Simon Perry

  • Virgin Media lose 40k Subs But Changes Ahoy

    Virgin Media lose 40k Subs: Changes AhoyThe latest results results from Virgin Media, Q2 2007, show that they’ve lost 40,000 cable TV subscribers. The most likely reasons – the loss of Sky TV programming, following their spat with Sky. To rub salt into the wounds, Sky gain 90,000 TV customer over the same period.

  • Vodafone Keeps Verizon Wireless Options

    Vodafone Keeps Verizon Wireless
    Early this morning, Vodafone released news that it had decided not to exercise it’s Put option to sell its $10Bn interest in Verizon Wireless to Verizon Communications.

    This is the fifth and last year that they had to exercise this option after Verizon Wireless was formed in 2002 when Verizon Communications and Vodafone decided to pool their US operations.

    Vodafone Chief Executive, Arun Sarin, recently said that he thought the currently value of the shared they hold to be $15 billion.

    It’s understood that Verizon won’t be particularly happy about this, as they’re keen to get their hand on the whole venture.

  • New Apple Keyboards: Stunning

    New Apple Keyboards: StunningThere’s been rumours buzzing around about a new keyboard from Apple for the last 2-3 weeks and today, we got to see it.

    It does looks insanely good. It’s ultrathin anodized aluminium enclosure has low-profile keys that pop out of the shiny metal.

  • New iMac launched

    It looks like Apple has done it again, this time with their latest incarnation of the iMac.

    Apple has stuck with the same format for the last few generations of iMac – everything in the screen, sitting on a stand – clearly reducing the bulk of the case with each iteration.

    As components become more integrated, so the depth of the screen becomes slimmer. This time they’ve use the old trick of keeping the side of it thin, had have the back on it expanding deeper.

    It looks very good on it.

  • PC Skype (3.5) Released: New features

    New PC Skype (3.5) Released: New featuresSkype, clearly never ones to stay still, have released a new version of the PC Skype client – version 3.5.

    It comes with four new features

  • Pace Win Extra Sky Business

    Pace Win Extra Sky BusinessGood to hear that Pace Micro, veteran UK supplies of technology, have signed another deal to supply Sky with Set Top Boxes.

    Pace tell us that in their latest round of contract awards from Sky, Pace has won additional Digibox business for the 2007 financial year.

  • Just heard from Exonetric: ser…

    Just heard from Exonetric: servers have arrived, so i’m doing the racking and installation now. Hu-jolly-rah!

  • Test move to Virtual Server wo…

    Test move to Virtual Server worked well last week, but showed up that current template in WP canes the server. Tuning ahoy following move.

  • Server move has been a long ti…

    Server move has been a long time in the planning. Decided to plum for Exonetric after careful consideration.

  • Today is the birth of the next…

    Today is the birth of the next phase of Digital-Lifestyles. Crappy 1&1 servers being swapped for speedy quality. About time. Thank Goodness.