Simon Perry

  • Email Dis-ease Increasing

    Email Disease IncreasingThe mania for email in and around UK Plc is multiplying, causing an every increasing expectation of the high speed response to email enquiries.


  • TheyWorkForYou: Now with Video!

    TheyWorkForYou: Now with Video!TheyWorkForYou, the Web site that takes what is said in the UK Parliament and makes it accessible to the citizens of the Web, has added a new feature, synchronising the video broadcast with the MP’s speech.

    Jolly good it is too.


  • Motorola S9 Review: Stereo Bluetooth Headset

    Motorola s9 Bluetooth headphone ReviewWe’ve been using the S9 stereo bluetooth headset from Motorola for quite a long time now.

    The concept behind them is intriguing – being able to enjoy music without having to deal with the wires that normally get caught up between headphones and the music player – but they’re more than that. You can step backwards and forwards through the tracks and make and receive phone calls.


  • Kangaroo Caught By OFT Inquiry

    Kangaroo Caught By OFT InquiryOh dear, the day before Ashley Highfield takes up the position of CEO of Project Kangaroo, the Internet-delivered TV joint venture between UK companies BBC Worldwide, ITV and Channel 4, we learn that the OFT has referred the whole shebang for further inquiry.


  • Russian Spam: Come on Google, Sort It Out

    Russian Spam: Come on Google, Sort It OutWe’re getting more and more Russian spam. A hideous amount of it. For example, we had 10 of them getting through the gmail filter in less than an hour today.

    We say spam, because we assume it’s spam as we didn’t ask for it to be sent to us, but mostly because we can’t read Cyrillic, so we’ve got no idea what it’s all about!


  • Bill Gates: A Mini Retrospective

    Bill Gates: A Mini RetrospectiveToday Bill Gates is stepping away from his day-to-day role at Microsoft, having built the company from zero in 1975 to the giant it is today.


  • PA Case: Motorised Suitcase Becomes ‘Weightless’

    PA Case: Motorised Suitcase Become 'Weightless'We’ve all struggled with getting our luggage to co-operate with us, having to persuade it that it should go in the direction we want it to.

    A UK company, Live Luggage, has decided to take on this problem with their PA Case – a motorised suitcase. (more…)

  • Digital Tick TV Scheme “A Mystery”: MPs

    Digital Tick TV Scheme With the 2012 date of switch off of UK analogue TV drawing ever closer, British MPs have been hearing about the current levels of adoption of Digital TV.

    The UK Parliament Public Accounts Committee heard that many TVs that were still being bought, were not Digital ready, with those purchases, totaling millions of pounds, arguably being wasted. (more…)

  • IFA 2008: Continued Evolution

    IFA 2008 AnticipatedOne thing is clear, IFA, _the_ European consumer electronics show, knows how to put on a show and how to entertain.

    If you’ve been to the show in Berlin that runs between the end of August and that start of September you’ll know what we mean – it’s huge and the companies that exhibit there really go to town to make their stands special.

    It’s also very popular with over 100,000 trade visitors from 93 countries visiting it last year. (more…)

  • Highest Popping Toaster: Exclusive Video And Slow Mo Of World Record

    Highest Popping Toaster: Exclusive Video And Slow Mo Of RecordYou may have heard about the Highest Popping toaster in the world and the intention to get it into the record books.

    We were at the RCA yesterday when the devices creator, Freddie Yauner, 26, launched himself (sorry, couldn’t resist the pun) into the Guinness Book of Records with his bonkers over-powered toaster.
