Blog Post Leads To London Major Advisor Resigning

Blog Post Leads To London Major Advisor ResigningCitizen Journalism site, The-Latest, has been told by the Press Association that they are the first UK citizen journalism site to force the resignation of a public official.

Marc Wadsworth from The-Latest carried out an interview with James McGrath, until recently Boris Johnson’s deputy chief of staff and political advisor.

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YouTube Screening Room: ‘Serious’ Content For YouTube

YouTube Screening Room: 'Serious' Content For YouTubeYouTube Screening Room has officially been released following a couple of rumours knocking around about it.

YouTube’s stated intention is that they want to give the opportunity to the “tens of thousands of films” that are produced every year to be seen by a wider audience.

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British Music Rights Survey On Teenage Kicks

British Music Rights Survey Shows Teenage KicksIt looks like someone in the music business has taken a hard swallow and commissioned some research giving the true view of UK 14-24 year olds. Potentially refreshing.

Not only that, but it appears that they’ve swallowed even harder and decided to actually listen to what those surveyed are actually saying – perhaps a first in the music industry.

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YouTube Introduce Video Annotation

YouTube Introduce Video AnnotationWe were putting a video up yesterday (Virtual Mirror) and we saw that YouTube had introduced a new function – allowing video publishers to add annotations to their pieces.

Hurrah – we’ve been waiting for a feature like this for a long time and had it as a ‘one day’ project for ourselves, for the last five or so years.

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House Of Lords YouTube Channel Launches

House Of Lords YouTube Channel LaunchesThe UK House of Lords, is to launch it’s own YouTube channel.

Previously seen by some as a stuffy, rather stiff institution, it seems like the House of Lords , or The Lords as it’s normally abbreviated to, is trying to update it’s image and become more accessible to the people. All good stuff that should be supported.

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