
  • Green Paper: Ban UK Illegal Downloaders

    Green Paper: Ban UK Illegal DownloadersThe government is scheming new plans to slap down illegal music downloaders hard, with the ultimate threat of having their Internet access cut.

    Under a leaked Green Paper draft consultation, it’s been mooted that Internet service providers should be obliged to take action over users downloading pirated material, with a “three strikes” rule giving them an e-mail warning, followed by suspension, and then termination of their contract.

  • Samsung Sponsor Indie Films In US

    Samsung Sponsor Indie Films In USOne area that we keep an eye on is the way technology companies get their brands unrecognised, or attempt to transform them.

    This Samsung sponsorship caught our attention for a couple of reasons – they’re trying to associate with film; they’re choosing non-mainstream films; and it’s with Landmark Theatres, which is owned
    by Marc Cuban and Todd Wagner

  • Sky Files First Loss for Six Years

    Sky Files First Loss for Six YearsThe interim results for UK satellite broadcaster Sky have been announced, with a £36 million pre-tax loss showing for the six-month
    period ending 31 December – its first loss for six years.

    Balanced against the financial loss was otherwise positive news, like their ARPU raising to a record £421 per subscriber, an increase in subscribers and a lowering of the customer churn to 10%. (more…)

  • BBC iPlayer Soars In Popularity

    BBC iPlayer Soars In PopularityMedia analyst spods Screen Digest have released updated usage data and forecasts for the online TV market in the UK.

    The company say that a “surge” in punters feeling the downloading love for the BBC’s iPlayer catch-up service has sent them scurrying back to their labs and adding some more 0s on the end of estimates for free-to-view (FTV) TV consumption in the UK.

  • Archos TV Plus Review-ette

    Archos TV Plus Review-etteArchos today showed their TV product in London to a room full of eager journalists.

  • UK Banks Offer Rubbish Online Service

    UK Banks Offer Rubbish Online ServiceIt won’t come as much of a surprise to many customers, but a study of 52 leading European financial services companies found that UK banks and building societies deliver poor levels of online customer service.

    The survey, commissioned by IBM and Kana Software, was conducted via a “mystery shopping study” of financial services companies in the UK and Germany.

  • Brits Send SMS Traffic Soaring

    Brits Send SMS Traffic SoaringUs Brits are still staying glued to the keypads of our mobiles, with new research showing that an astonishing total of 57 billion messages were sent last year.

    Despite more phones being capable of receiving and sending email, the figures from the Mobile Data Association show SMS volumes continuing to soar, with volumes up 40% year on year.

  • Internet Porn Addicts Targeted By US Presidential Hopefuls

    US Presidential Hopefuls Go For Internet P0rn AddictsThe ever-irreverent News Biscuit has hit upon a story that could well be a traffic monster for them – combining Internet porn and the current presidential race.

    Those tricky laugh generators have penned a piece which tells us that some of the presidential hopefuls have realised that, as there are soooo many Internet p0rn addicts, it’s worthwhile them sacrificing the female liberal vote – would would be outraged at such an idea – to get hold of the p0rn maniacs.


  • Virgin Mobile Daily Bonus PAYG Scheme

    Virgin Mobile Daily Bonus PAYG SchemeVirgin are always rather good at separate you from your money – usually more money than you thought you wanted to spend – like the ‘opportunity’ of buying a place on the seats by the emergency exists on a plane, you know the ones that use to be free.

    Well now they’ve come up with a way of getting Virgin Mobile PAYG customers to use their mobile phones on a daily basis, thus slowly using up their credit. They call it Daily Bonus

  • PANIC! Tax Self Assessment Site Unavailable

    PANIC! Tax Self Assessment Site UnavailableFor those UK tax payers who haven’t filed their Self Assessment tax return before today’s deadline, looks like you’re going to have a pretty stressful day.
