Simon Perry

  • Ofcom Gives BT OK For Ebbsfleet Fibre Trial Line Rental Discounts

    Ofcom Gives BT OK For Ebbsfleet Fibre Trial Line Rental DiscountsOfcom are altering the very grandly named, “Universal Service Condition 1,” to let BT provide discounted connections to people on their Ebbsfleet Fibre optic trial, which plans to provide network connections of up to 100Mbps.


  • Facebook & Intel Say I Love You

    Facebook & Intel Say I Love You
    Looks like Facebook and Intel are happy to tell everyone that they’re going out together – and Intel will be providing their server processors.

    Facebook users the world over will be breathing a sign of relief, as frankly it can be a real drag to use it, as it often runs like treacle.


  • Vocera, WiFi VoIP, Improves Hospital Efficiency

    Vocera, WiFi VoIP, Improves Hospital EfficiencyDigital-Lifestyles has had its eye on Vocera since 2002, when we spotted their wireless VoIP product. We followed it up in 2004.

    Rather than a more ‘normal’ VoIP product that apes the everyday PoTS (Plain old Telephone Service) that we’re historically used to, it takes a leap forward, doing away with a numeric key pad. Communication is via WiFi.


  • Gary McKinnon, ‘Hacker,’ Loses House Of Lords Appeal

    Gary McKinnon, 'Hacker,' Loses House Of Lords AppealGary McKinnon, who is accused by the US government of being a ‘computer hacker,’ lost his appeal to the House of Lords yesterday.

    He was appealing against being extradited to the US, but in a unanimous decision, the Lords said to find in favour of McKinnon would, “imperil the integrity of the extradition process.”


  • Lisa Nova Plays A Twitter Whore

    Lisa Nova Plays A Twitter WhoreLisa Nova is well known on YouTube as making amusing videos where she either plays a character or makes a joke of other people, at their expense.

    Her latest target Twitter, or rather Twitter users.


  • Google Add Maps to Adverts

    Google Add Maps to AdvertsGoogle are ever-keen to merge their services — but in a subtle way — so you don’t realise that they are taking over the world.

    The latest trick along this path that we’ve noticed is them putting Google Maps into Google Text Ads.


  • Google News Generated $100m Year

    Google News Generated $100m YearMarissa Mayer, the acceptable face to Google’s tech dork-ery, appears to have slipped up somewhat.

    She let it out that Google News — one of the only areas of Google that doesn’t have advertising on — generates them around $100 million a year in referrals to main Google, from the 47 million people a month looking at it.


  • Beer Toss: Wii Game Released

    Beer Toss: Wii Game ReleasedFind a niche … that’s what everyone says about the technology world … or the world of commerce on a larger scale.

    Well JV Games must have been listening because they’ve just come out with Frat Party Games to run on the Nintendo Wii.


  • Cuil Search: Battling for Google’s Crown

    Cuil Search: Battling for Google's CrownCuil, pronounced Cool, is a new search engine, one that’s thought to be able to take on Google. Quite an ambition.

    Who’s Cuil?

    Cuil has been hidden away, getting their technology sorted and, as of this morning, they’ve decided to open their searches up for public browsing.


  • H2O Networks: Fibre Though The Sewer

    H2O Networks: Fibre Though The SewerH2O Networks, of Merseyside UK, have got an interesting idea for providing high speed Internet access to homes and businesses – by running fibre optic cables through the sewer.

    This apparently initially grubby idea isn’t new – we first wrote about the concept back in December 2001, when a company called CityNet was talking about the idea (we notice that their Website has disappeared in the intervening time).

    It’s good to see that it’s actually happening in the UK.
