
  • T-Mobile G2 Android Powered Handset Photos Break Free

    T-Mobile G2 Android Powered Handset Photos Break FreePhotos claiming to show the new T-Mobile G2 have appeared on the web, with a release date set for the first half of the year.

    Although the T-Mobile G1 impressed us immensely, there were a few issues with the phone, least of all its rather chunky appearance. Compared to the sleek likes of Apple’s ubiquitous iPhone, we have to say found the Android powered contender looked rather lardy.


  • US Online Video Viewing Soars By Over A Third

    Americans are starting to feel the love for watching videos online in a big way, with YouTube proving by far and away the most popular video site.

    According to market researchers ComScore, American web surfers watched 12.7 billion online videos through November, a hefty leap of 34 percent against the viewing figures a year ago.


  • Google: Old School Error Page

    Google: Old School Error PageDon’t you just love Google’s old school Error Page?

    It reminds us of a time of innocence in the company. One that feels many light years ago.

    Ahhh… happy days.

  • Google Tasks: Gold Dust Info For Advertisers

    Google Tasks: Gold Dust For AdvertisersIn a further step to make Gmail as invaluable as possible to peoples lives, Google has released an add-on for gmail to help you handle your tasks.

    Released via Google Mail Labs, the app is fairly simple, letting you plug in the tasks you have to complete and when they have to be done by – but of course!

    As was pointed out on Twitter by Psychemedia, Google knowing what you need to get done is fantastic for their adsense advertising opportunities.

    It’s highly arguable that no piece of information could be more valuable to Google that what your plans / tasks / desire are.


  • Android: Round Up Of The Best Apps For The T-Mobile G1

    Android: Round Up Of The Best Apps For The T-Mobile G1With Taiwan’s High Tech Computer (HTC) company – makers of T-Mobile’s G1 Google Phone – upgrading sales forecasts to hit one million units by the end of 2008 (and account for 4 percent of all smartphones sold in the US during the fourth quarter of 2008), we thought it might be an idea to post some links to new and available software.


  • T-Mobile G1 Handset Sales Fails To Match Hype

     T-Mobile G1 Handset Sales Fails To Match HypeT-Mobile may be busy bigging up a rosy picture of the soaraway success of their Android-powered G1 phone and gushing that sales are “exceeding expectations”, but UK trade newspaper Mobile News is telling a different story.

    According to the paper, the G1 (‘Google phone’) hasn’t exactly been hurtling out of British shops, with sales failing to reflect the 30,000 pre-order sales T-Mobile claimed before the launch.


  • Gmail Introduces GMail Voice And Video Chat

    Gmail Introduces GMail Voice And Video Chat The all-encompassing entity known as Google continues its onslaught into our lives with the launch of voice and video chat inside their popular Gmail email service.

    To get your browser buzzing with all that juicy chat/video action, it’s simply a case of pointing your browser here and downloading the free (Windows XP or later only – Mac coming later) plug.


  • Google Chrome: Plug In Support Updated; Watchdog Slams ‘Privacy Threat’

    Google Chrome Update Offers Improved Plug In SupportWe’ve been loving the speedy operation of Google’s Chrome browser, but a few glitches – mainly to do with plug in support – have been holding us back from making it our number one browser.

    The lack of an adblock plugin has been annoying us, and as power users we’re still preferring the power and flexibility offered by Firefox’s arsenal of plug ins and add ons.


  • Wikitude: Android App With Augmented Reality: Mind Blowing

    Wikitude: Android App With Augmented Reality: Mind BlowingSometimes you see an application and you know that you’re seeing the future.

    * Also see the interview with Philipp Breuss, the man behind Wikitude.

    Wikitude is such a product. It runs on a Google Android, is location-aware and shows you information about the buildings that you point the camera at.


  • Android MySpace App Launched, Motorola To Release Handset

    Android MySpace App Launched, Motorola To Release Handset With the T-Mobile G1 beginning to drop into clammy hands of eager pre-order customers in America, MySpace has grabbed a piece of Android action by slipping their brand new MySpace mobile app on to the phone.

    The MySpace app will get a full trumpets’n’velvet curtain unveiling tomorrow when the G1 formally goes on sale letting mobile MySpace aficionados check out users’ online profiles, check out bands’ music and tour dates and share photos instantly from the handset.
