Skype Call Transfer Feature Shows On Macs First!

Skype for Mac 2.6 beta version has hit the downloads.

Skype Call Transfer Feature Shows On Macs First!While they’ve been tightening out various bits and pieces, they’ve launched an important new feature, Call Transfer on the Mac first, going against the other Skype releases that have dragged behind the PC.

In their words, “You can now transfer ongoing calls effortlessly to other friends and family on your Skype contact list.”

This is a strategic advance for Skype, opening the door for businesses to start using Skype as a central point of contact, then letting the receptionist pass the call over to the intended call destination. Perhaps they thought that business users were far less likely to be using Macintosh, hence launching it on there first.

They also claim to have improved the call quality as well as the other bits added to the latest beta below

Join public chats
Chat typing indicator – see when others are writing a message
Call any Skype Prime premium services provider and pay with Skype credit
Automatic Updates – get new features and updates without having to go to Skype’s website to download
DTMF tones for automatic answering services available also during Skype-to-Skype calls

While they’re working on the bigger things, they’ve also been working on the small things like handling birthday reminders or other notifications that are important for Mac users too.

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