

  • Apple Previews Future OS ‘Snow Leopard’

    Apple Previews Future OS 'Snow Leopard'Yesterday, Apple offered a preview of the next major version of its Mac OS X operating system, called “Snow Leopard.”

    Expected to regale under the designation ‘Mac OS X 10.6’ when it sees the light of day in around 12 months time, the release is set to focus more on speed and stability than ramping up the new feature count. (more…)

  • Facebook IM Chat: “Least Secure”

    Facebook IM Chat: Least SecureWith more and more online chatters using wireless instant messaging for both personal and business use, it’s not surprising that dodgy types are queuing up to try and eavesdrop on the conversation.

    With more users helping themselves to free unencrypted wireless networks in cafes, libraries etc, it’s easier than ever to grab IM passwords as they whizz through the air, IM security is becoming a growing issue.

  • Logosphere: Kitchen Table Lingo Wants Your Words

    Logosphere: Kitchen Table Lingo Wants Your WordsIt appears that no-one is immune to Internet fads these days, even traditional venerable institutions such as Oxford English Dictionary (OED) are getting involved.

    (Amazingly the OED is only 80 years old – it’s one of those things that you would have assume had been around since the invention of the print press in Europe by Gutenberg … or before.)


  • Age of Conan Hits 1 Million Units

    Age of Conan Hits 1 Million UnitsAge of Conan, a fantasy-themed massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG), by Funcom has within three weeks of its release has reached the major milestone of shipping one million units.


  • Wii Fit Review: After A Month: Boost Your Sex Life? & Scores (77%)

    Yesterday we detailed the Wii Fit Balance activities. Today Ian asks if it will boost your sex life(!) and summarise his view and scores it.

    Wii Fit Review: After A Month: Boost Your Sex Life? & ScoresWill Wii Fit help your sex life?
    Let’s not over-state the case here: this is not an aphrodisiac. But still, there is undoubtedly a certain class of couple for whom Wii Fit may bring a new sexual awakening.


  • Wii Fit Review: After A Month: The Balance Activities

    Yesterday we covered Wii Fit Review: Getting Started & The Aerobic Activities. Today’s instalment covers the Balance exercises.

    Wii Fit Review: After A Month: The Balance ActivitiesThe Balance exercises are by far the most attractive, because they’re quick, fun, and easy to play with friends to see who scores best. Just about every time we’ve started up Wii Fit, it’s the first section we choose, and often the only one if we’re in a hurry. The activities include:

  • Wii Fit Review: After A Month: Getting Started & The Aerobic Activities

    In the first instalment of our Wii Fit Review: A Month After Living With Wii Fit Ian gave an overview of what Wii Fit is all about. Today we’ve cover starting to use it and detail the aerobic exercises.

    Wii Fit Review: After A Month: Getting Started & The Aerobic ActivitiesGetting started with Wii Fit
    Once you’ve added your Mii (i.e. the little cartoon of yourself that’s used in most Wii games) to the Wii Fit Arena, the first step is to establish your baseline “Wii Fit Age”, where the Wii tells you to stand still for a few seconds so that it can measure your weight and centre of gravity. It also asks you to do some basic balance tests (such as leaning from one side to the other to move a circle into a square), and from all of this it calculates your Wii Fit Age.


  • Wii Fit Review: A Month After Living With Wii Fit

    Wii Fit Review: A Month After Living With Wii FitGiven you can’t really appreciate the impact of the Wii Fit straight away, we asked Ian Winter to write this multi-part review of his experience.

    Here’s the news if you’re thinking of buying a Wii Fit to lose weight, improve overall fitness, live longer and attract cuter sexual partners: it probably won’t make any difference.

    I’ve been using a Wii Fit for the past month, having nabbed one on its UK launch date. In that time I’ve maintained my usual levels of diet (mainly vegetarian, probably too much bread, definitely too much cheese, but I’m not a big snacker), exercise (I dog-walk a couple of miles most days, occasionally cycle to take The Boy to school), and my weight according to Wii Fit has not changed at all in a month. Despite spending typically half an hour an evening on it, I am still at the top end of Wii Fit’s “overweight” zone.


  • Keeping Your Passwords Private

    Keeping Your Passwords PrivatePasswords are a necessary evil in the online world. We’re going to give you some tips on keeping your all important passwords private.

    PC Magazine recently released a list of what they claim are the 10 most commonly used passwords by computer users.


  • Firefox 3 Gets First Release Candidate

    Firefox 3 Gets First Release CandidateMozilla has released its first Release candidate (RC1) for the third version of its hugely popular Firefox Web browser.
