
  • Palm pre Spat With Developers

    Palm pre Spat With DevelopersThere’s been a rumblin’ in them-thar’ Palm pre hills.

    The Palm pre has caused a lot of excitement since it had its first airing at the beginning of the year.

    Its operating system, WebOS, is the key to the excitement, having been designed from the ground up to live in a connected world.

    These days, since the success of the iPhone apps store, smart phones manufacturers are – quite rightly – obsessed with getting software developers to write applications for their handsets.


  • Virgin 3G Dongle: Mobile Broadband Review

    Virgin 3G Dongle Review3G data dongles are all over the place these days.

    Virgin’s is manufactured by Huawei (who seem to be the vendor of choice for 3G dongles), it’s actually a Huawei E160, (background on Huawei) for those that care.

    It’s a USB stick which plugs into any spare USB port. When plugged in, as well as being a 3G dongle, it appears to the operating system as as CD as well which contains the software to drive the dongle.


  • Vplay: VJ on Microsoft Surface: Brilliant (video)

    Vplay: VJ on Microsoft Surface: BrilliantThis is one of the coolest things we’ve seen in a long time.

    A small group of researcher at Microsoft’s UK Cambridge lab, including Stuart Taylor, have used the multi-touch Surface to bring an interface to VJing allowing anyone to get involved with the process.


  • SureFlap Review: The RFID Catflap

    SureFlap Review: The RFID CatflapEver had the problem of random cats appearing in your house, stealing food or worse marking their territory? Well SureFlap have the answer for tech fans, an RFID catflap.

    The catflap has an RFID sensor mounted in the housing and as your cat goes into the “tube” part of the unit, the sensor reads the microchip implanted in your cat and opens the latch. Other cats trying to gain access will be rejected.


  • HTC Touch Pro2 Smartphone Hits The UK

    HTC Touch Pro2 Smartphone Hits The UKThe smartphone market is set to heat up over the next few months, with the big guns all rolling out what they hope will turn into summer blockbusters.

    Some of the most eagerly anticipated handsets include the third-gen iPhone, Samsung’s Android device, Blackberry’s update to the touchscreen Storm and Palm’s new Pre phone, running their shiny new webOS.


  • Documentally Rocks Much Social Media On Cameron Coverage

    Documentally Rocks Much Social Media On Cameron Coverage

    David Cameron has been at the Open University today spreading the message of his newly-born vision of what the UK could be in a post-MP expenses outrage world.

    It’s been all over the national newspapers, but more interesting is the coverage that social media whizz Christian Payne, as Documentally, is giving the event the full social media treatment.


  • Palm Pre: More Details Emerge, 02 Bag Handset For UK

    Palm Pre: More Details Emerge, 02 Bag Handset For UKWith the US launch of the hugely hyped Palm Pre handset just ten days away, rumours, leaks, screengrabs and videos have been leaking all over the web.

    The guide to Palm’s innovative gesture-based interface can now be read in full online here, detailing how actions like opening apps, closing programs, scrolling and zooming can be achieved.


  • Zattoo Hit By Hollywood Studio Legal Action In Germany

    Zattoo Hit By Hollywood Studio Legal Action In GermanyDisappointing to see that two Hollywood studios, Universal and Warner Bros, have taken legal action against Zattoo, a service that streams live TV to computer screens.

    Zattoo isn’t a fly-by-night operation and has legal agreements with the TV channels that it shows over its service.


  • BPI: UK Music Download Sales Double

    BPI: UK Music Download Sales DoubleThe media may be stuffed full of hand-wringing tales of evil pirate downloaders busily hammering the last nails into the music industry, but new figures show that legal downloads are soaring.

    UK industry bods the BPI have announced that 9.5% of the population bought music downloads in 2008, a mighty leap upwards from the 5.1% who bought music online in 2007.


  • T-Mobile Offer Snappy SIM-Only Deals, Kill Us With Duffy

    Some time ago we whined long and hard about T-Mobile’s Inexplicably Stupid Upgrading Policy and kept on moaning straight through to write Part Two, a few days later.

    Our tree was rattled when we tried to bag a new T-Mobile G1 on contract, confident that our ten years – count ’em! – as a loyal paying customer with T-Mobile would surely be rewarded with handsome discounts all round. Sadly, we swiftly learned that in T Mobile’s world, a punter coming off the street is worth a whole load more than a loyal customer – to the tune of a hefty £305 penalty coming our way.
