Simon Perry

  • Big Brother Heading to Second Life

    Big Brother Heading to Second LifeReality TV programme, Big Brother, is moving to Second Life on 1 December, or “First virtual piglet Brother” as the BabelFish translator put it.

    Starting today, Second Life players can apply to take part in it with fifteen participants being selected from three time zones.

    The players will live in a glass-walled building, so other Second Life players will be able watch what goes on. The demands on the players is pretty heavy, given they have to spend at least eight hours a day playing the game.

    The format of the Virtual BB will be the same as the TV show, with contestants being voted out until there’s only one left. The final will be on 31 December

    Big Brother Heading to Second LifeHow do you temp a Second Life player to take part when they’re likely to not like, or possibly hate TV? Give them something they’d love … a tropical island in Second Life. Reuters report the value of it being worth about US$1,675 (£883).

    Endemol Netherlands Managing Director Paul Romer told Reuters, “Big Brother Second Life represents a fantastic opportunity to amass knowledge of the virtual world. In the future, we will use this experience to develop specific content for online communities.”

    Given Endemol will have to take a certain degree of trust, as they won’t actually be able to meet the contestants, we’re hoping that some Second Lifers will get together and make some mischief by applying to get in.

    As much as we’ve been tempted, we at Digital-Lifestyles have stayed away from Second Life – frankly we’re a little afraid of it. It’s the kind of thing we could see getting completely absorbed in – if not utterly obsessed.

    The TV version of Big Brother has been dragging on for years now, so all we can assume is that they’re desperate to try to get people involved who have faded away from the TV show. One thing for sure is that the production costs of the Second Life version will be considerably cheaper that the over-blown TV show.

    Endemol Holland (In Dutch obv)
    Second Life

  • VON Autumn Europe

    6-8 Nov 2006 As VoIP moves into mainstream, IP communication technology is evolving at a rapid pace. The VON Europe Expo™ – Europe’s VoIP industry trade show since 1998 – is your best opportunity to see, touch and challenge the latest products and services in IP communications. Berlin, Germany

  • Gmail Java Mobile IS Available Outside US

    Gmail Java Mobile IS Available Outside USYou’ve probably seen the news yesterday that Google released a new Java client for accessing Gmail from your mobile phone.

    The majority of Digital-Lifestyles writers are UK-based, so we were feeling a little left out by being lead to believe by Google that the application was only available to those who live in the US. Google official press release contained,

    It is currently compatible with all J2ME-enabled phones in the U.S. and works with a variety of carrier service plans.

    When you pointed your computer Browser at the Web address given by Google to download it, you are indeed met forwarded to Google Mobile with no option to download Gmail Java Mobile.

    Gmail Java Mobile IS Available Outside USBeing the inquisitive little ferrets that we are, we jumped on to our ever-at-hand mobiles to try the same thing. Not expecting much, as we’re outside the US, you can imagine our surprise when we were given the option of downloading the app – but persisted with the US/Canada only malarky. We were warned that the app might not work correctly.

    A little frisson of excitement hit the room (yes, it’s true) as the app flitted over the air, all 112k of it. We were met with the gmail login screen, which after entering the relevant, we crossed our finger (nto before hand, have you tried typing with crossed fingers?).

    Gmail Java Mobile IS Available Outside USArgh .. the handset we used fell at the final hurdle, but we pressed on with some others until success! We checked in with Cristian Streng to find out he’d had success too using his Nokia E50 in Romania.

    We can confirm that the app is a big improvement on the previous browser-based version with the number keys being used to carry out commonly-used functions.

    So non-US, Java-mobile phone carrying, gmail users – with a desire to get your mail on the go (phew), you can rest assured that you can get access to it.

    Gmail Java Mobile From your mobile phone browser of course.

  • Britain: Third Worst Country For Privacy

    Britain: Third Worst Country For PrivacyBritain’s Information Commissioner has published a study concluding that, within 10 years, surveillance of people living in the UK will be all-pervasive.

    Alongside the report is a league-table of privacy around the world. Shockingly, Britain currently is the third most surveilled country in the world, behind Russia and China.

