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  • Niklas Zennstrom’s Ran Yacht Wins Cowes

    Niklas Zennstrom's Ran Wins CowesWhat do you do if you’ve sold your business for X billion dollars?

    Well if you’re Niklas Zennstrom of Skype and Kazza fame, you share a passion with other Tech billionaires, like Oracle’s Larry Ellison – Sailing.

    If you’ve got large bundles of cash in your pockets, you don’t just get any old boat and hope that you might do quite well, you invest a ton of wonger and gather yourself a world-class crew.

    The boat, a Transpac 52, was commissioned in 2006, designed by Reichel/Pugh, famed Yacht designers and runs under GBR 528R.


  • iPhone Apps: 60m In First Month

    iPhone Apps: 60m In First Month, $30mSteve Jobs has been chatting to the Wall Street Journal about the iPhone, its App Store and the ‘Kill Switch.’

    Jobs confirmed that an impressive 60 million iPhone applications have been downloaded in the first month of the iPhone App Store.


  • iPhone “Kill Switch” Storm

    iPhone Given the media’s initial blind obsession with the iPhone, writing about it as if it were the third-coming, it’s not surprising that, true to form, they’re now getting overheated with a possible bad news story.

    It centers on an apparent “Kill Switch,” that _might_ be used to kill applications on the iPhone.


  • Google Bags Three Quarters Of All UK Web Searches

    Google Bags Three Quarters Of All UK Web SearchesFurther proof of Google’s towering dominance of the search market has been revealed in the latest figures released by stats analysts comScore.

    Their latest Internet usage figures from June 2008 show that Google has become the total don of UK search engines, notching up more than three in every four of all web searches conducted in the UK.


  • A Tough Week For YouTube

    A Tough Week For YouTubeYouTube will be hiring more lawyers and policy wonks, we suspect, following a week of complaints and legal challenges to the content that is stored on their servers and show to people around the world.

    Yesterday the House of Commons’ Culture, Media and Sport Committee published a report (PDF) with included “Risks from the Internet, particularly social networking sites and sites hosting user-generated content.” Most of the media used this to focus on YouTube and how evil it is.


  • Ofcom Gives BT OK For Ebbsfleet Fibre Trial Line Rental Discounts

    Ofcom Gives BT OK For Ebbsfleet Fibre Trial Line Rental DiscountsOfcom are altering the very grandly named, “Universal Service Condition 1,” to let BT provide discounted connections to people on their Ebbsfleet Fibre optic trial, which plans to provide network connections of up to 100Mbps.


  • Facebook & Intel Say I Love You

    Facebook & Intel Say I Love You
    Looks like Facebook and Intel are happy to tell everyone that they’re going out together – and Intel will be providing their server processors.

    Facebook users the world over will be breathing a sign of relief, as frankly it can be a real drag to use it, as it often runs like treacle.


  • Lisa Nova Plays A Twitter Whore

    Lisa Nova Plays A Twitter WhoreLisa Nova is well known on YouTube as making amusing videos where she either plays a character or makes a joke of other people, at their expense.

    Her latest target Twitter, or rather Twitter users.


  • Google Add Maps to Adverts

    Google Add Maps to AdvertsGoogle are ever-keen to merge their services — but in a subtle way — so you don’t realise that they are taking over the world.

    The latest trick along this path that we’ve noticed is them putting Google Maps into Google Text Ads.


  • Google News Generated $100m Year

    Google News Generated $100m YearMarissa Mayer, the acceptable face to Google’s tech dork-ery, appears to have slipped up somewhat.

    She let it out that Google News — one of the only areas of Google that doesn’t have advertising on — generates them around $100 million a year in referrals to main Google, from the 47 million people a month looking at it.
