The tussle between Yahoo and Microsoft has gone through a couple of extra rounds of late. We thought we’d bring you up to date with the current state of play.
Back in Feb Microsoft offered Yahoo $44Bn. Yahoo said no thanks.
The tussle between Yahoo and Microsoft has gone through a couple of extra rounds of late. We thought we’d bring you up to date with the current state of play.
Back in Feb Microsoft offered Yahoo $44Bn. Yahoo said no thanks.
It’s being reported that there’s ‘secret’ discussion going on between Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp and Yahoo, apparently in an attempt to find an alternative route to Microsoft buying it.
MySpace is to launch MySpace Celebrity, a ‘channel’ (read Web page) on MySpace that bring to attention MySpace pages of ‘celebrities.’
The illusion they are trying to create is that MySpace users will be able to interact with their favourite stars. The likelihood is that they will in fact be communicating with one of the team responsible for running the site for the ‘celebrities.’
MySpace is to introduce MySpace IM with Skype, giving their considerable number of users the ability to directly IM with each other, and talk using Skype for zero cost.
The integration between MySpace and Skype sounds like it’s been considerable, with MySpace users able to block or grant access to them through settings on their MySpace pages, including only accepting calls from MySpace ‘friends.’ In addition MySpace profiles, photos or avatars can also be linked to their accounts on Skype.
With a chilling wind stirred up by a tornado of law suits blowing their way, MySpace has announced that it will be implementing new technology to stop members’ using copyrighted material without permission.
Based on Audible Magic technology, the new content protection system regales under the name, “Take Down Stay Down,” and MySpace is hoping that it’ll do what it says on the tin.