
  • MBL Returns To Flash, Dumping Microsoft Silverlight. Why?

    MBL Returns To Flash, Dumping Microsoft Silverlight. Why?Looks like Microsoft has hit a speed bump in trying to get Silverlight adopted by broadcasters.

    Some reasons for the Major League Baseball stopping using Silverlight might be coming to light. With 500,000 subscribers, is the Web’s most successful subscription service, so well worth taking note of.


  • NBC Olympic Online Figures Are Huge

    NBC Olympic Online Figures Are HugeWhen I was in Beijing last year there was a lot of talk of the current Olympic being the first ‘Broadband Olympics.’

    It appear that for one US broadcaster, NBC, it’s becoming true.

    The number of people accessing their Olympic coverage are highly impressive. After a week of the Games, NBC have had 25 million unique visitors to their site.


  • Smallest Pong Games In The World?

    Smallest Pong In The World?After we wrote the story about PongOut — Pong and Breakout, both on the same screen, played at the same time — we got a connected about another version of Pong.

    This time the smallest version of Pong known to mankind – smaller than a fingernail.


  • Surf Buds: Social Network For Surfers Launches … Quietly

    Surf Buds: Social Network For Surfers Launches ... QuietlyBack in the early days of the Web, newbies often used to refer to Web browsing as Surfing The Web, well there’s a new service that’s just launched that aims to help real Surfers on the Web.

    Surf Buds tells us that they’re the first online social network created just for surfers.

  • MyFootballClub Announces Team They’re Buying

    MyFootballClub Announces Team They're BuyingThe UK football club that is being bought by Web site, MyFootballClub has been announced today.

    MyFootballClub (MyFC) is a revolutionary Web-based idea that will see the decisions of the management of the club – transfers, player selection and all major decisions – carried out by the paid-up members of the site – perhaps one of the only true forms of democracy still left. Thinks of it as fantasy football, but with a real team.

  • Jalipo: Pay-per-minute Sports Video Launched

    Jalipo: Pay-per-minute Sports StartingJalipo, an online video service, has announced that they will now be carrying televised sporting events.

    As opposed to the more usual way of paying for the pleasure of watching sports events – on a subscriptions or pay-per-view basis – Jalipo will be charged on a pay-per-minute basis.

  • Win Tickets For A Private Screening Of Friday’s England Rugby Match – On Top of BT Tower!

    Win Tickets For A Private Screening Of Friday's England Rugby Match - On Top of BT Tower!We’ve teamed up with BT Total Broadband to offer four pairs of exclusive tickets for a private screening of England versus South Africa rugby match this Friday, 14 September, 2007.

    The winners will enjoy a prime view of the action of the world cup match with a private screening at the top of BT Tower with VIP hospitality.

    What sort of VIP treatment? The prize includes a drinks reception, Wine Tasting, South African and English themed menu, interview with Celebrities, the live screening and a post-match analysis from experts. Pretty good bundle eh?

  • Virgin Media lose 40k Subs But Changes Ahoy

    Virgin Media lose 40k Subs: Changes AhoyThe latest results results from Virgin Media, Q2 2007, show that they’ve lost 40,000 cable TV subscribers. The most likely reasons – the loss of Sky TV programming, following their spat with Sky. To rub salt into the wounds, Sky gain 90,000 TV customer over the same period.

  • 24-7 Football: Sky Offer To Mobile UK

    24-7 Football: Sky Offer To Mobile UKAs we’re not fans of football, we’re constantly amazed at how keen people are to watch the game that involves people kicking a pig’s bladder around an oblong section of grass. Ho, Hmm.

    Never one to not take the opportunity of cramming more football into people lives, Sky TV has teamed up with a load of other ‘newspapers’ owned by media mogul, Rupert Murdoch, to create 24-7 Football.

    It’s a new on-demand service that will offer video highlights and goal clips from the Barclays Premier League and UEFA Champions League on mobile phones.

  • Virgin Media Sign Mobile/Broadband UK Football Deal

    Virgin Media Sign Mobile/Broadband UK Football DealAs we all know Virgin Media and Sky TV have been having a little spat.

    Now Virgin Media are taking a leaf out of Sky’s book and signing up rights to distribute sports.

    The Football League have signed a deal that will see the Coca-Cola Football League matches will be delivered to Virgin Media’s broadband and mobile phone platforms for the first time.

    Starting on 11 August and running for two seasons, the highlights of league 1 and 2 will be available to watch on-demand for up to one week after transmission.

    No surprisingly, Malcolm Wall, chief executive officer of content at Virgin Media, earnestly sang, “We’re committed to investing in great content for our customers and this new partnership will give football fans a genuinely value-added service.”

    Virgin Media Sign Mobile/Broadband UK Football DealThe Championship, as it’s abbreviated to by those who follow it, is the step down from the UK Premier League, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a load of cash involved with it. Deloitte are on record as finding that, in 2004-05, it was the richest non-top flight football division in the world.

    No matter how poor, or not, football teams are, they do a very loyal fans, so much so that making their matches available on on-demand may encourage people to change their mobile or broadband provider. Or that’s the bet that Virgin Media are making.

    Commercial terms were not disclosed.