
  • Intel Profits Plummet, But Company Keeps Chirpy

    Intel Profits Plummet, But Company Keeps ChirpyProcessor heavyweights Intel have announced an almighty drop in operating income for 2009, yet remain confident that PC sales will rise over the coming months.

    The company recorded a whopping 56 per cent drop in its operating income for the first quarter of 2009, yet cheery Paul Otellini, Intel president and CEO remained upbeat, “We believe PC sales bottomed out during the first quarter and that the industry is returning to normal seasonal patterns.”


  • Channel 4 Say Sorry To Mac Users (video)

    4oD: Channel 4 Say Sorry To Mac Users (video)UK Channel 4 has finally sorted out their video catch-up service.

    Channel 4 previously only offered 4oD which only ran on PCs running Windows, because it uses Microsoft’s DRM.


  • AudioBoo: G20 Boost Take Up

    AudioBoo: G20 Boost Take UpWell done to the Best Before team who are behind AudioBoo, they’re really building user numbers and adding features.

    AudioBoo, if you haven’t come across it already, lets you record and post audio entries from your iPhone. These messages live on AudioBoo and can be integrated into your own blogs – giving you an audio blog post.


  • MBL Returns To Flash, Dumping Microsoft Silverlight. Why?

    MBL Returns To Flash, Dumping Microsoft Silverlight. Why?Looks like Microsoft has hit a speed bump in trying to get Silverlight adopted by broadcasters.

    Some reasons for the Major League Baseball stopping using Silverlight might be coming to light. With 500,000 subscribers, is the Web’s most successful subscription service, so well worth taking note of.


  • Peek Pronto: Mobile Email Device Gets Updated

    Peek Pronto: Mobile Email Device Gets UpdatedBilled as the ‘only mobile device devoted solely to email,’ we got our grubby hands on the Peek email gizmo last winter in New York, wand weren’t entirely convinced that it was likely to find a home in our gadget-stuffed pockets.

    In an attempt to seduce and woo doubters, the company is now back with a new updated version ready to take on the world, the 4 by 2.7 by 0.4 inches Peek Pronto.


  • Privacy International Calls For Google Street View To Be Closed

    Privacy International Calls For Google Street View To Be ClosedAn official appeal by privacy campaigners has been made to the Information Commissioner’s Office to close down Google’s UK Street View service.

    Launched in Britain last week, Street View serves up pannable, zoomable street-level photo views of major cities, allowing curious punters to take virtual strolls around towns and have a good nosey about.


  • BT Announces First Fibre Link Exchanges

    BT Announces First Fibre Link ExchangesBT has unfurled their list of locations which will be first to enjoy connectivity to their forthcoming high speed fibre network.

    The first 29 exchanges will hook up around 500,000 homes and businesses during the initial rollout, with the bods at BT expecting work to be underway by early next year.


  • Cadbury’s Live Dairy Milk Become Fairtrade-Certified Webcast

    Cadbury's Live Dairy Milk Become Fairtrade-Certified WebcastWell done to Cadbury (well known UK chocolate maker) for committing to take their Dairy Milk chocolate to be Fairtrade certified from Autumn 2009.

    Their approach to releasing the information is also refreshing – they’re carrying out a live webcast as we speak/type at Cadbury Live.

    Cadbury is also opening themselves up to questions from the public, while the live webcast is going on.

    All good news, but quite quaint to see that incoming questions are being read from a piece of paper rather than the expected laptop screen.

    Thanks to for alerting us to this.

  • Online Retail UK Sales To Hit £56bn by 2014

    Online Retail UK Sales To Hit £56bn by 2014When it comes to facts, stats and figures, you can always rely on research house Forrester Research to serve ’em up by the plateful, and their bods have just unleashed their white-coated bods on the matter of online UK retail and travel sales.


  • Nearly Half Of UK Web Users Have Illegally Downloaded Music

    Nearly Half Of UK Web Users Have Illegally Downloaded MusicA new UK based survey has found that nearly half of web users have used illegal file sharing sites to help themselves to free content.

    A study involving over 1,000 consumers by and music site DrownedinSound (DiS) found that 46% of users had used peer-to-peer sites (P2P), with Limewire (34%) and BitTorrent (25%) being the most popular.
