Simon Perry

  • Google: Mobile Phones Should Be Free

    Google: Mobile Phones Should Be FreeGoogle chief executive, Eric Schmidt, has chatted to Reuters about his thoughts on mobile phones, and how their ownership and usage should be free, supported of course by advertising. In his words “It just makes sense that subsidies should increase” as advertising rises on mobile phones.

    He also told Reuters

    Google is experimenting with delivering text, brand-image and video ads onto small-screen mobile phones. It is enjoying early success in its strategy to win phone network allies in Japan, where TV viewing and shopping on phones is advanced.

    This follows the release of their second application designed specifically for mobile devices, available outside the US as well.

    While hypothesising about the possible, Schmidt brought in a little reality by adding that he wasn’t aware of any effort by partners such as phone makers Nokia or Motorola or mobile operators like Vodafone to make such a radical move.

    Google is finding it harder to disguise that their search business is just a ruse – they are, as we’ve said for a long time, an advertising company.

    They’ve already announced solid plans to move their advertising to printed newspapers, and with this recent comment, making it clear that they’ll be moving the advertising to mobile phones as well.

    Reuters coverage

  • Helio Drift Gets Google Maps With GPS

    Helio Drift Gets Google Maps With GPSGoogle Maps for Mobile now officially supports GPS location information when used with mobile phones … well at least one of them at the moment, the Helio Drift.

    We’ve been covering running Google Maps/Local on mobiles for about a year since we heard about Cristian Streng discovering that GPS was supported within its program code, back in November 2005.

    Helio would broadly be called a mobile phone operator – but they specifically request, “Don’t call us a phone company”. Helio is a joint venture between SK Telecom (South Korean telco) and Earthlink (US ISP) that doesn’t have their own network, but are a 3G Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO), utilising other networks. Given Koreas long lead in mobile and specifically digital networks, it’s a pretty interesting company.

    Having your position automatically fed in to a mapping application brings in considerable advantages to any mapping application. When you’re in an unfamiliar city, you don’t have to struggle to find out where you actually are, then try to punch it into your phone. Then, as you make your way to your destination, your phone position is updated, giving you the assurance that you’re not walking in the opposite direction.

    Other advantages for Google including the users of the service writing/blogging about the location they are in – generating more content for Google, but importantly information that is anchored to a place/location.

    Google official application isn’t the only other option. There are other that currently work with GPS. MGMaps support many external GPS devices over bluetooth, and internal GPS on some phones.

    It would be interesting to see what the deal between Google and Helio is, as it appears that Helio have an exclusive on this offering … at last for a while.


  • OverBoard Extreme Pro-Sports Floating Waterproof iPod Case

    OverBoard Extreme Pro-Sports Floating Waterproof iPod CaseA UK company specialising in waterproof bags, OverBoard, have widened their selection of waterproof cases to include electronic gear.

    As many of you may have found out to your disappointment, electronics goods do _not_ mix with either water or sand where they either short out in the case of water, or start making a horrible grinding sound in the case of sand.

    OverBoard already had cases for mobile phones, PSP and various music players including iPod that could be used for “leisure activities,’ such as light swimming or chilling by the pool or knocking around on a sandy beach.

    OverBoard tell us that it’s even possible to make a phone call with the case in place.

    OverBoard Extreme Pro-Sports Floating Waterproof iPod CaseNot content with just providing their leisure range, they’ve decided to tackle the design problem of a waterproof iPod case for extreme water sports, a range they call pro-Sports. Not only are they more rugged, but float, so your rather expensive music player doesn’t start playing its tunes to the fishes.

    I got my hands on them at the WhiteAir Extreme Sports Festival

    I’d never seen waterproof ipod cases before and was surprised to see a headphone adaptor pointing out of the bottom of it – quite how else I thought you’d listen to them is anyones guess. The connector is gold to minimise corrosion, but OverBoard recommend washing the unit through with freshwater after use.

    Taking the music player in and out of the case is simple. Overboard’s seal on these cases are sliders, so moving these apart gives direct access to the waterproof pouch. Once the headphone plug has been inserted into the player, sealing the bag is just a case of pushing the sliders together again. Controlling the player is simple through the clear section of the case.

    OverBoard Extreme Pro-Sports Floating Waterproof iPod CaseThe time I had with it gave me the impression that the case is very tough. There’s two leads supplied, a neoprene velcro sports arm strap (for attaching to your arm – in the photo) and a safety break neck lanyard.

    Overboard have good a couple of developments underway. The first is a PSP bag which they’re adding a headphone socket to and they tell me that they’re planning on bringing out some waterproof headphones soon.

    The Pro-sport range iPod player (black and white) is available from the OverBoard site for £24.99 (€37, $48).

    OverBoard Pro-Sport case
    Some more photos of the OverBoard cases

  • Universal Music Get Part Of Zune Price

    Universal Music Get Part Of Zune PriceMicrosoft is giving the Universal Music Group (UMG) a per-unit fee for each Zune that they sell, in addition to the money that they’ll make out sell music tracks on it too.

