Mike Slocombe

  • Microsoft Stops Selling XP To Major Retailers

    Microsoft Stops Selling XP To Major RetailersMicrosoft is set to stop selling its long-serving Windows XP operating system to retailers and major computer makers from today, with the company shunting all new customers on to its newer Vista operating system.

    The news hasn’t gone down well with a sizeable slice of Windows users who really don’t fancy being forced into using the resource-hogging, eye candy treats of XP’s successor, but despite Internet campaigns, petitions and exhortations to keep XP soldiering on, Microsoft looks hell bent on retiring its venerable operating system.


  • Smartphone Growth Might Spawn Spammers

    Smartphone Growth Might Spawn SpammersThe rising popularity of smartphones like the BlackBerry Pearl, Apple iPhone and Palm Centro may soon make them juicy targets for steenkin’ spam and pesky viruses. Not the first time this has been mentioned, but smartphones have never been more popular.


  • 4cast Weather App For Palm OS (90%)

    4cast Weather App For Palm OS (90%)Us Brits are well known for our obsession with the weather, and for those of us who like to know what’s going on in the Cumulonimbus and Cirrocumulus departments at any given point of the day, the 4Cast mobile weather app for the Palm platform is one of the very best we’ve seen.

    Able to download the latest Yahoo weather updates via hotsync, Bluetooth or wireless download, 4cast makes it easy to add your own list of city forecasts which can be updated individually or all at once. (more…)

  • Ricoh Launches High-End Caplio GX200 Digital Camera

    Ricoh Launches High-End Caplio GX200 Digital CameraWe almost dribbled with must-have camera love when we got our hands on Ricoh’s high-end Caplio GX100 digital compact camera last year, and fresh moist patches have already appeared around the office with news of its successor, the GX200. (more…)

  • European 3G Boom Could Crush Networks

    European 3G Boom Could Crush NetworksWith mobile broadband proving a big hit with bandwidth hungry punters, there are fears that networks may become wobblier than Bruce Grobbelaar’s legs as data hungry punters send demand soaring.

    A new study by research boffins Berg Insight reckons that with Long Term Evolution and High Speed Packet Access technology on course to become fitted to laptops as standard in the next few years, the mobile broadband market is going to hit enormodome proportions.


  • 35 Million Computers In The Trashcan

    35 Million Computers In The TrashcanIf proof were needed of the criminal waste created by the computer industry, new figures from research firm Gartner estimate that some 35 million PCs will be dumped into landfill this year, “with little or no regard” for their toxic content.

    Gartner’s analyst Meike Escherich said he expected some 180 million computers to be replaced this year, with some being flogged off to second owners via auction sites and other channels, or simply given away.


  • Sony Xperia X1 Demo Videos Emerge

    Sony Xperia X1 Demo Videos EmergeWe’ve been pretty excited about the eagerly awaited Sony Xperia X1 smartphone which we first talked about back in February this year.

    Although it’s still to be released out in the wild, the phone was on display at the ITU Telecom Expo in Singapore and ready for passing punters to get their grubby mitts on its shiny, angular features.


  • iPhone – Number One For Porn

    With handsets offering bigger screens, video capabilities and faster download speeds the market for mobile pornography is set to soar according to industry insiders – with the iPhone proving the biggest hit amongst the thrill-seeking cognoscenti.

    Declared “by far the porn-friendliest phone,” by Devan Cypher of San Francisco-based Sin City Entertainment, Apple’s iPhone has become the number one choice for many porn seekers.


  • Android Handsets Hit Delay

    Android Handsets Hit DelayGoogle’s plans to revolutionise the mobile industry with their open source mobile Android software appears to be proving a tougher challenge than expected, with the company now saying that the handsets won’t arrive until the fourth quarter – or early next year. (more…)

  • Facebook Overtakes MySpace In Unique Visitors

    Facebook Overtakes MySpace In Unique VisitorsIn the battle of the big two social networking sites, Facebook has cruised forward to take a “significant lead” in visitor numbers over its rival, MySpace.

    According to traffic monitoring bods ComScore, Facebook hauled in more than 123m unique visitors in May, a hefty rise of 162 per cent compared to the same period last year.
