The Worst Web Site Of The Year?

The Worst Web Site Of The Year?Currently being lauded as a prime candidate for the Worst Website of 2008 is this eye-sucking monstrosity at Havenworks. com.

Described by a visitor to the Web Pages That Suck website as “too awful to even even think of a comment,” the site as Havenworks looks like it was designed by a hyperactive, colour-blind designer in 1996 and manages to fail on just about every count when it comes to user friendliness.
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PM Gordon Brown Launches YouTube ‘Ask The PM’ sessions

PM Gordon Brown Launches YouTube 'Ask The PM' sessionsGordon Brown. perhaps the least dynamic PM since John “yawn” Major, is looking to get down with the Web 2.0 Krew and get all interactive on our PCs.

In an attempt to attract younger voters, the PM is launching an online version of prime minister’s questions, promising to respond to video clip questions sent in via the Downing Street YouTube website.

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Chengdu Earthquake Photos From Public’s Mobile Phones Beat Newspapers

Chengdu Photos From Public's Mobile Phones Beat NewspapersWe’re all aware of how the news media has been changed by the use of photos and video shot by members of the public and sent in to news desks.

They provide the instant captures of the moment events happen and enables viewers of the news to be in places that news crews just can’t get to. Early examples of this was the London Tube Bombings.

The latest we’ve come across is the shocking earthquake at Chengdu in China.

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