    There’s only days left until the US launch of Zune, Microsoft’s last hope to get in a strong position with portable music players. The deal with Universal has only just been sealed, so we’d imagine the negotiations with Microsoft haven’t been that relaxed, because, as we all know, a device without content is in a dangerous position.

    In our view this deal is lunacy. Giving the record company part of the value of selling the portable music player is like letting them have part of the profit from selling a record player.

    Is Microsoft really that desperate to try and make up the huge gap between itself and Apple, that it’s prepared to give away part of the actual device?

    It is possible that this a move-of-genius by Microsoft, creating a new ‘standard’ of deal within digital music deal. The reality is that when Apple’s negotiating with the labels, they have the strongest card of all – OK don’t deal with us, and lose access to the most popular music sales in the world.

  • BT Vision Signs Disney Content Deal

    BT has signed a deal with The Walt Disney Company, to deliver their programming over the soon to be launched BT Vision IPTV service.

    The good news for BT is that the deal covers not only Disney’s library content, but importantly for BT, new material when it comes available. The new Disney content carries a lot of weight with the UK viewing public (for some reason).

    The deal will also cover content from Touchstone Pictures and Miramax Films.

    Names of some of the films will be bound to get some people excited with box-office hits ‘Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest,’ the Academy Award®-winning ‘Memoirs of a Geisha,’ plus comedies ‘The Shaggy Dog’ and ‘Scary Movie 4.’

    Dan Marks, CEO of BT Vision, enthused: “We look forward to working with Disney to develop and use innovative technology to continue providing our customers with choice, convenience and control over their movie-watching.”

    BT Vision has been under development for problems with Microsoft’s IPTV service.

    BT Vision

  • Skype Beta 3.0 Gives Web Click-to-Call And Hits 8m Users

    Skype Beta 3.0 Gives Web Click-to-CallSkype has made public its Beta 3.0 version of it super-popular VoIP software for Windows. It’s been sitting with NDA’s beta testers for just over a week now. Skype has also hit 8 million simultaneous users online today.

    There’s a few changes, but we’re not sure that there’s been enough to justify a whole version number upgrade.

    One of the most interesting additions is the ability to click-to-call any landline phone number that you see on the Web (once a small browser plug-in ins installed), by placing a call through your SkypeOut account.

    Henry Gomez, Chief Marketing Officer & Director of Worldwide Operations, Skype, gave an example of how it might be used, “imagine you’re searching online for a good place to eat and you find a restaurant and want to make a reservation. All you need to do is click on the number and you can make a direct call using SkypeOut.”

    As ever with each Skype release, there’ been more adjustments made to the software interface. Amoung other changes is another main tab, called “Live,” which gives quick access to the Skypecast feature – giving real-time chats (IM and VoIP) to up to 100 people) – which has been around for quite a few releases.

    By including the Live tab so prominently, Skype are attempting to make people become more dependent on Skype, beyond using it for ‘just’ communications, they’re hoping people will use it for ‘entertainment.’

    Skype Beta 3.0

  • Camrivox First To Support Google Talk In VoIP Hardware

    Camrivox First To Support Google Talk In VoIP HardwareCamrivox are claiming to be the first company to integrate Google’s Gtalk into hardware-based VoIP products, making them the first device that supports Google Talk without a PC.

    The equipment lets you setup to work with both a SIP account, as you’d expect, and a GTalk account at the same time. These features are across the whole range of Terminal Adaptors as well as their new handset, the Flexor 500 IP phone.

    Commenting on the difference between Skype and GTalk, he points out that GTalk publish their information, a world away from the closed approach of Skype.

    The big advantage of the Camrivox approach is to make their kit zero-configuration at the users end. The whole thing can be setup and changed simply by the operator or can be carried out by Camrivox on their behalf.

    They have two TA’s, the 151 (pictured) which has support for both phone line (PSTN) and Ethernet (VoIP), letting the user chose between the ‘traditional’ phone line and VoIP. The 201 only supports VoIP.

    Camrivox First To Support Google Talk In VoIP HardwareAnalysis
    The GTalk inclusion is an interesting move for Camrivox. The world of VoIP is becoming increasingly crowded, so having your company’s voice heard (no pun intended), is also difficult. By implementing the GTalk support Camrivox is clearly hoping to hitch a ride on the Google coat tails and with the good looking kit that they have, it’s likely to catch peoples eyes.

    GTalk hasn’t really set the VoIP world alight, with the clear current winner being Skype. That’s not to say that GTalk isn’t important, or that it won’t achieve a more significant position. The biggest winner GTalk has got is its integration into other Google products, such as its inclusion in GMail. Also as more people sign up for Google services they’ll automatically be signed up for GTalk.

    Camrivox appear keen on integration with other products too, given they have just announced a deal with The integration will bring up callers information up when a VoIP call comes in via their kit.


  • Virgin Media Born From ntl

    Virgin Media Born From ntlntl are to re-brand as Virgin Media during the first quarter of 2007.

    The Quad play offering (TV, Broadband, Telephone, Mobile) bring together telewest as was, ntl as is and Virgin Mobile.

