
  • Yahoo Takeover News Catchup

    Yahoo Takeover News CatchupThe tussle between Yahoo and Microsoft has gone through a couple of extra rounds of late. We thought we’d bring you up to date with the current state of play.

    Back in Feb Microsoft offered Yahoo $44Bn. Yahoo said no thanks.


  • Facebook Boosts Music Service; MTV And MySpace Launch TV Show

    Facebook Boosts Music Service; MTV And MySpace Launch TV Show
    Oh great. There’s yet another social networking service arriving on an already crowded landscape, and this time it’s Facebook ripping off MySpace by offering their own full-on dedicated music service.

    The feature set appears to be a note for note copy of the basic MySpace services, so bands or musicians can create their own homepages, add songs and videos, post up information about gigs, blog updates and news, yadda yadda yadda.

  • Murdoch Interested In Yahoo?

    Murdoch Interested In Yahoo?It’s being reported that there’s ‘secret’ discussion going on between Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp and Yahoo, apparently in an attempt to find an alternative route to Microsoft buying it.

  • MySpace Celebrity: More Puerile Rubbish

    MySpace Celebrity: More Puerile RubbishMySpace is to launch MySpace Celebrity, a ‘channel’ (read Web page) on MySpace that bring to attention MySpace pages of ‘celebrities.’

    The illusion they are trying to create is that MySpace users will be able to interact with their favourite stars. The likelihood is that they will in fact be communicating with one of the team responsible for running the site for the ‘celebrities.’

  • MySpace Adopts OpenSocial: Google Happy

    MySpace Adopts OpenSocial: Google HappyGoogle is to collaborate with MySpace on OpenSocial, an Open Platform for Social Application Development.

    Consisting of a set of common APIs that can be used for building Web-based social applications. The hope is that they will simplify the process of developing social applications.

  • Social Networking Sites To Plateau In 2012

    Social Networking Sites Set To Plateau In 2012Social networking sites are set to scoop up 230 million active members by the end of the year and will keep reeling punters until at least 2009, but sniffy investors are still harbouring doubts about the long term growth of the market.

  • MySpace Skype Deal Announced

    MySpace is to introduce MySpace IM with Skype, giving their considerable number of users the ability to directly IM with each other, and talk using Skype for zero cost.

    The integration between MySpace and Skype sounds like it’s been considerable, with MySpace users able to block or grant access to them through settings on their MySpace pages, including only accepting calls from MySpace ‘friends.’ In addition MySpace profiles, photos or avatars can also be linked to their accounts on Skype.

  • MySpace Introduces Copyright Protection For Videos

    MySpace Introduces Copyright Protection For VideosWith a chilling wind stirred up by a tornado of law suits blowing their way, MySpace has announced that it will be implementing new technology to stop members’ using copyrighted material without permission.

    Based on Audible Magic technology, the new content protection system regales under the name, “Take Down Stay Down,” and MySpace is hoping that it’ll do what it says on the tin.

  • MySpace News Now Live: Very Quiet

    MySpace News Now Live: Very QuietFollowing the anticipation of the Beta launch of MySpace News, we thought we’d pop over and have a look at what the service is like and how well it’s doing.

    It’s obviously early days, but wow is it quiet over there … you can almost hear the tumble-weed running through it.

    It may pickup at the weekend when MySpace fans/fanatics spend their whole weekend bashing messages to their ‘friends’, or then again they may be mixing with real people and getting their bodies into the sun.

    Maybe we’re on to something that the MySpace crowd just isn’t interested in news.

    MySpace News

  • MySpace News Take On Google News and Digg

    MySpace News To Rival Google News and DiggIt is perfectly logical that Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp that owns MySpace would use it to trial new features and services that will be of use across their vast empire of media companies.

    To this end, MySpace will be launching MySpace News, expected to launch into Beta later today.

    They will be scraping news site across the world and presenting them in the same way that Google News does so successfully.

    Once the stories are presented to the MySpace users, they’ll be able vote on the quality and content of the stories, in much the same way as Digg users currently do.

    So it looks like they’ve taken Google News and Digg and glued the two together.

    We’re not sure if Rupe has this one right, as it’s widely known that the younger end of the population doesn’t really care that much about news.

    Time will tell if they choose to spend their leisure time (as that’s what MySpace is) reading news stories and voting on them.

    Myspace News (still currently private)