Two people in Newport, Isle of Wight have been arrested and bailed over an alleged copyright infringement.
Isle Of Wight Internet Piracy Arrests
UK Post Office Launches Broadband
The UK Post Office is joining the ever increasing number of organisations that is offering broadband to the UK public.
To make their offering different they’re planning to leverage their 14,000 post offices (currently at this level, but reducing each time they close one), to take cash for the broadband service – claiming to be the first UK provider to do this.
(more…)Trusted Reviews Site Bought By IPC
Well known tech news and reviews site Trusted Reviews has just been bought by mega-publisher IPC.
Terms have not been disclosed.
(more…)Dell Remains #1 in US, Apple Hits 3rd Place – But Not For Long
Dell remains the King Of The Hill of PC sales in the United States, owning a hefty 29.1 percent of the market ahead of nearest rival Hewlett-Packard, at 25.7 percent.
The figures come from the latest quarterly PC shipment report from Gartner, who placed a surging Apple in third place with 8.1 percent of the US PC market (in a similar report, rival analysts IDC put Apple’s share at a smaller 6.3 percent of the U.S. market).
(more…)Tesco: Bringing Open Source To The Masses?
Wow, Tesco’s Online are knocking out brand-new computer complete with Linux-loaded on it.
Who would have guessed that the company that started their online shop totally reliant on using the Microsoft Web browser to be able to use it would shifting so radically.
OK, so the 80Gb eSys ePC is only driven by an Intel Celeron processor running but it is running at 2.66GHz and comes with Ubuntu Version 6.06, Open Office – all for £139.93.
Open source for the masses? Arrest: Media Industry Is Too Slow … Again
As many people are starting to realised TV-Link, a site which linked to TV programmes of many types, has been shut down and the man behind it arrested.
Details were reported last Friday, with FACT (Federation Against Copyright Theft) being behind the action.
The site had been a firm favourite with those at Digital-Lifestyles, as it made available content that just isn’t available anywhere else.
To those of you who lived through the original rise of music sharing services, you’ll be experiencing a total sense of Deja-vu.
(more…)Sheffield Wednesday FC Fails To Unmask Seven ‘Defamatory’ Posters On Fans Site
In a move sure to please football fans arguing the toss on bulletin boards all over the UK, a High Court judge has ruled that lively banter of a “strictly defamatory” nature can still be so trivial that The Man can’t always force board owners into revealing poster’s identities.
(more…)New US Law Could End Social P0rn Sites
Regina Lynn has an informative and impassioned piece on Wired about a proposed US law that will extend requirements currently placed on porn studios to include online social networks, such as YouPorn.
(more…)Peter White: Digital Switchover Help Scheme, CEO (Podcast)
Most people in the UK have to bear their own costs for converting their TVs to be digital-capable, but after pressure, was decided that the least wealthy and most vulnerable should receive assistance.
This takes the form of equipment, assistance and support and is handled by the Digital Switchover Help Scheme.
(more…)Whitehaven Switchover: Ilse Howling, Freeview (Podcast)
The day after digital switch over; we caught up with Ilse Howling to have a quick chat about her views on the switch over and the the introduction of the next stage of Freeview – the ability to easily record the programmes on Digital TV.
Freeview have worked with the Digital Television Group to create the specification of the Freeview Playback, their version of a PVR, or as they’re labeling it a Digital Television Recorder.