
The new digital ways content was becoming distributed

  • Whitehaven Switchover: Currys Mobile Shop Trial

    Whitehaven Switchover: Currys Mobile Shop TrialAs you’re aware there’s lot of new things being tried out in Whitehaven for the UK’s first analogue/digital switch over.

    One that electrical retailer Currys is trying out is a showroom/shop that can be driven to remote areas giving those who are miles away from a shop, or who aren’t that mobile.

    It’s a pretty substantial lorry that has side section that extends outwards providing a lounge-type feel.

    There’s four flat screens on display (co-sponsored by Samsung) and a selection of eight STBs on show to demonstrated the range of boxes on view.

  • Jamie Reed MP: Whitehaven Digital Switchover (Podcast)

    Whitehaven Switchover: Jamie Reed MP (Podcast)Post Digital switchover, Jamie Reed, the MP for Copeland (that includes Whitehaven) and Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group on digital switch over, has a lot of interesting things to say, both about the run up to this week and following it.


  • Whitehaven Switchover: A Retailer’s View (Podcast)

    Whitehaven: A Retailers View (Podcast)We thought we’d have a wander around the shops to try and gauge the feeling of the electronics retailers, as to how things have been with the build up to digital switch over.

    Given this is the first place in the UK to switch off the analogue, we thought it would be of general interest.

  • Whitehaven Switchover: Digital UK’s Ten Month Switch Over Buildup (Podcast)

    Whitehaven: Digital UK's Ten Month Buildup (Podcast)Sarah Jane Grey has been working for Digital UK on the ground in Whitehaven since December 2006 – a full 10 months before switch over.

    She points out that it’s wrong to assume that older people are less able to cope with analogue/digital switch over – many of the older people in Whitehaven were highly qualified engineers working at the nearby Sellafield, nuclear power plant.

  • Whitehaven Switchover: Mary Bradley, Age Concern (Podcast)

    Whitehaven: Mary Bradley, Age Concern (Podcast)Mary Bradly is the regional director of Age Concern, a charity that works with the over-50s.

    As you may have read/heard in our interview with Ford Ennals, Digital UK see partner organisation vital for the smooth switch over from analogue TV to digital.

    Age concern has been working with Digital UK as one of their strategic partners for 18 months, to the point of locating the Whitehaven Digital UK office within Age Concerns.

  • Whitehaven Switchover: Ford Ennals Interview: Digital UK CEO (Podcast)

    Whitehaven: Ford Ennals Interview: CEO Digital UK (Podcast)We caught up with Ford Ennals, Chief Exec of Digital UK, underneath the relay aerial that was going to be the first to switch off analogue and turn on digital TV – Digital switchover in Whitehaven.

    He and his team have been spending huge amounts of time in Whitehaven to ensure the transition would be a smooth as possible.

    Ford details how the process has gone to date and how, in particular, they’ve been working together with local voluntary organisations in an effort to get the message out to the public.

    We touch on Sky’s proposal for Digital TV service in the UK received through an aerial, rather than there current satellite based system; what does he see the relevance of MPEG-4 and HD services.

    Audio after the jump

  • Whitehaven Switchover: Official Switch Over Timings

    Whitehaven: Official Switch Over TimingsOfficial timings of the Switch Over last night for the Whitehaven relay.

    02:00 – BBC2 switched off after the snooker had finished.
    02:10 – ITV switched off
    02:17 – ITV back on previous BBC2 channel
    02:37 – First digital Mux came up delivering five channels on the old BBC2 analogue frequency.

    Each of the other two relays Eskdale Green and Gosforth followed step by step in quick succession, synchronised via mobile phone.

  • Whitehaven Switchover: The Morning After: A Success? UPDATED

    Whitehaven Switch Over: The Morning After: A Success?We’ve dragged ourself out of bed to have a quick check that the Whitehaven Switch Over was a success.

    You’ll be aware of the considerable build up to this pivotal event for UK TV.

  • Whitehaven:THE OFF SWITCH: Process Podcast

    Whitehaven:THE OFF SWITCH: Process PodcastTonight at 2am THIS SWITCH is going to be turned off, ending the BBC 2 transmission and marking the start of the UK turning off it’s analogue TV service.

    As you can see, the jolly wag engineers have wished it a fond goodbye, by draping bunting over it and the BBC analogue rack that is being decommissioned.

    The two shiny new racks (see below) replacing it, will, after some swapping of rather large coax cables, take over pumping five digital channels in the space that is left by the analogue channel going dark.

  • Whitehaven Switchover: Town Crier Rings Out The Digital Changes

    Whitehaven: Town Crier Rings Out The Digital ChangesThe services of the local Town Crier were brought in today to ring out the message that Analogue is ending in Whitehaven today and Digital TV is coming.

    Standing in the beautiful grounds of St Nicholas church, dressed in his fine robes, he regaled us and those standing around with a fine demonstration.

    Just a bit of fun we thought you’d all appreciate.

    Audio after the click.