    CCTV coverage alone is at an all-time high, with an estimated 4.2m CCTV cameras, one for every 14 members of public in the UK.

    It’s important to note that this study isn’t published by what some would view as a “pressure group” like Privacy International, but by a civil servant – The Information Commissioner.

    This isn’t the first time that The Information Commissioner has raised concern over the way privacy is going in the UK. Two years ago he was on record as saying “we are sleepwalking into a surveillance society.”

    His view now? “They (surveillance activities) may be necessary or desirable — for example to fight terrorism and serious crime, to improve entitlement and access to public and private services, and to improve health care. But unseen, uncontrolled or excessive surveillance can foster a climate of suspicion and undermine trust.”

    Britain: Third Worst Country For PrivacyHe added: “As ever-more information is collected, shared and used, it intrudes into our private space and leads to decisions which directly influence people’s lives.

    “Mistakes can also easily be made with serious consequences — false matches and other cases of mistaken identity, inaccurate facts or inferences, suspicions taken as reality, and breaches of security. I am keen to start a debate about where the lines should be drawn. What is acceptable and what is not?”

    For a long time we at Digital-Lifestyles have been aware of the creeping nature of the loss of privacy in the UK, with our concern extending well before the so called “war on terror.” Since this “war,” the erosion increased exponentially in the name of “protecting” us.

    It’s hugely refreshing that someone employed by the government – The information commissioner – has released this information. It must be a pretty serious state of affairs. What’s needed now is some real debate to take place (something increasingly rare in the UK in our view), with all points of view given equal prominence. Let’s get away from this ridiculous view that if you’ve got nothing to hide, you’ve got nothing to worry about.

    Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO)
    Privacy International

  • Gmail Mobile Improved By Google

    Browsing Gmail, Google’s email service, wasn’t particularly great when you did it from a mobile … until now. With the new release of gmail mobile that was launched today.

    Gmail for Mobile Devices (GMD?), to give it its full official name, is a Java app that can be downloaded and run on any Java-enabled handset. The previous version was browser-based and pretty basic.

    It’s an interesting change of approach for Google, who has near-exclusively focused on browser-based applications to access their services (except for Google Local).

    GMD isn’t the only Java-driven email client. Flurry was pointed out to us by Cristian Streng. It’s had close to 1 million downloads from alone and is used in over 200 countries.

    Clearly not wanting it to get used too heavily, Google has officially only made the application downloadable in the US, where until recently people didn’t really use their phones for anything except making calls. While they’ve been doing that, the rest of the world have used their mobiles for everything from gaming to text messages.

    Gmail Mobile app Mobile access Only

  • Pure EVOKE-1XT Marshall Edition Released. Let’s Rock!

    Pure EVOKE-1XT Marshall Edition Released. Let's Rock!DAB radio pioneers, Pure Technologies, have released information about a forthcoming DAB radio, styled as a Marshall Amp.

    To rockers and heavy metal fans alike Marshall Amps rule, so this is likely to appeal to head banger who remember the days of AC/DC when an adult dressing up as a school boy was actively encouraged.

    EVOKE-1XT Marshall Edition is wrapped in black vinyl, just like a Marshall amp, with solid wood construction, brass-effect control panel and a black metallic speaker grille.

    Pure tell us that it has a bass reflex port for enhanced bass performance alongside a custom designed 3″ drive unit and active-filters to provide a natural ‘direct-from-the-studio’ sound. Let’s Rock!

    You to can fool yourself that you’ve turned your bathroom into the Monster of Rock playing Donnington by buying this beauty.

    Pure clearly have a sense of humour as the volume goes up to 11 (tm Spinal Tap).

    It’s going to sell for 1p under £100.


  • No Protection For Online Gambling Bosses: Caborn

    No Protection For Online Gambling Bosses: CabornUK sports minister, Richard Caborn, has said that Britain would not protect online gaming executives from extradition requests if they took Internet bets from countries in which they were illegal. These won’t be welcome words to the people running the gambling companies, who have already taken a hit with the arrest of two execs in the US earlier this year.

    Caborn was speaking at a summit, ironically held at the Ascot horse racing course in Berkshire, discussing and agreeing a draft framework of regulation to protect consumers and prevent underage gambling and gambling addiction.

