    As Nokia launches their ‘music with phones’ offering today and T-Mobile/Google offered music for the G1, we’ve heard of another company using music to tempt people towards their product.

    Nectar, who provide a loyalty card which gives points against purchases, have launched Nectar Music Store in the UK. We understand that it’s the first in the UK using loyalty points as track-buying currency.


  • £17 eBay Camera Contained Top Secret Information

    £17 eBay Camera Contained Top Secret InformationHere’s another tale of UK data loss that has to be one for the “You couldn’t make it up” files.

    An Englishman has bought a Nikon Coolpix camera from eBay for £17 that had lots of secret information stored on it.

    According to The Sun, list is considerable.

    • a document marked “top secret” detailed the encrypted computer system used by real-life James Bonds working away from MI6’s London HQ.
    • a hand-drawn graphic revealed links between active al-Qaeda cells — with terrorists’ names and occupations.
    • photos of rocket launchers and missiles

    Although The Sun isn’t explicit — not surprisingly, as why would they confuse their readers — it appears that other data was held on the memory card, but not as photos. These include names, snaps, fingerprints and suspects’ academic records.

    Special Branch attention
    Having realising what he had, the eBay purchaser reported his findings to the police where he lived, at Hemel Hempstead.

    Despite the officers apparently not taking it seriously, the anti-terrorist Special Branch officers turned up at his home and removed the camera and the computer that the pictures had been downloaded to – giving them £1,000 to buy a replacement.

    It’s reported that investigation are being made into the seller of the equipment.


  • YouTube Is “Coolest Online Brand”

    YouTube Is YouTube has swiped aside Internet monsters Google and social networking phenomenon Facebook to win the honour of the ‘coolest online media brand’, according to this year’s CoolBrands survey.


  • LloydsTSB Mobile Banking Mini Review (80%)

    LloydsTSB Mobile Banking Mini Review Many financial institutions have long promised the ability to bank via your mobile, well now it’s a reality, at least for LloydsTSB customers (so presumably also for HBOS customers soon following their recent acquisition).

    The mobile banking app is a Java application that should run on most mobile phone, well ones that support Java.

    The application isn’t very exciting, it’s just a series of menus and each menu give access to a variety of sub menus and eventually your banking details.


  • Carphone Warehouse To Become UK’s #1 ISP?

    Carphone Warehouse To Become UK's #1 ISP?Carphone Warehouse looks on track to becomes the UK’s #1 ISP if their new bid for the UK arm of rival Internet service provider Tiscali proves successful.

    The Warehouse gang have been waving a sizeable wad of used fivers adding up to a cool £450m in the direction of Tiscali – a company which has been up for sale since the beginning of this year.


  • Tudou launches HD service

    Tudou launches HD serviceTudou, the Shangahi-based video sharing site that is reported to stream over 15 billion minutes of video every day — thrashing YouTube’s 3 Bn — has just launched an HD service.


  • Sky Max: Actually Going Unlimited

    Sky Max: Actually Going UnlimitedAs you’ll know, many broadband providers sell you unlimited boradband service that are actually … limited.

    Under the guise of a Fair Use Policy (FUP), you are slapped on the wrist if you download more than they’ve deemed as fair. After a few slaps, they’ll cut you off.


  • Pace DC50X Wins First New Energy Star Program Award

    Pace DC50X Wins First New Energy Star Program AwardPace, UK suppliers of digital TV products, have become the first company to receive an award under the new Energy Star Program.

    Energy Star is voluntary, market-based partnership to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through energy efficiency.


  • Jason Binks, Now Head Of Digital and New Media, ITV Worldwide

    Jason Binks, Now Head Of Digital and New Media, ITV WorldwideITV Worldwide have a new Vice President of Digital and New Media.

    Jason Binks joins the company to look after all aspects of digital rights, including DTO (Download-To-Own), DTR (Download-To-Rent), and VOD (Video On Demand).

    ITV tell us that he will also support the television and home entertainment sales teams at ITV Worldwide and deal with technology companies in this new environment.

    Binks joins from Roo Media, where he was Senior Sales and Distribution Director for Europe for ten months
