
  • UK Video Game Sales Soar 23%: Wii Sales More Than 360 + PS3

    Wii On Course To Overtake XBox 360 This YearUK sales of video game hardware and software in 2008 have lept to £4.034 billion, so say industry body ELSPA.

    Looks like fans of video games are refusing to listen to the doom-sayers and have been buying video games in ever larger numbers taking software sales to £1.905 billion.

    Now the detail …


  • Live Coverage: Apple “Let’s Rock” Event: (UPDATE 14)

    Mike is at the London end of the Apple announcement today, bashing away LIVE as things happen.

    Live Coverage: Apple Started early by the looks of it.

    [17:55:26] Bloke currently waffling on about their 500 resellers in EMEA
    [17:55:37] big crowd too
    [17:56:21] loads of “we’re great” blather going on
    [17:56:38] Right: it’s started
    [17:57:56] showing footage from Apple borg crowds around the world
    [17:58:12] actually it’s just SF
    [17:58:38] got to be around 700peeps here
    [18:00:44] whooping from SF
    [18:01:37] Jobs on screen – makes joke about rumours of his death being exagerated: cue more whooping
    [18:02:11] 8.5m songs now on iTunes, 2600 Hollywood movies
    [18:02:41] 65m user accounts shopping
    [18:03:03] now #1 music distributor in US

  • Beer Toss: Wii Game Released

    Beer Toss: Wii Game ReleasedFind a niche … that’s what everyone says about the technology world … or the world of commerce on a larger scale.

    Well JV Games must have been listening because they’ve just come out with Frat Party Games to run on the Nintendo Wii.


  • Twinity: Berlin Virtualised In A Game

    Twinity: Berlin VirtualisedWe all know how popular virtual worlds are, with the best known examples being Second Life and World of Warcraft.

    These worlds are all very well, but they’re set in a fictional world. Not a bad thing for many people, but some players will hanker for more reality.

    Get Real
    This is where Twinity comes in. Twinity plan to accurately model cities from around the world and they’re starting with one of our fave cities, Berlin.


  • Talent Arcade: Edinburgh Interactive Festival Hosts Channel 4 Introduction To The Games Industry

    Talent Arcade: Introduction To The Games Industry At Edinburgh Interactive FestivalIf you’re hot on the idea of getting in to the gaming industry — and who wouldn’t be, they just lie around all day playing video games, right? (joke) — getting yourself up to the Edinburgh Interactive Festival this year might be a good start.


  • Netflix On Xbox 360 Exclusively: Analysis

    Netflix On Xbox 360 ExclusivelyNetflix and Microsoft have signed a deal to stream films and TV programmes to the Xbox 360.

    Starting in the autumn, over 10,000 films and TV episodes available to Xbox Live Gold subscribers who are Netflix subscribers, all for no additional cost.


  • Yahoo Games: Ad-supported Games On The Way

    Yahoo Games: Ad-supported Games On The WayYahoo is on the move again after their shenanigans with Microsoft and the possible take over.

    Today they’ve announced that they’re getting in to ad-supported downloadable games.


  • Amuso Launches Online Gameshows: Money For Playing

    Amuso Launches: Money For Playing The premise behind Amuso, that is publicly launching this week, is to give people a place that they can create their own game shows and let them lose with their vivid imaginations to produce whatever games might snag people’s attention.


  • Top Gear: The Mobile Game Coming

    Top Gear: The Mobile Game ComingThe BBC is to continue to open up paths to make money from it’s car TV programme, Top Gear, via its commercial wing, BBC Worldwide.


  • Age of Conan Hits 1 Million Units

    Age of Conan Hits 1 Million UnitsAge of Conan, a fantasy-themed massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG), by Funcom has within three weeks of its release has reached the major milestone of shipping one million units.
