iPlayer: BBC To Enter Computer Games Market?

BBC To Enter Computer Games Market?The BBC is set to unveil a “significant” move into the videogames market, according to a report in The Scotsman.

The Corporation – still smarting from the humiliation of being caught out ripping off viewers taking part in TV phone-ins – is expected to unveil their new gaming strategy next week at the Edinburgh Interactive Festival.
Continue reading iPlayer: BBC To Enter Computer Games Market?

Google Car License Plate: Sweden

Google Car License Plate: SwedenNews reaches us from Helsingborg, on the gorgeous west coast of Sweden, that some sneaky chap has registered their car license plate as G O O G L E.

Joakim Jardenberg, the clever fellow who thought up the jolly wheeze, has also blogged the adventure (for those of you who read Swedish!).

He raises some interesting points about brands and by extension, individuals registering trade marks as car registrations, while pointing out that “one of the highest valued brands in the world, Google, is now my number plate.”

Anyone for “adPlate or plateSense,” japes Joakim, who is a development manager at the newspaper, Helsingborgs Dagblad (who have the super cool short domain name hd.se).

Google Car License Plate: SwedenWhat’s Google reaction?
Rather amusingly, Joakim’s been on to Google Sweden and has had a response from Maria Göth, their PR manager.

Google have made a statement about … not making a statement, which reads

We cannot make a statement before we know exactly what has happened. The persons at “Vägverket” (The authority which is responsible for the roads and car regulations) who handles personal number plates is on vacation but we shall contact them on Monday.

We await further news with bated breath …

Many thanks to Anders Olausson, long time chum on Digital-Lifestyles for the pointer.

BT Launch Winter Range In Style

BT Launch Winter Range In Style
Kudos to BT for putting on an impressive launch for their new range of techie goodies coming out for the winter season.

The launch was 34 floors up near the top of London’s landmark building, the BT Telecom Tower (still known to old folks as the GPO Tower or the Post Office Tower), with the press launch taking place inside the revolving restaurant.
Continue reading BT Launch Winter Range In Style

How To Kill A Joke With TTS

How To Kill A Joke With TTSText to Speech (TTS) processing has come on leaps and bounds from the early days of jerky, rough renditions of robotic-type chatter yesteryear.

A lot of the quality is truly amazing – very life like – but it appears that some systems still really doesn’t know how to deal with jokes.

Just now a friend (I assume) sent me an SMS joke, but sadly they misdirected it to my landline, not the mobile.

BT have a service in the UK where text messages can be sent to landlines and read out over the phone.

So you all have the joy of listening to the joke, I recorded it, just so you can enjoy the flat humour of it.

I found it took a couple of times of listening to it to actually understand what the joke was!


24-7 Football: Sky Offer To Mobile UK

24-7 Football: Sky Offer To Mobile UKAs we’re not fans of football, we’re constantly amazed at how keen people are to watch the game that involves people kicking a pig’s bladder around an oblong section of grass. Ho, Hmm.

Never one to not take the opportunity of cramming more football into people lives, Sky TV has teamed up with a load of other ‘newspapers’ owned by media mogul, Rupert Murdoch, to create 24-7 Football.

It’s a new on-demand service that will offer video highlights and goal clips from the Barclays Premier League and UEFA Champions League on mobile phones.
Continue reading 24-7 Football: Sky Offer To Mobile UK