Simon Perry

  • BlackBerry Curve 8900 Hits Vodafone UK, T-Mobile US

    BlackBerry Curve 8900 Hits Vodafone UK, T-Mobile USThe latest from the Blackberry stable, the Curve 8900, is now available on UK Vodafone and T-Mobile will have it in the US.

    The Curve builds on the success of previous models – some people are even declaring it a combination of Curve, Bold and Storm.

    With the screen from the Bold (high-res 2.4-inch 360×480), the 3.2Mpx camera from the Curve, WiFi, GPS and a very strong audio and video player, including divx playback, it’s going to be one to watch.

    Big excitement
    We’re hugely excited about getting our hands on the Blackberry Curve 8900.


  • UK Video Game Sales Soar 23%: Wii Sales More Than 360 + PS3

    Wii On Course To Overtake XBox 360 This YearUK sales of video game hardware and software in 2008 have lept to £4.034 billion, so say industry body ELSPA.

    Looks like fans of video games are refusing to listen to the doom-sayers and have been buying video games in ever larger numbers taking software sales to £1.905 billion.

    Now the detail …


  • Tame Your Inbox: New Year Resolution Idea

    Tame Your Inbox: New Year Resolution IdeaHave you got a list of New Year resolutions as long as your arm, or are still deciding whether to add ‘stop procrastinating’ to your currently blank sheet of paper?

    Either way, here’s an idea for you.


  • Twittering ‘celebs’ Hit Daily Mail Where It Hurts – Sales

    Twittering 'celebs' hit Daily Mail Where It Hurts - SalesFunny to see The Daily Mail run a piece on how ‘celebrities’ are signing up on Twitter entitled, “How boring: Celebrities sign up to Twitter to reveal the most mundane aspect of their lives.”

    They deride the Tweets of the ‘stars’ as casting “a fascinating light on just how mundane, not to say downright dull, the day-to-day existence of many stars really is.”


  • Happy Holidays

    We wanted to send a quick hello and happy holidays to all of our readers. See you on the other side of new year.

  • Paul Ross Canvas: Hilarious Amazon ‘Reviews’

    Paul Ross Canvas: Hilarious Amazon 'Reviews'One of the fears/ dangers of opening up to public comments on a Web site is that someone will get involved who has the ability to produce words at a remarkable pace and those words will be destructive. Another outcome is that they’re hilarious.


  • Google: Old School Error Page

    Google: Old School Error PageDon’t you just love Google’s old school Error Page?

    It reminds us of a time of innocence in the company. One that feels many light years ago.

    Ahhh… happy days.

  • OpenTape To Benefit From MixWit Closure?

    OpenTape To Benefit From MixWit Closure?If you haven’t heard, mxiwit, the great Web service that lets people create their own online mixtape, complete with a player that looks like a real old compact cassette tape with rotating reels, is closing, describing their situation as being “between a rock and a hard place.”

    There’s two pieces of good news to add to this sad news.


  • Mobile Via Vodafone Deal (video) Mobile Via Vodafone is expanding their service away from just computers on to mobile phones, with Vodafone.

    It looks like the relatively recent corporate owners of, CBS, are flexing their biz dev muscles, aiming to gain back some of the considerable investment they made in the music service.


  • iPlayer 3: New Social Functions Outlined For Q1-Q2 2009

    iPlayer 3: Q1-Q2 2009: New Social Functions OutlinedIf you hadn’t noticed(!), today is iPlayer day.

    The BBC Internet blog is covered in posting from various of the BBC bloggers, so many, that they run way over the front page.

    Anthony Rose, Controller, Online Media Group and Vision, Future Media & Technology (blimey he must have a wide business card!), who oversees iPlayer, has recorded a video (not surprisingly playing in an iPlayer viewer).

    He goes over his history with iPlayer and then projects forward into features and functions that he’d like to see incorporated into iPlayer in the future.

    iPlayer 3, as it’s being labelled, will be available Q1 or Q2 in 2009 and will incoporate social features.
