Digital-Lifestyles pre-empted and reported thousands of articles on the then-coming impact that technology was to have on all forms of Media. Launched in 2001 as a research blog to aid its founder, Simon Perry, present at IBC 2002, it grew into a wide ranging, multi-author publication that was quoted in many publications globally including the BBC, was described by the Guardian as 'Informative' and also cited in a myriad of tech publications before closing in 2009

  • New Scotland Yard Photographers Protest Today

    New Scotland Yard Photographers Protest TodayThere’s been a lot of concern in the UK about members of the public and journalists being restricted in where and what they can take photographs of in public places.

    Where previously there hasn’t been any significant limitations, there is now much concern that the Counter-Terrorism Act 2008 contains a clause that allows for the arrest of people taking photos “likely to be useful to a person committing or preparing an act of terrorism.”

    A definition that broad could lead to any photographer being arrested.

    The NUJ arranged a mass-photo taking this morning outside New Scotland Yard, our man Mike was down there and will be reporting back shortly. has now published his Section 76 Photographers Scotland Yard Protest: Report.

    Photo: Alberto OG

  • Lumix LX3 Review: High End Digital Compact Camera (pt. 2)

    Panasonic Lumix LX3 Digital High End Compact Camera Review (pt. 2)Part one of the Lumix LX3 review gave you the tech specs, part two gets into the meat.

    Look and feel
    We spent an age weighing up the pros and cons of various high end compacts, finally identifying the LX3’s biggest rival as the hugely capable Canon G10.

    In the end, the size advantage of the LX3 proved too compelling, with the Lumix measuring 109 x 60 x 27mm compared to the G10s pocket-busting 109 x 78 x 46mm. It weighs in substantially lighter too, at 265g compared to its rivals 350g.


  • Twitter Photos Capture Australian Fire Aftermath

    Twitter Photos Capture Australian Fire AftermathHere we go, banging on about Twitter again.

    We came across another interesting use of Twitter – one that is usurping the mainstream media again.

    You’ll be aware of the shocking fire that have been raging in Australia.


  • Twestival: Organising At The Speed Of Twitter

    Twestival: Organising At The Speed Of TwitterIf you’ve been living under a rock for the past few months you probably haven’t heard of Twitter.

    It’s a service that lets you write and post short messages that other people can read online or on their mobile devices. Some people call it micro-blogging, but that’s only because they don’t know how else to define it. It’s actually a a whole new communications channel, one that’s still firing off innovative uses of itself constantly.

    Twestival is an interesting example. Its essence is a meeting of like-minded people, nothing new there, but the method and speed of arrangement is new.


  • Dell Latitude XT2 PC Touchscreen Tablet Laptop Announced

    Dell Latitude XT2 PC Touchscreen Tablet Laptop AnnouncedWe’re loving the look of Dell’s new Latitude XT2 PC touchscreen laptop.

    Billed as the industry’s first tablet PC with multi-touch screen technology, the XT2 looks to be a real versatile performer, with its rotating multi-touch responsive screen supporting natural gestures like a scrolling, two-finger panning, pinch to zoom, rotating and more.


  • Twitter Enters The Top 100 UK Website Listing

    Unless you’ve been living under a cyber-rock for the past month or two, you’ll know that Twitter has become the most talked about service on the web, and its growing popularity has been reflected by the site shimmying its way into the top 100 UK website listings.


  • Nokia 5630 XpressMusic Phone: Slim’n’Speedy

    Nokia 5630 XpressMusic Phone: Slim'n'SpeedyThe new phones just keep on coming as the Mobile World Congress show in Barcelona looms ever-closer, and the latest update to hit t’Internet is a fact’n’stat assault by Nokia’s new Nokia’s 5630 XpressMusic candybar-style handset.

    Powered by the Symbian S60 OS and serving up nippy HSDPA and HSUPA connectivity, it’s rather a pleasing slimline slab of shiny black plastic with a natty coloured trim around the outside.


  • Nokia E75 Business Smartphone – Details And Photo

    Nokia E75 Business Smartphone - Details And PhotoIn yet another leak ahead of next week’s Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, retailer Expansys managed to let the cat out of the bag and posted up full details of the new Nokia E75 business smartphone.


  • LG KM900 Arena Touchscreen Mobile Announced

    LG KM900 Arena Touchscreen Mobile AnnouncedWith the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona looming on the horizon, details of new phones are leaking out all over the place.

    News has just reached us of LG’s latest flagship multimedia phone, the Arena KM900, which packs a ton of functionality into a familiar-looking package.


  • Samsung Tocco Ultra Edition S8300 8MP Slider Phone

    Samsung Tocco Ultra Edition S8300 8MP Slider Phone Available in a range of damn funky colours is Samsung’s natty new Ultra Touch S8300 slider phone (called the Ultra Touch everywhere but Britain).

    The two tone handset sports a 2.8 inch scratch-resistant screen AMOLED touchscreen supporting a smaller-than-expected 240×400 pixels resolution capable of showing 16 million colours.
