It’s hard getting attention for you new cameraphone in these days of many phones with 8Mpx, even if yours does shoot HD video.
Samsung has taken the approach of commissioning a video that they hope will go viral.
Digital-Lifestyles pre-empted and reported thousands of articles on the then-coming impact that technology was to have on all forms of Media. Launched in 2001 as a research blog to aid its founder, Simon Perry, present at IBC 2002, it grew into a wide ranging, multi-author publication that was quoted in many publications globally including the BBC, was described by the Guardian as 'Informative' and also cited in a myriad of tech publications before closing in 2009
It’s hard getting attention for you new cameraphone in these days of many phones with 8Mpx, even if yours does shoot HD video.
Samsung has taken the approach of commissioning a video that they hope will go viral.
With a deft yank on the new product velvet rope, the covers have come off Nikon’s new D5000 upper-entry-level DSLR, which packs a fold out LCD screen and HD video recording.
Elbowing its way into the Nikon range between the D60 and D90 models, the new snapper inherits many of the features of the latter, packed into a slightly smaller, simpler body.
Apple’s runaway success of their App Store continues at a rate of knots, and to celebrate the one billionth download the company has released two lists showcasing the top 20 free and paid iPhone apps.
Incredibly, it’s just three months have passed since Apple’s iTunes store shimmied past the 500 million download landmark
They may have seemed almost recession proof with sales staunchly resisting the downward trend, but analyst firm IDC expects the credit crunch is now set to slapdown SLR sales soon.
Globally, camera shipments are expected to crash 6 percent to 129 million units this year, with single-lens reflex (SLR) cameras wobbling not far behind, with a predicted 5 percent slide to 9.2 million units.
Google’s mobile phone operating system, Android, is about to launch its next release – version 1.5.
Details are emerging as to what will be included. Users of current release Android phones will be pleased to hear that there’s a number of improvements including – the Web Browser has been improved; video recording, playback and upload to YouTube; the whole interface (IU) has been given a polish. Here’s the full list of features
Google has just released the Software Development Kit (SDK) to give developers an early glimpse and get their software ready in advance of the general public having it on their phones.
Google has, for most of its life, been obsessed with keeping details of its server secret.
Their long-fabled server design, seen by many as one of the central reasons for the success, certainly wasn’t ever detailed.
UK Channel 4 has finally sorted out their video catch-up service.
Channel 4 previously only offered 4oD which only ran on PCs running Windows, because it uses Microsoft’s DRM.
Well done to the Best Before team who are behind AudioBoo, they’re really building user numbers and adding features.
AudioBoo, if you haven’t come across it already, lets you record and post audio entries from your iPhone. These messages live on AudioBoo and can be integrated into your own blogs – giving you an audio blog post.
Looks like Microsoft has hit a speed bump in trying to get Silverlight adopted by broadcasters.
Some reasons for the Major League Baseball stopping using Silverlight might be coming to light. With 500,000 subscribers, is the Web’s most successful subscription service, so well worth taking note of.
Touchatag (formerly Tikitags) are small (about 1 inch square) RFID tags. The Touchatag starter kit comes with a USB Touchatag reader and 10 Touchatags. The reader will read the tags from about 1 inch.