
  • UK iPhone: Detailed Review: Its Web Browser, iPod-ness & Google Maps

    Previous instalments of this comprehensive UK iPhone review were the build of the iPhone & its interface and how it is to use it as a phone, texting on it and emailing.

    UK iPhone: Detailed Review: Its Web Browser, iPod-ness & Google MapsWeb Browser
    Although it’s touted as being the first to do full, real, web pages, Opera Mini 4 isn’t far behind on this front. But again, the touch UI brings it to life. Zooming and scrolling means you can navigate complex pages in orders of magnitude faster than Opera.

    There’s some irritations in the browser. It often re-fetches a page, when you’d expect it to use a cached version – such as when you go ‘back’. Opera Mini is way faster here, neatly sliding the previous page into view.

  • UK iPhone: Detailed Review: As A Phone, Its Texting & email

    Yesterday’s UK iPhone review covered the Physical characteristic of the iPhone’s and its User Interface.

    UK iPhone: Detailed Review: As A Phone, Its Texting & emailThe Phone

    There’s not a lot to say here yet. It works. A giant on screen keyboard means that manual dialling is error free, and the contacts list is incredibly quick to navigate. If you get a lot of voicemail, the visual voicemail feature will come in handy – the ability to see your voicemails as a list to choose from.

    And, as well as being able to cherry pick the message you actually want to hear, you can stop, rewind, replay, just by dragging a slider. This comes into it’s own when someone has left a tediously long message, with one key bit of information right in the middle of it.

  • UK iPhone: Detailed Review

    UK iPhone: Detailed ReviewWe’re all to aware that many sites have reviewed the iPhone, but the vast majority of them have been done by American sites.

    Following last weeks UK release we thought it would be interesting to have a look at it through UK eyes, after all, nationalities use devices differently – a great example being the UK obsession with SMS texting, compared with the US not really seeing its value.

  • Apple iPhone Launch Full Of Fail

    Apple iPhone Launch Full Of FailDespite the Apple’s corporation’s best attempts to foist a ghastly US-style, all-whoopin’ and a-clappin’, backslappin’, high-fivin’, luxury goods-spendin’ iPhone ‘event’ on us Brits, initial reports suggest that the great occasion failed miserably to live up to the pre-launch hype. It doesn’t look like the UK sales on Friday are going to be adding to the expected 3m iPhone sales.

    With the clock ticking down to the Apple-decreed hour of 6:02pm on Friday night, stockists Carphone Warehouse, O2 stores and Apple’s own retail chains were ready and waiting to deal with the expected rampaging hordes of credit card wielding punters desperate to shell out £269 for the privilege of owning an iPhone and spending 18 long months in the expensive company of exclusive carriers O2.

  • UK iPhone Launch On Friday: iGussets Moisten

    UK iPhone Launch On Friday: iGussets MoistenExpect much shivering and perhaps a little moistening of the iPants as over-excited fanboys settle down to queue up for the UK launch of the iPhone on Friday.

    For some reason we can’t even be bothered to look up, those crazy marketing cats at Apple have set a launch time of precisely 6:02 p.m., with iPhones being made available at more than 1,300 Apple, O2 and Carphone Warehouse retail locations across the UK.

  • Only 1 Per Cent Of Brits Want An iPhone

    Only 1 Per Cent Of Brits Want An iPhoneApple’s well-oiled publicity machine may well have ensured that half the planet knows all about their innovative iPhone, but when it comes to dipping in their pockets and buying the thing, it seems us Brits are distinctly sniffy, with a recent YouGov survey discovering that just one per cent of Britons polled would be buying an iPhone.

  • Apple Refuses Cash Payments For iPhones

    Apple Refuses Cash Payments For iPhonesIn an intriguing move, Herr Jobs has now dictated that folks without credit cards will not be allowed to purchase an iPhone, declaring that Apple will “no longer accept cash for iPhone purchases.”

    Moreover, Apple will be limiting sales of the hit iPhone to two for each customer in an attempt to preserve stocks for Christmas and stop people reselling their handsets.


  • Cloud Unlimited Music Service For iPod Touch Coming

    Cloud Unlimited Music Service For iPod Touch ComingThe Cloud, Wi-Fi providers in the UK, are launching a new service for iPod Touch users across the country.

    Never slow to innovate, The Cloud is offering the service for £3.99 a month from 1 October, with no minimum contract.

  • Unlocked Apple iPhones To Be Trashed?

    Unlocked Apple iPhones To Be Trashed?Punters looking to use their shiny new iPhones on different networks might want to think again after Apple released a statement warning that unlocked phones will “most likely” become “permanently inoperable”

    Although iPhones are currently exclusively tied into AT&T’s network in the States (and O2 in the UK), several unofficial hacks swiftly appeared on the web offering to unlock the phones to work on any network.

  • Apple iPhone UK Announcement – At A Price

    Apple iPhone UK Announcement - At A PriceAfter months of bedwetting anticipation for Apple fanboys around the UK, His Royal iHighness, Steve Jobs, has shuffled his rollneck personage into London to announce the first European carrier for the 8GB iPhone.

    In a deal that one insider described as “madly money-losing,” O2 has secured exclusive UK rights to flog the innovative new phone, with a launch scheduled for November 9th.