Web 2.0

  • FOWA London 2008 Review

    FOWA London 2008 ReviewFOWA or the Future of Web Apps, took place at the Excel in Docklands on the 8-10th of October 2008 with the conference running on Thu/Fri.

    FOWA was all about Web 2.0 or maybe even Web 3.0 or maybe that’s Web 4.0? Which ever way, it’s about the future of Web apps. You’ll have noticed that the clue is in the name.


  • Future of Web Apps In London This Week

    Future of Web Apps This WeekExcitement is rising in the Digital-Lifestyles offices for the upcoming Future of Web Apps event in London later this week.

    The conference is running this Thursday to Friday, 9-10 October, with workshops running through out the Wednesday.


  • MySpace And Facebook Dominate Mobile Social Networks

    MySpace And Facebook Dominate Mobile Social NetworksIndustry giants Facebook and MySpace are the most popular social networking websites for mobile phone users, according to figures released by ABI Research.

    Their survey found that nearly half (46 per cent) of people signed up to social networks have also whipped out their mobile phones to access the sites.


  • MySpace Music: 1 Billion Songs Streamed “In A Few Days”

    MySpace Music: 1 Billion Songs Streamed MySpace is claiming that its MySpace Music service has already streamed well over a billion songs since launching on September 25.

    The company are being a little vague with the details but it seems that the billion song total was reached only a ‘few days’ after launch.


  • Scrabble Aims To Outshine Scrabulous On Facebook

    Years late to the party, Hasbro and Mattel look to oust the unofficial Facebook hit app.
    Scrabble Aims To Outshine Scrabulous On FacebookThe unauthorised Scrabble rip-off ‘Scrabulous’ continues to be a phenomenal hit on the social networking site Facebook, despite the best efforts of copyright owners Hasbro and Mattel to get the application closed down.


  • Vodafone And MySpace Hook Up To Create Interactive Mobile Music Platform

    Vodafone And MySpace Hook Up To Create Interactive Mobile Music PlatformVodafone – the world’s biggest mobile communications group – are teaming up with social networking site giants MySpace to create what they’re describing as an “online global interactive platform.”


  • iPhone – Number One For Porn

    With handsets offering bigger screens, video capabilities and faster download speeds the market for mobile pornography is set to soar according to industry insiders – with the iPhone proving the biggest hit amongst the thrill-seeking cognoscenti.

    Declared “by far the porn-friendliest phone,” by Devan Cypher of San Francisco-based Sin City Entertainment, Apple’s iPhone has become the number one choice for many porn seekers.


  • Facebook Overtakes MySpace In Unique Visitors

    Facebook Overtakes MySpace In Unique VisitorsIn the battle of the big two social networking sites, Facebook has cruised forward to take a “significant lead” in visitor numbers over its rival, MySpace.

    According to traffic monitoring bods ComScore, Facebook hauled in more than 123m unique visitors in May, a hefty rise of 162 per cent compared to the same period last year.


  • YouTube Introduce Video Annotation

    YouTube Introduce Video AnnotationWe were putting a video up yesterday (Virtual Mirror) and we saw that YouTube had introduced a new function – allowing video publishers to add annotations to their pieces.

    Hurrah – we’ve been waiting for a feature like this for a long time and had it as a ‘one day’ project for ourselves, for the last five or so years.


  • Gmail Contacts Upgraded: Good Job

    Gmail Contacts UpgradedIf you’ve not been into the contacts section of Google Mail recently, you’ll be pleasantly surprised when you do, to see that it’s had a pretty major makeover. We might have noticed it earlier, but we avoided using the old contacts system as it was so clunky previously.
