Media-focused social network, imeem, has just signed a deal with Universal Music Group, enabling their 19 million users to attach music and videos to their profiles, helping them “express themselves.”
Simon Perry
Toshiba 128GB Solid State Drives On The Way
There’s been some discussion over the last year or so about Solid State Drives (SSD) becoming a serious competitor to ‘normal’, moving hard drives.
One of the barriers to serious and wide uptake has been the relatively limited capacity of the SSDs.
(more…)Macrovision Buying Gemstar-TV Guide
Macrovision, content protection company, has agreed to purchase TV listing company, Gemstar-TV Guide International in a cash and stock transaction with a value of approximately $2.8 billion.
(more…)DVLA Reveal Confidential Driver Info
Those in the UK will be all too aware of how government departments have been leaking UK residents data more furiously than a fire-hose blasting through a colander.
Following the loss of the bank details of 25 million UK families a few weeks ago, another loss has come to light.
(more…)Websense 2008 Security Threat Predictions
If you were thinking of settling down in the run up to xmas and getting a bit of relaxing in, Websense, a computer security company has got other ideas for you.
They’ve compiled a list of their predictions for the top ten security risks for the coming year.
Interesting they feel that hackers will start to create cross platform attacks. Until now the majority of attacks have been against the Windows platform, as that is easily the most widely available. Websense’s logic is that With the rise of Mac and the iPhone the code for attacks will sense which platform is being used, altering the attack to exploit the weakness of the specific platform.
(more…)HD VOD Launched By Verizon FiOS
Just over two years ago we covered the launch of FiOS TV, an IPTV service by US operator Verizon, that operates over fibre optic connections.
HD VOD – High Definition Video On Demand – has now being rolled out to a number of the regions covered by the FiOS TV service – Richmond and Virginia Beach, Va.; Tampa, Fla.; Fort Wayne, Ind.; and Pittsburgh.
(more…)Gibson Robot Guitar: Self-Tuning Guitar
Rockers who are in need of xmas present ideas are going to fall off their bar stools when they see this one which arrives in the shops tomorrow.
(more…)Michael Bay: Microsoft Wants HD-DVD and Blu-Ray To Fail
Microsoft wants both Next Gen HD DVD formats to fail, is the allegation that looks to be made by Michael Bay, the US film director & producer of many well known films such as Transformers; Armageddon; The Rock; Pearl Harbour and Bad Boys.
(more…)Le Moteur Search: FranceTelecom Takes On Google
Do you remember back in the early Web days when everyone wanted to start their own search engine? You couldn’t move for people starting search engines, then Google hit and everyone – bar Microsoft, their huge cash pile and their Live search – backed away.
FranceTelecom have now launched their search engine, Le Moteur – The Engine, to any non-linguists.