    “We now have in place a road map that will lead to better regulated remote gambling across the world,” he said.

    It’s been reported that Caborn has plans to make Britain a “world leader” in Internet gambling, when internal Whitehall documents were leaked around the start of October.

    (via Reuters)

  • Google Buys JotSpot Wiki Company: The Why

    Google Buys JotSpot Wiki Company: The WhyGoogle has bought Palo Alto, CA-based Wiki/collaborative working company, JotSpot for an undisclosed amount.

    With this move Google continues its habit of buying companies that produce high-quality, hosted Web-based application, before the rest of the market realises that they should be getting involved with it. JotSpot was founded in 2004 by co-founders Joe Kraus and Graham Spencer.

    JotSpot is a king amoung Wikis with a very easy to use AJAX-driven interface, providing incredibly smooth editing. A large leap from where most Wikis are, which are clumsy text command driven beasts that require the mastering of strange syntax’s to get working.

    JotSpot was built by some of the best known names in the AJAX business, including Digital-Lifestyles chum Alex Russell, one of the people behind the increasingly popular Dojo toolkit.

    Google Buys JotSpot Wiki Company: The WhyWith the release of JotSpot 2.6 back in May this year, making “editing is as fluid and natural as reading,” by using AJAX components wrapped into a Dojo widget.

    Wikis provide the ability for many people to edit information on Web pages, and generally for the editing to be carried out by anyone. The philosophy behind the Wiki is the sharing of a collective knowledge. The best known example is Wikipedia, where anyone can start a page on Wikipedia about any subject with the knowledge that they have on that subject, this can then later be added to and amended by those who also have supplementary information on it.

    Google Buys JotSpot Wiki Company: The Why

    Not Just Wikis – JotSpot Tracker
    JotSpot isn’t just about Wikis, it’s about sharing information live on the Internet. Released at the end of last year (Dec 2005), JotSpot Tracker give users real-time editing of spreadsheets on the Internet, without the need for Excel.

    Watching the video they made available when they integrated it into Salesforce, will give you some idea of the power the idea, and how components like this will make Google the online working company that Microsoft is trying to be with its Windows Live product.


  • Zend To Help PHP Run Faster On Windows

    Zend To Help PHP Run Faster On WindowsMicrosoft have finally woken up to the fact that people aren’t using their Web server product, Internet Information Server.

    Un*x-based Web servers rule the roost with the majority of commercial hosting companies, for a couple of reasons.

    First is cost – Apache is free, as is Linux that it runs on, where as the Microsoft option requires a copy of Windows Server which retails for around $1,000.

    Another is that many of the applications that are run on the Internet, and are freely available, use the programming language, PHP – twenty-two million Web sites currently. PHP is widely know as running slowly on IIS.

    Microsoft have now signed a deal with Zend Technology to get PHP running faster, more reliably and increasing its stability. The deal covers Windows Server 2003 and the upcoming version Windows ‘Longhorn.’

    To get the PHP working efficiently on their Server products, Microsoft will develop a version of FastCGI them. They will give away.

    Zend To Help PHP Run Faster On WindowsMicrosoft will be excited with the comments of Andi Gutmans, co-founder and chief technology officer at Zend, “Since our preliminary work with Microsoft, we have already seen a better than 100 percent performance gain with some PHP applications on Windows Server 2003.” Good start.

    Clearly this is great for Zend, a major mover in the PHP-world, as we suspect that they’ll be getting bundles of money for their troubles. Actual details of the financial arrangements were not disclosed.

    As to whether anyone will actually choose to run PHP on Windows Server, when they can get it running for free on Linux – What do you think?


  • Nintendo Wii: Video Clip Shows Controller In Use

    Nintendo Wii: Video Clip Shows ControllerNintendo’s Wii is holding a controllers for video games and the controller is central to the Wii. While the xbox 360 and playstation 3 have gone for sheer processing power, the Wii is definitely going for the fun, sociable gaming side. Differentiating like this could make it a winner.

    In the run up to the pre-xmas release of the Wii, there’s a number of promotional video popping up. We saw this one today and it’s a good indication to the type of applications of the controllers and games that will be possible.