Simon Perry

  • iPlayer Petition Gets Bland Response From Gordon Brown

    iPlayer Open Beta: A Flawed GemThere was a petition put on to the Number 10 Web Site questioning if the iPlayer should only be available on the Microsoft platform. On the last look it had 16,071 signatures on it from members of the public concerned about it as well.

    Just now the Prime Minister issued his response.

  • Sony a700 dSLR Announced

    Sony a700 dSLR AnnouncedSony have officially announced a new model in the Alpha range, the a700. Headline features are 12.24Mpx, a new “responsive high speed processor,” 5fps continuous shooting, 3-inch 921k dot photo-quality LCD. It’s also got a tie-in across the product range feature of ‘PhotoTV HD,’ HD1080 image display on new BRAVIA televisions, via an on-board HDMI port.

  • Japan Fund Google Rival: Are They Joking?

    Japan Fund Google Rival: Are They Joking?Japan has stuck €89m-€95m in to a research project to try and build a search engine to rival Google, reports the FT.

    10 Japanese companies are pooling their talent, as they’ve just noticed that hardware isn’t selling so well, South Korea and Taiwan are making and selling just what Japan is – but much cheaper. Oh, and that software services are growing.

  • iPod Touch Launches: The iDon’tPhone

    iPod Touch Launches: The iDon'tPhoneApple have launched the next generation of the iPod, the iPod Touch. Not surprisingly with a name like that, it’s got a touch screen, a la iPhone.

    Think of it as an iPhone without the phone – let’s call it the iDon’tPhone shall we.

    All of the big fuss that’s been jabbered about for ages on tons of news sites and blogs for the last month or so has come to pass – much the same as day follows night. Can you tell we’re pretty jaded about Apple at the moment? That and the _endless_ hysterical excitement associated with it.

  • 4 Billion Phone Subs Worldwide

    4 Billion Phone Subs WorldwideThe ITU claims there were nearly four billion phone subscribers worldwide by the end of 2006.

    In their “Trends in Telecomm- unication Reforms” report, the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) said this figure was made up of fixed and mobile connections, with the largest growth in mobile.

  • Microsoft Stumble On Open Doc Standard

    Microsoft Stumble On Open Doc StandardThere’s been general surprise at Microsoft’s failure to secure their ‘Open XML’ interchangeable document standard to be accepted by the ISO – International Standards Committee – and the IEC – International Electronic Commission.

    It is important to Microsoft as Governments around the world are looking to allow simple document interchange between all of their systems.

  • NXP Nexperia PNX5100: HD TV 2 Is Coming: Podcast & Video: IFA

    NXP Nexperia PNX5100: HD TV 2 Is Coming: IFA 2007If you thought that HD TV was the best picture you’re ever going to see, think again. The release of 100/120 Hz Full HD TVs gives you a pretty clear idea that the market is moving again.

    NXP showed us a chip the Nexperia PNX5100 which really ups the game for HD. Lower down you can listen to the interview with those involved and watch a video of it working.

  • NXP: Shaping The Future Of Digital Media: Podcast: IFA

    NXP Nexperia PNX5100: HD TV 2 Is Coming: IFA 2007If you want to know where consumer electronics are moving, there’s no better place to find out than via the people that make the chips that will power these devices.

    One that came into being last year that really impressed us last year at IFA was NXP, a spin-off from Philips, essentially what used to be their chip R&D division.

  • Sony Cyber-shot T200: Auto Smile Photos: Video: IFA

    Sony Cyber-shot T200: Auto Smile Photos: VideoWe got excited about face recognition in digital camera when we first heard about it – when the FinePix F31fd came out back in Septemeber 2006 – but now it’s becoming run of the mill.

    Sony have taken it one step further with the Cyber-shot T200. Not only does it spot faces, but it will automatically take the photo when the person in shot smiles.


  • Is Sony Making A Significant Shift?

    Is Sony Making A Significant Shift?Rick Rubin, he of Def Jam records, has been running Colombia Records, owned by Sony.

    Yesterday, there was a 12 page piece in the IHT about Rubin and his attempt to change Colombia Records

    Beyond the “‘You might never see me, I may never wear shoes, you’re not the boss of me,” demand that Rubin was supposed to have made, there’s also some meat that will be of interest to anyone who watches the shift of digital media.