    Gordon McCallum, chief executive officer of Virgin Management Limited and ntl Board member explains the new direction, “Taking on the Virgin brand is about much more than a new name and logo above the door. ntl Telewest’s management team has consistently demonstrated that it understands this and the commitment that’s needed to succeed. Much has already been achieved and we’re confident that the company’s on track to deliver the Virgin promise when we re-brand next year.”

    Steve Burch, president and chief executive officer of ntl is clearly very excited about it, as you can see from his video below.

    Frankly we think ntl needs to have a big kick up the arse as they’ve been in the doldrums for a long time, with a large number of subscribers dropping off and those who do use it often complaining about the level of service they get.

    The re-branding announcement was synchronised with the release of ntl’s figures which weren’t massively impressive. They showed an operating loss of £9.6 million ($18.2m, €14.3m), compared with a loss of £4.7 million ($9m, €7m) a year earlier. They claim this was due to increased restructuring charges, coming from the three way merger.

    Total revenue rose to just over £1 Billion (£1.03 billion) from £482.7 million a year earlier. Worryingly it also recorded a net loss of 37,300 customers in the quarter.

  • PortalPlayer: Nvidia Buy iPod Chip Maker

    PortalPlayer: Nvidia Buy iPod Chip MakerNvidia are extending their expertise in providing the chippery for portable devices by buying PortalPlayer, who are responsible for the controlling chips for the hard-disk-based iPods, or “powers some of the world’s most recognizable portable digital music players,” as they chose to describe it.

    Nvidia will pay $13.50 in cash for each outstanding share of PortalPlayer common stock, which adds up to approximately $357 million, dropping to around $161 million excluding the cash PortalPlayer’ has on its balance sheet.

    Highlighting the companies logic in buying PortalPlayer, Jen-Hsun Huang, president and CEO of Nvidia enlightened all, “Modern mobile devices are miniaturized yet powerful multimedia computers. At the core of their architectures are complex Application Processors integrating microprocessors, system logic, networking, and multimedia processors.”

    There’d been some speculation that Nvidia might have sold out to Intel, following their graphics-chip competitor ATi being bought by AMD, but moves like this make it clear that they’re taking a different path. This was outlined by Huang, “With this acquisition, we are combining the two essential technologies of next-generation PMPs, PDAs, portable game players, and phones: PortalPlayer’s innovative Application Processor technology and NVIDIA’s industry-leading GPU technology. With the products created through this combination, we intend to drive the next digital revolution, where the mobile device becomes our most personal computer.”


  • US Xbox 360 Gets HD Films and TV Downloads

    US Xbox 360 Gets HD Films and TV DownloadsStarting 22 November, US Xbox 360 owners will be able to download TV programmes and films to their Xboxes to rent and watch.

    The film content will only be available for a limited amount of time. They’ll have to be watched within 14 days of getting it and, once the viewing session starts, will have to be completely watched within 24 hours.

    Downloaded TV content will be available to be watched as many times as you like – and you’re able to keep it. Just like a video recording …. except you have to pay for it!

    The content will be stored on the 360’s built-in 20Gb hard drive.

    Microsoft are launching the service with a couple of magic numbers – 1,000 hours of programming, with 200 of those being in HD (720p).

    The cost? Well, not content to use one of the current 167 currencies around the world, Microsoft have invented their own – MS Points (they’re also using it with the Zune). In MS Points, HD films will be 480 MS Points and SD films, 320. TV shows will be 240. Those wanting to partake in the service will need to have an Xbox Live account.

    US Xbox 360 Gets HD Films and TV DownloadsNo definite European plans as yet, but it’s expected once they sign the content deals.

    By the end of the year US Xbox 360 owners will be able to see:

    Aqua Teen Hunger Force (Adult Swim)
    Avatar: The Last Airbender (Nickelodeon)
    Batman Forever (Warner Bros Home Entertainment)
    Breaking Bonaduce (VH1)
    Carpocalypse (Spike TV)
    Chappelle’s Show (Comedy Central)
    CSI (CBS)
    Hogan Knows Best (VH1)
    Jackass: The Movie (Paramount Pictures)
    The Matrix (Warner Bros Home Entertainment)
    M:i:III (Paramount Pictures)
    Nacho Libre (Paramount Pictures)
    The Nicktoons Network Animation Festival (Nicktoons Network)
    Pimp My Ride (MTV)
    Race Rewind (provided by
    Raising the Roofs (Spike TV)
    The Real World (MTV)
    Robot Chicken (Adult Swim)
    Skyland (Nicktoons Network)
    South Park (Comedy Central)
    SpongeBob SquarePants (Nickelodeon)
    Star Trek (CBS)
    Superman Returns (Warner Bros Home Entertainment)
    Survivor (CBS) UFC: All Access (the UFC)
    The Ultimate Fighter (selected episodes from the UFC)

  • Digital-Lifestyles

    Digital-Lifestyles pre-empted and reported thousands of articles on the then-coming impact that technology was to have on all forms of Media. Launched in 2001 as a research blog to aid its founder, Simon Perry, present at IBC 2002, it grew into a wide ranging, multi-author publication that was quoted in many publications globally including the BBC, was described by the Guardian as 'Informative' and also cited in a myriad of tech publications before closing in 2009

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