
Content in its shift to become digital

  • TV, Music and Marketing: Their Current Response To Digital Media (pt 2)

    We know Tech is hitting all media businesses, but how are they currently responding?

    Howard Scott covered North One TV yesterday; today it’s Sony BMG; and the final piece tomorrow is Kempster, their work with European football and the conclusion.

    Highlighting through italics are ours.

    ESA Sponsorship Forum 2007 Talking Tech Write UpDuncan Bird, VP of Futures, Sony BMG
    Duncan Bird is an ex-Leagas bod, just like me – so he’s got to be cool, right?

    For Duncan, change in anything is good and is often the best way to learn. For Sony BMG, the music industry is in a state of constant change, and as an example, the Justin Timberlake album (got you copy yet? No? Strange!) sold in 71 different formats. That’s a big change from CD, Tape and Vinyl!

  • First Tuesday Returning: Warning Bubble Burst 2.0

    First Tuesday Returning: Warning Bubble Burst 2.0A little bird has told us that they have received an email from Christer Holloman of … shock, horror … First Tuesday. It’s time to sell up and ship out of any and all Internet-touching businesses as Christer tells all that they are to carry out a “secret launching event in London after the summer.”

    First Tuesday, the Bastard child of Nick Denton (See picture) and a couple of others, quickly became a byword for greed in London back at the end on the ’90’s.

  • TV, Music and Marketing: Their Current Response To Digital Media

    We know Tech is hitting all media businesses, but how are they currently responding?

    Howard Scott went along to a meeting, Talking Tech, organised by the European Sponsorship Association to investigate the current state of play – covering the world of TV, Music and entertainment marketing.

    Today’s piece covers North One TV; tomorrow, Sony BMG; and the final piece, Kempster, their work with European football and the conclusion.

    Highlighting through italics are ours.

    ESA Sponsorship Forum 2007 Talking Tech Write UpESA Talking Tech
    Another day, another conference. A couple of weeks back I attended the ESA Sponsorship Seminar entitled Talking Tech. Even though the title was “Talking Tech” I didn’t let that put me off.

    It was aimed at the Sponsorship industry with a slant to how digital tools (lots of reference to new media, but is it still new?) have/can/will later that side of the marketing business.

    The panel of speakers for the event had some interesting people on board, and in my usual style I’ll go through each of them in turn now.

  • Founders To Launch DIY Site Founders To Launch DIY SiteJust about every time you turn on the gogglebox these days there’s invariably a pair of inanely grinning monkeys gushing over some home improvement project or another, so we weren’t surprised to hear that the creators of were launching a new site targeting the massive DIY market.

  • Blathering Work Bloggers Risk The Boot

    Blathering Work Bloggers Risk The BootMore than a third of employees who keep personal blogs risk getting the boot from their job by posting information about their employer, workplace, or colleagues, according to new research.

    In a YouGov report commissioned by human resources firm Croner, employees were asked if they were down with the whole blogging thang, and if they were, they were asked to detail what kind of information that they were sharing with the world.

  • DayNotez v3 For Palm And Pocket PC Review (76%)

    DayNotez v3 For Palm And Pocket PC Review (76%)Touted as a “business and personal journal for the Palm OS or Pocket PC,” DayNotez is a powerful companion to your handheld’s built in diary application.

    Tailored for documenting and organising daily notes, thoughts and memos, the program lets you add multiple entries every day and add photos and voice memos to your text notes, with the option to synchronise the content with your desktop.

  • Moo Mini-Cards Review (88%)

    Moo Cards Review (88%)It came as a surprise to me how excited I was about receiving my Moo cards today.

    I’ve been meaning to get some since they first surfaced, but my upcoming trip to the Broadband World Forum in Beijing next month brought the need further into focus.

  • Ubuntu: Linux Comes Of Age

    Ubuntu: Linux Comes Of AgeI’ve dabbled around with Linux in the past (including infamously self hosting GizBuzz on an old laptop, only to see it succumb to the Digg Effect when I wrote a post about how to set up your own web server). I am, however, a long way from being a Linux expert and have never considered installing and using it as a desktop operating system. Until now.

  • DreamStripper Cabaret: I have seen the future – and it takes its clothes off

    DreamStripper Cabaret: I have seen the future - and it stripsWell, if there’s one area of convergence that we haven’t been keeping up to date with, it’s obviously virtual stripping.

    We remember seeing a one-inch high wiggling dancer than stood on the same spot on a Windows desktop and was a dancer, not a stripper. That was about five plus years back, but since then it’s dropped off our radar.

  • Google Rampant: Microsoft Search Slips Up

    Google Rampant: Microsoft Search Slips UpJust when Microsoft was developing as bit of a confident man-about-town swagger about its rising search engine performance, a new report from Nielsen/NetRatings delivers a humbling slapdown in the goolies.

    The figures, released yesterday, show that after gaining ground for a couple months, Microsoft lost a chunk of their search market share in April, while rivals Google and Yahoo enjoyed lengthy back-slapping sessions as traffic rose.