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  • Google Fanboys At G1 Launch

    Google Fanboys At G1 LaunchDid you see the Google fanboys at the G1 mobile launch yesterday?

    When ‘surprise guests,’ Google head honchoes Larry Page and Sergey Brin came on stage there’s was mass rush for anything that can take a photo, to snap pictures of these strange stars.

    Video camera, still camera and mobile phones were grabbed and raised aloft in an effort to capture the moment when the assembled were breathing the same air as these hallowed beings.

    As a remote observer, it felt like this was a story that those there would be dinnig out on the story and eventually be telling their grand children about in the future.

    We found it pretty bizzare.

  • Android T-Mobile G1 Handset Launched

    Android T-Mobile G1 Handset LaunchedIn a hugely anticipated event, telecoms big boys T-Mobile, handset supremos HTC and search kings Google have announced the launch of the G1, the first handset to run the open source Android operating system.


  • T-Mobile G1 Android Handset Offers Access To 6 million DRM-free songs on Amazon Music

    T-Mobile G1 Android Handset Offers Access To 6 million DRM-free songs on Amazon MusicJust ahead of the eagerly anticipated launch of the T-Mobile G1, the first phone running Google’s Android mobile operating system, Amazon has just announced that its MP3 music store will be pre-loaded as an application on the handset.


  • Windows 7 Beta Operating System Screengrabs Leaked

    Windows 7 Beta Operating System Screengrabs LeakedA Windows beta tester has sneakily slipped out a load of screenshots of the latest beta build of the upcoming version of Microsoft Windows on to the Web.

    The screenshots reveal a series of grabs from the forthcoming Windows 7 operating system (version M3 Build 6780) and shows an interface that clearly reveals a Vista heritage with lots of shiny buttons and semi-transparent folders.


  • Google Maps For Mobile Gets Street View And Public Transit Features

    Google Maps For Mobile Gets Street View And Public Transit FeaturesWe’re been feeling big time love for Google’s freebie Mobile Maps application for some time, and the experience has just got a little bit better thanks to the efforts of their team of ever-industrious boffins.


  • Sky Max: Actually Going Unlimited

    Sky Max: Actually Going UnlimitedAs you’ll know, many broadband providers sell you unlimited boradband service that are actually … limited.

    Under the guise of a Fair Use Policy (FUP), you are slapped on the wrist if you download more than they’ve deemed as fair. After a few slaps, they’ll cut you off.


  • Sony Alpha 900 World’s First Full-frame 24.6 Megapixel DSLR

    Sony Alpha 900 World's First Full-frame 24.6 Megapixel DSLRVast reservoirs of drool have started to form around the desks of photographers in Chez Digi-Lifestyles after the full details of Sony’s flagship new Alpha 900 digital SLR were released.


  • Sony Ericsson G705 Smartphone Announced

    Sony Ericsson G705 Smartphone AnnouncedWe’re liking the look of Sony Ericsson’s new G705 high end smartphone.

    A sleek, slide out number, the G705 packs a 2.4-inch display with automatic screen rotation taken care of by an onboard accelerometer. There’s also WiFi, aGPS with Google Maps for Mobile, a built-in FM radio, an RSS reader for grabbing your news on the move, email client and a full HTML browser – all delivered at “turbo 3G speeds.”


  • Live Coverage: Apple “Let’s Rock” Event: (UPDATE 14)

    Mike is at the London end of the Apple announcement today, bashing away LIVE as things happen.

    Live Coverage: Apple Started early by the looks of it.

    [17:55:26] Bloke currently waffling on about their 500 resellers in EMEA
    [17:55:37] big crowd too
    [17:56:21] loads of “we’re great” blather going on
    [17:56:38] Right: it’s started
    [17:57:56] showing footage from Apple borg crowds around the world
    [17:58:12] actually it’s just SF
    [17:58:38] got to be around 700peeps here
    [18:00:44] whooping from SF
    [18:01:37] Jobs on screen – makes joke about rumours of his death being exagerated: cue more whooping
    [18:02:11] 8.5m songs now on iTunes, 2600 Hollywood movies
    [18:02:41] 65m user accounts shopping
    [18:03:03] now #1 music distributor in US

  • Apple London Event: Live Updates

    Apple London Event: Live UpdatesWith their usual high levels of secrecy – no doubt accompanied by the ridiculous ritualistic taking down of their Website for ‘updates’ – Apple are expected to announce refreshes to their iPod range in tonight’s “Let’s Rock” launch.
